Reverse Dependencies of luigi
The following projects have a declared dependency on luigi:
- aika-putki — Task framework designed for time series data
- amplfi — Accelerated Multi-messenger PE with Likelihood Free Inference
- aws-service-catalog-factory — Making it easier to build out ServiceCatalog products
- aws-service-catalog-puppet — Making it easier to deploy ServiceCatalog products
- b2luigi — Task scheduling and batch running for basf2 jobs made simple
- bioluigi — Reusable and maintained Luigi tasks to incorporate in bioinformatics pipelines
- bluepyemodel — Blue Brain Python E-Model Building Library
- cap2 — CAP2
- cls-luigi — CLS-Luigi is an innovative pipeline tool designed to streamline the creation and execution of algorithmic pipelines by harnessing the power of combinatory logic.
- convml-data — Dataset creation for neural network classification of clouds
- convml-tt — Neural Network based study of convective organisation
- d6tflow — For data scientists and data engineers, d6tflow is a python library which makes building complex data science workflows easy, fast and intuitive.
- d6tpipe — d6tpipe is a python library which makes it easier to exchange data
- data-validation-framework — Simple framework to create data validation workflows.
- dbnd-luigi — Machine Learning Orchestration
- donkeykong — A monkey-patching of Luigi.
- dscontrib — A Python library for Mozilla Data Science code snippets
- dycw-utilities — no summary
- ec-number-prediction — ec_number_prediction
- efishent — RNA FISH oligos/probes design tool.
- Eikthyr — An wrapper to provide more utilities and completion checks to the luigi workflow library.
- exasol-integration-test-docker-environment — Integration Test Docker Environment for Exasol
- fluigi-monitor — Send summary messages of your Luigi jobs to Slack.
- ftarc — FASTQ-to-analysis-ready-CRAM Workflow Executor for Human Genome Sequencing
- gokart — Gokart solves reproducibility, task dependencies, constraints of good code, and ease of use for Machine Learning Pipeline. [Documentation](
- hearpreprocess — Holistic Evaluation of Audio Representations (HEAR) 2021 -- Preprocessing Pipeline
- honeybee-radiance-recipe — Collection of recipes for running daylight studies using honeybee-radiance.
- ingaia-luigi-slack — Atualizado métodos api slack para notificação bot slack
- jetshift-core — JetShift is a powerful and lightweight ETL framework that simplifies the process of building data pipelines.
- kgw — Knowledge Graph Workflows
- lb-nightly-scheduler — Scheduler implementation for LHCb Nightly and Continuous Integration Build System
- lightning-fast — Fast Tools
- luigi-chromadb-target — A Luigi Target implementation using ChromaDB.
- luigi-gadd — Provides additional functionality to make Luigi more flexible
- luigi-monitor — Send summary messages of your Luigi jobs to Slack.
- luigi-monkey-patch — luigi monkey patch for large s3 file iteration
- luigi-neo4j-target — A Luigi Target implementation for Neo4j.
- luigi-soft-failures — Allow Luigi tasks to fail softly, without cancelling downstream tasks.
- luigi-tools — Tools to work with luigi.
- luigine — no summary
- luigino — Utilities package for Luigi tasks with Celery integration
- luisy — Framework to build data pipelines
- mariobros — Simple configuration for Spotify Luigi.
- mars-gym — Framework Code for the RecSys 2020 entitled 'MARS-Gym: A Gym framework to model, train, and evaluate recommendationsystems for marketplaces'.
- mldatafind — Luigi/Law Tasks for streamlining gravitational wave data discovery
- morphology-workflows — Workflows used for morphology processing.
- netsalt — no summary
- pandda-2 — A package for handling many crystalographic datasets simultainiously
- pipecutter — pipecutter provides a few tools for luigi such that it works better with data science libraries and environments such as pandas, scikit-learn, and Jupyter notebooks.
- plink-pipelines — no summary
- pwbmutils — Collection of cross-component utility functions
- pycarol — Carol Python API and Tools
- qlknn — Tools to create QuaLiKiz Quasi-linear gyrokinetic code Neural Networks
- queenbee-local — Queenbee local provides a helper module for running queenbee recipes on desktop
- rnasa — Gene Expression Level Calculator for RNA-seq
- ruigi — Manage your pipelines easily.
- sciluigi — Helper library for writing dynamic, flexible workflows in luigi
- seldon — Seldon Python Utilities
- sirena — no summary
- SMPrecursorPrediction — SMPrecursorPrediction
- soneti — Luigi Tasks for Soneti Orchestration
- soneti_tasks — Luigi Tasks for Soneti Orchestration
- swh.dataset — Software Heritage dataset tools
- swh.export — Software Heritage dataset tools
- swh.graph — Software Heritage graph service
- synthesis-workflow — Workflow used for synthesis and its validation.
- tedective-etl — The XML-to-OCDS parser for the TEDective project based on lxml
- uclales-utils — UCLALES utilities
- vanqc — Variant Annotator and QC Checker for Human Genome Sequencing
- voxceleb_luigi — Luigi pipeline to download VoxCeleb audio from YouTube and extract speaker segments
- waluigi-facade — The python part of the waluigi library
- wespipeline — An implementation of a whole exome analysis pipeline using the library Luigi for workflow management.