Reverse Dependencies of loguru
The following projects have a declared dependency on loguru:
- 1pass2pass — Utility for transfer items from the 1password (*.1pif files) to the pass
- 3m — 3m
- 58 — 抓58同城的电话号码
- a10sa-script — A10SA Script
- a2rl — Make recommendations for sequential decision problems using offline data
- a7a1234 — no summary
- a7n-global-cli — cli
- aac-init — no summary
- aalu — no summary
- aanft — Fetching WAX AtomicAssets made easier
- aba_cli_scrapper — Scrappe all products and theirs related suppliers existing on Alibaba based on keywords provided by user and save results into a database (Mysql/Sqlite).
- abc-storage — This service implements storage of abc project
- Abigale2 — This project is inherited from the original [Abigale](, with the folloing improvements/changes:.
- ablelabs — no summary
- abses — ABSESpy makes it easier to build artificial Social-ecological systems with real GeoSpatial datasets and fully incorporate human behaviour.
- abuse-whois — Find where to report a domain for abuse
- academic-chatgpt — chatgpt for academic
- acb — Default template for PDM package
- access-azure-keyvault — Simple tool to access secrets in Azure keyvaults
- acd-tools — Rockwell ACD File Tools
- acedatacloud-scaffold — A scaffold to help you build Ace Data Cloud api easily.
- acenus — no summary
- achatbot — An open source chat bot for voice (and multimodal) assistants
- acidcli — ACID Command Line Interface.
- acidcli-altran — ACID Command Line Interface.
- acidcli-zebra — Run Gitlab pipelines locally
- acmetric — acmetric package and sample project.
- acmhelper — The helper for Acmer
- acore-server-bootstrap — Package short description.
- actchain — Asynchronous Crypt Trading Chain: A toolkit for building cryptocurrency trading bots with asynchrnous loosely-couplled modules.
- active-vision — Active learning for computer vision.
- acutracer — A Acuvity tracer that instruments the http calls
- adalab-cli — The CLI app to interact with AdaLab.
- adaptio — Adaptio 是一个基于 Python asyncio 的智能并发控制工具。它借鉴了 TCP 拥塞控制算法的思想,可以根据系统负载动态调整并发任务的数量,从而优化任务吞吐量并防止过载。此外,还提供了一个装饰器,当任务因系统过载失败时自动重试。
- adpa — Advanced Data Processing and Analytics Framework
- adr — This Python script is designed to help software development teams document their architecture decisions using Architecture Decision Records (ADRs).
- adslproxy — ADSL Proxy Pool Tool
- adslproxy-enhance — ADSL Proxy Pool Tool
- advenced-logger — Advanced logging configuration with support for multi-threading and multi-processing.Provides structured logging, context management, and automatic rotation.
- afesta-tools — Afesta Tools
- aflowey — Async flow made easy and fun
- AFMReader — Read and retrieve data from various AFM file formats.
- afs-py — Quick define a function compatibility to OpenAI function tool.
- aftool — Asdil Fibrizo's tool
- afusion — AFusion: AlphaFold 3 GUI & Toolkit with Visualization
- ag-llama-api — ag_llama_api Test Package for Somthing
- ag-llama-api-s — ag_llama_api_s Test Package for Somthing
- ag-llama-hub — ag_llama_hub Test Package for Somthing
- ag-llama-hub-s — ag_llama_hub Test Package for Somthing
- ag-llama2-api-s — ag_llama2_api_s Test Package for Somthing
- ag-llama2-hub-s — ag_llama2_hub Test Package for Somthing
- ag2studio — AG2 Studio
- agentforce — no summary
- agentgym — Agent Gym - Pytorch
- agentifyme — Framework for building agentic workflows
- agentparse — Agent Parse - TGSC
- agentpod — A simple framework for agentic systems
- agentscan — Swarm Ops - Pytorch
- agentset-chunker — agentset chunker
- agentUniverse — agentUniverse is a framework for developing applications powered by multi-agent base on large language model.
- agi-med-common — Сommon for agi-med team
- agi-med-grpc-interceptors — Interceptors for grpc
- agit — tools for agi
- ai-assistant-manager — This repository provides tools and services to manage OpenAI Assistants, including creating, listing, and deleting assistants, as well as handling vector stores and retrieval files.
- ai-butler-sdk — AI模型生产管理平台sdk
- ai-code-summary — This project automates the process of aggregating code files from a directory into a single markdown file, ready for use in an OpenAI Assistant or any RAG model. It intelligently skips files specified in the .gitignore and leverages ChatGPT to generate concise summaries for each code file, ensuring that the final markdown file is both comprehensive and easy to understand.
- ai-code-tracker — Track and analyze the proportion of AI-assisted vs. human-written code in your Git repositories
- ai-commit-cli — Add your description here
- ai-course-generator — An AI-powered course generation tool that creates comprehensive educational content using advanced language models
- ai-forward — 🚀 OpenAI API Reverse Proxy · ChatGPT API Proxy
- ai-lang — DotAI - Natural Language Programming Language
- ai-locators — AI-powered locators for Playwright
- ai-palette — A lightweight and elegant unified AI interface
- ai-trello-extract — Trello Extract is a Python project that uses the py-trello library and python-dotenv to authenticate with the Trello API and fetch details from Trello boards, lists, and cards. This project demonstrates how to securely manage API credentials and interact with Trello's API to retrieve project data for further processing.
- aiaio — aiaio
- — ...
- aicapture — A Python module to capture knowledge from documents using Vision Language Models (VLMs)
- aicodebot — AI-powered tool for developers, simplifying coding tasks and improving workflow efficiency.
- aicommunicate — no summary
- aicrowd-gym — A gym wrapper for RL evaluations on AIcrowd
- aideml — Autonomous AI for Data Science and Machine Learning
- aidoot — no summary
- aidriver — AIDriver
- aifail — no summary
- aifori — aifori
- aigit — A CLI tool to automatically generate git commit messages using OpenAI GPT-4
- aigrok — A Python package for document processing and analysis with LLM integration and OCR capabilities
- ailingbot — An all-in-one solution to empower your IM bot with AI.
- aily-py — Aily CLI
- aily-sdk — no summary
- aily-server-sdk — Aily Server SDK
- aiml-py-common-utils — no summary
- aimmocore — The sdk for aimmocore curation service
- aimmocore-db — Database setup for Aimmocore
- aio-binance-library — This is a lightweight Async library that works as a connector to Binance public API and WebSocket.
- aio-microservice — A library to create microservices.
- aio-scrapy — A high-level Web Crawling and Web Scraping framework based on Asyncio
- aioarxiv — arxiv Parse library
- aiocarrot — Asynchronous framework for working with RabbitMQ
- aiodeluge — An asyncio client talk to deluged