Reverse Dependencies of lunr
The following projects have a declared dependency on lunr:
- archivy-static-site-gen — no summary
- django-daiquiri — Daiquiri is a framework for the publication of scientific databases.
- docubox — single busybox like binary for document solutions
- evennia — A full-featured toolkit and server for text-based multiplayer games (MUDs, MU*, etc).
- geotribu — Une ligne de commande pour Geotribu qui offre des outils pour rechercher et consulter les contenus et images, et faciliter les tâches récurrentes des contributeur/ices.
- infrahub-server — Infrahub is taking a new approach to Infrastructure Management by providing a new generation of datastore to organize and control all the data that defines how an infrastructure should run.
- intelmq — IntelMQ is a solution for IT security teams for collecting and processing security feeds using a message queuing protocol.
- lunr — A Python implementation of Lunr.js
- pelican-lunr — A plugin that provides pelican_lunr index creation for the Pelican static site generator.
- pydoctor — API doc generator.
- pysimconnect — Python wrapper for Microsoft FlightSimulator 2020 SimConnect SDK
- quartic-sdk — QuarticSDK is the SDK package which exposes the APIs to the user
- quartic-sdk-gsk — QuarticSDK is the SDK package which exposes the APIs to the user
- render-engine-lunr — Plugin and theme for Lunr.js
- robotframework-interpreter — Utility functions for building a Robot Framework interpreter.
- robotkernel — A Jupyter kernel for interactive acceptance-test-driven development with the Robot Framework
- sabledocs — Static documentation generator for Protobuf and gRPC
- ursus-ssg — Static site generator