Reverse Dependencies of locust
The following projects have a declared dependency on locust:
- airhttprunner — One-stop solution for HTTP(S) testing.
- Altair-mcb-locust-plugins — A sample test package
- api-automation-kit — api-automation-kit-package (beta version)
- apirunner — One-stop solution for HTTP(S) testing.
- appian-locust — Tools and functions to make testing Appian with Locust easier
- chainbench — no summary
- chaostoolkit-reliably — Reliably CLI
- chowda — A CLAMS processing application
- contaxy — Python package template.
- cortisol — Accurately forecast log costs pre-production with Cortisol for Datadog, New Relic, and Grafana 💰📉
- docknet — Python package template.
- domore-api — Easily do more testing for API.
- dynamic-batcher — A daemon processor for gathering requests into a batch.
- echoswift — LLM Inference Benchmarking Tool
- EXCAT-Sync — A package to download images and annotations from the EXACT Server
- flask-scenario-testing — Automatically monitor the evolving performance of Flask/Python web services.
- flows-e2e-tests — no summary
- grizzly-loadtester — Traffic generator based on locust and behave
- har2locust — Developer friendly load testing framework
- HttpBoot — HttpBoot: make an easy way (yaml) to HTTP(S) API automation testing, also support using yaml to call locust performance test
- inex-library — A comprehensive Python library for AI integration, web development with FastAPI/Flask, advanced encryption, secure database management, file operations, library development, text styling, system management, translation services, video creation, web automation, and cryptocurrency token analysis. Features include JWT handling, password management, rate limiting, input sanitization, and more.
- je-load-density — Load & Stress Automation Freamework
- je-load-density-dev — Load & Stress Automation Freamework
- letta — Create LLM agents with long-term memory and custom tools
- letta-nightly — Create LLM agents with long-term memory and custom tools
- locust-ext — Custom Locust extensions
- locust-fixed-interval — Fixed interval taskset utility package for Locust
- locust-grasshopper — a load testing tool extended from locust
- locust-influxdb-integration — 1.X influxdb listener
- locust-influxdb-listener — 1.X influxdb listener
- locust-on-databricks — Run locust on single node or distributed on Databricks.
- locust-plugin-result — Locust plugin for providing FAIL/PASS result of test run.
- locust-plugins — Useful plugins/extensions for Locust
- locust-swarm — Load test + test data distribution & launching tool for Locust
- locust-telc — Add interface description information. If it causes infringement, please contact to delete it
- locustodoorpc — Locust custom client: odoorpc
- lyric-probe-performance — no summary
- OdooLocust — Easily load test Odoo using Locust and odoolib.
- oracle-of-ammon — CLI tool for creating Search APIs.
- py-model-versioning — no summary
- pymemgpt-nightly — Create LLM agents with long-term memory and custom tools
- pythoncharmers-meta — Meta package with dependencies for Python Charmers training courses
- qianfan — 文心千帆大模型平台 Python SDK
- recommenders — Recommenders - Python utilities for building recommendation systems
- rrtv-httprunner — One-stop solution for HTTP(S) testing.
- rrunner — One-stop solution for HTTP(S) testing.
- rtsf-locust — http(s) load testing, base on locust and rtsf-http
- sagemaker-huggingface-inference-toolkit — Open source library for running inference workload with Hugging Face Deep Learning Containers on Amazon SageMaker.
- sharelatex — no summary
- stac-api-load-testing — Load testing for stac compliant apis
- stsdk — this is for at trade strategy module
- sws — An API & command line interface, for common web tasks
- tansu — Tansu - Soroban Versioning
- testutilz — Utilities required for performance and functional tests
- thickly-plugins — Useful plugins/extensions for Locust
- unitest — Utilities required for performance and functional tests
- wtg-seal — A web traffic generator based on SURGE, Statistics and Locust