Reverse Dependencies of logmuse
The following projects have a declared dependency on logmuse:
- bedboss — Pipelines for genomic region file to produce bed files, and it's statistics
- bedhost — A database server application that provides both a RESTful API and GUI for access to BED files and related basic statistics
- bedshift — BED file perturbations
- bulker — Manager of portable multi-container computing environments
- divvy — A python-based configuration manager for portable environment configurations
- eido — A project metadata validator
- geniml — Genomic interval toolkit
- geofetch — Downloads data and metadata from GEO and SRA and creates standard PEPs.
- geopephub — Pipeline for processing GEO data and uploading it to the PEPHub
- looper — A pipeline submission engine that parses sample inputs and submits pipelines for each sample.
- lucidoc — API documentation in Markdown
- markmeld — Markmeld is a markup melder that combines structured yaml or markdown data into templated markdown output using jinja2.
- pepdbagent — A python-based database manager for portable encapsulated projects
- piper — A lightweight python toolkit for gluing together restartable, robust command line pipelines
- pipestat — A pipeline results reporter
- refgenie — Refgenie creates a standardized folder structure for reference genome files and indexes. You can download pre-built genomes or build your own for any fasta file
- refgenieserver — This server provides both a web interface and a RESTful API. Users may explore and download archived indexes from the web interface or develop tools that programmatically query the API.