Reverse Dependencies of lxml-stubs
The following projects have a declared dependency on lxml-stubs:
- admitted — Utility to make automating processes using Selenium and Chromedriver easier
- aiida-fleur — AiiDA Plugin for running the FLEUR code and its input generator. Also includes high-level workchains and utilities
- basyx-python-sdk — The Eclipse BaSyx Python SDK, an implementation of the Asset Administration Shell for Industry 4.0 systems
- cinemagoerng — Retrieve data from the IMDb.
- crunch-uml — Crunch_uml reads UML Class model from multiple formats (including XMI, Enterprise Architect XMI, Excel, Json, and others), can perform transformations and renders them to other formats (including Markdown, json, json schema and many others).
- customsignxml — Python XML Signature and XAdES library: Original work from Andrey Kislyuk, forked and targetted for pull request.
- deepdoctection — Repository for Document AI
- easyfatt-db-connector — no summary
- ebmeta — Ebook Metadata Munging CLI
- elementpath — XPath 1.0/2.0/3.0/3.1 parsers and selectors for ElementTree and lxml
- eznet — no summary
- feed-archiver — Archive the full contents of RSS/Atom syndication feeds including enclosures and assets.
- htmloverpdf — Render a HTML overlay over existing PDF files.
- ihk-ausbildungsnachweis-utilities — Utilities to generate IHK Ausbildungsnachweise PDFs from human readable input format and sign them.
- ixbrl-viewer — The Arelle iXBRL Viewer allows iXBRL reports to be viewed interactively in a web browser.
- karrio — Multi-carrier shipping API integration with python
- klon — Utilities for building and manipulating ElementTrees
- lektor-imgutils — Image handling utilities for Lektor.
- libgenapi — no summary
- manos — Generate man pages for C projects using Doxygen.
- masci_tools — masci-tools is a collection of tools for materials science.
- mscxyz — A command line tool to manipulate the XML based *.mscX and *.mscZ files of the notation software MuseScore.
- nomenklatura — Make record linkages in followthemoney data.
- nyaml — A tool to convert yaml NeXus application definitions (nyaml) to nexus definitions language (nxdl).
- ocpiupdate — An updater for OpenCPI Projects
- pds.deeparchive — PDS Deep Archive software for generating OAIS AIPs and SIPs for PDS4 Archives
- pds-doi-service — Digital Object Identifier service for the Planetary Data System
- pikepdf — Read and write PDFs with Python, powered by qpdf
- prosemirror — Python implementation of core ProseMirror modules for collaborative editing
- purplship — Multi-carrier shipping API integration with python
- pvi — EPICS PV Interface described in YAML
- pycasx — A Python implementation of ACAS XA and ACAS XU for Flightgear.
- pyhaloxml — Read and write the annotation files from Halo
- python-tmx — Python library for manipulating, creating and editing tmx files
- qcodes — Python-based data acquisition framework developed by the Copenhagen / Delft / Sydney / Microsoft quantum computing consortium
- rebdhuhn — Converts (already scraped) Entscheidungsbaumdiagramm tables to real graphs
- RegScale-CLI — Command Line Interface (CLI) for bulk processing/loading data into RegScale
- rimworld — no summary
- rssreruns — Rebroadcast old RSS/Atom feed items to a new feed, in shuffled or chronological order.
- sacrebleu — Hassle-free computation of shareable, comparable, and reproducible BLEU, chrF, and TER scores
- scikit-bot — Robotics in Python
- signxml — Python XML Signature and XAdES library
- signxml-references-modified — Python XML Signature and XAdES library
- sila2-interop-communication-tester — no summary
- sophios — DSL for inferring the edges of a CWL workflow DAG
- sphinx-argparse — A sphinx extension that automatically documents argparse commands and options
- stactools — Command line tool and Python library for working with STAC
- transferit — Train a model using transfer learning and serve it using TF Serving.
- tumblr-backup — An advanced tool for backing up Tumblr blogs.
- utl-inkext — Inkscape extension library
- verbecc — Verbs Completely Conjugated: machine learning conjugator for Catalan, French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish
- vlrscraper — vlrscraper - Scrape data from vlr seamlessly
- xmlable — A decorator for generating xsd, xml and parsers from dataclasses
- xmlschema — An XML Schema validator and decoder
- zavod — Data factory for followthemoney data.
- zulip-term — Zulip's official terminal client