Reverse Dependencies of madmom
The following projects have a declared dependency on madmom:
- acoss — Audio Cover Song Suite (acoss): A benchmarking suite for cover song identification tasks
- as-seg — Package for the segmentation of autosimilarity matrices. This version is related to a stable vesion on PyPi, for installation in MSAF.
- barmuscomp — Package for barwise compression applied on musical segmentation.
- beatmachine — A library for procedurally remixing songs
- crepe-notes — Post-processing for CREPE to turn f0 pitch estimates into discrete notes e.g. MIDI
- djmix — no summary
- jump-reward-inference — A package for fast real-time music joint rhythmic parameters tracking including beats, downbeats, tempo and meter using the BeatNet AI, a super compact 1D state space and the jump back reward technique
- justkeydding — Key-finding algorithm for symbolic and audio sources.
- omnizart — Omniscient Mozart, being able to transcribe everything in the music.
- precountify — A tool for pre-countifying