Reverse Dependencies of llvmlite
The following projects have a declared dependency on llvmlite:
- aclose — ACLOSE- Automatic Clustering and Labeling Of Semantic Embeddings
- aestetik — AESTETIK: AutoEncoder for Spatial Transcriptomics Expression with Topology and Image Knowledge
- aitutor-assessmentkit — AITutor-AssessmentKit is the first open-source toolkit designed to evaluate the pedagogical performance of AI tutors in student mistake remediation tasks. With the growing capabilities of large language models (LLMs), this library provides a systematic approach to assess their teaching potential across multiple dimensions in educational dialogues.
- algorin-cli — Acceso a GPT-3 y procesamiento de documentos desde la línea de comandos.
- amt-augpy1.0 — Python augmentation toolkit for Automatic Music Transcription datasets
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- annopro — A simple python package for annotating protein sequences
- annsel — A Narwhals powered DataFrame-style selection, filtering and indexing operations on AnnData Objects.
- arxlang — Arx is a compiler built with llvm
- asrecognition — ASRecognition: just an easy-to-use library for Automatic Speech Recognition.
- astroCAST — Package to analyze calcium fluorescence events in astrocytes
- audiossl — no summary
- augly — A data augmentations library for audio, image, text, & video.
- autobiasdetector — tools for detecting bias patterns of LLMs
- AutoBrewML — With AutoBrewML Framework the time it takes to get production-ready ML models with great ease and efficiency highly accelerates.
- backtest-reg — no summary
- BaldrApp — Simulating Baldr - the Zernike Wavefront Sensor for Asgard
- batchflow — ML pipelines, model configuration and batch management
- bblib — beambusters library to refine the detector center for crystallography data processing.
- beambusters — no summary
- becquerel — Tools for radiation spectral analysis.
- beluga — A general purpose indirect trajectory optimization framework.
- bermuda-ledger — A module for manipulating insurance loss triangles
- bias-lens — A library for bias detection and explainable AI methods in NLP models.
- big-graph-dataset — A collection of graph datasets in torch_geometric format.
- bioimage_embed — no summary
- boruta-shap-min — Minimal version of BorutaShap
- braque — BRAQUE is a pipeline for clustering high dimensional data, specifically it was built for and tested on proteomics data acquired through immunofluorescence technique.
- BubbleBox — A molecular dynamics educational tool for Jupyter Notebooks
- cavapy — CAVA Python package. Retrive and analyze climate data.
- ccd3dedd9f0835903 — You like pytorch? You like micrograd? You love tinygrad! heart
- celldisect — Cell DISentangled Experts for Covariate counTerfactuals (CellDISECT). Causal generative model designed to disentangle known covariate variations from unknown ones at test time while simultaneously learning to make counterfactual predictions.
- cellpose — anatomical segmentation algorithm
- cellpose-plus — cell segmenetation framework based on cellpose
- cellpose-vollseg — modification of cellpose algorithm
- CELLULAR-CL — A package for generating an embedding space from scRNA-Seq. This space can be used for cell type annotation, novel cell type detection, cell type representations, and visualization.
- cenfind — Score cells for centrioles in IF data
- cfm-id — A Python wrapper to use CFM-ID :
- checkatlas — One liner tool to check the quality of your single-cell atlases.
- chickenstats — A Python package for scraping & analyzing sports statistics
- Chronix2Grid — A python package to generate "en-masse" chronics for loads and productions (thermal, renewable)
- CIxTools — Cheminformatics Tools
- coipee — Demo of a Caipi-like system for explanatory interactive learning.
- coreax — Jax coreset algorithms.
- cpa-tools — Compositional Perturbation Autoencoder (CPA)
- crl-datacube — Utilities for scaling geospatial analyses
- CS-MINI-2024Z-AutoML — An AutoML project with various machine learning capabilities.
- cytocluster — A package for clustering high-dimensional cytometry data in Python.
- da4ml — Digital Arithmetic for Machine Learning
- das-ice — Python librairy to process DAS data
- demonstrable-whisperx-service — A standalone service for transcribing audio files using WhisperX
- dictionary-learning — Dictionary learning via sparse autoencoders on neural network activations
- dimensionality-reduction-package — no summary
- discern-reconstruction — Wasserstein Auto-Encoder for expression reconstruction
- discord-virtual-micro — Discord Virtual Microphone is a bot that leverages AI from Silero Models to read out loud any text you type in Discord. This bot can be particularly useful for individuals without access to a physical microphone.
- dkist-processing-cryonirsp — Science processing code for the Cryo-NIRSP instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-test — Example instrument code used by the DKIST science data processing pipelines to test processing infrastructure
- dklfm — no summary
- dls-rvc — no summary
- dnn-tts-torch — This is a library consisting of pre-trained models for the synthesis of Russian and English speech
- domaps — Python library for dynamic organellar maps
- dorothy-cci — A Creative Computing Python Library for Interactive Audio Generation and Audio Reactive Drawing
- drcell — GUI to generate, cluster and optimize dimensionality reduction output
- dreem — DREEM solves RNA structure ensembles using chemical probing data
- dsConteXAI — Contextualizing model's decisions with natural language explanations.
- ebay-pictures-tool — An efficient tool for processing ebay images.
- edgeseraser — A short description of the project
- edubotics-core — Core modules for edubotics-based LLM AI chatbots
- eeg-auto-tools — The set of tools for working with EEG data
- eeg-emotion-recognition — no summary
- egglog — e-graphs in Python built around the the egglog rust library
- emmaemb — A library for comparing embedding spaces
- encord-active — Enable users to improve machine learning models in an active learning fashion via data, label, and model quality.
- EPRsim — Simulation Package for cw-EPR spectra
- EPRsimGUI — GUI for simulating cw-EPR spectra
- etabackend — Extensible Timetag Analyzer
- EtaML — An automated machine learning platform with a focus on explainability
- EXGEP — A framework for predicting genotype-by-environment interactions using ensembles of explainable machine-learning models
- ezephys — Tools for working with electrophysiological data.
- fast-tts — no summary
- fast-wave — Package for the calculation of the time-independent wavefunction.
- feature-clock — Feature Clock, provides visualizations that eliminate the need for multiple plots to inspect the influence of original variables in the latent space. Feature Clock enhances the explainability and compactness of visualizations of embedded data.
- FeatureFlex — An AutoML project with various machine learning capabilities.
- fftrack — FFTrack is a Python-based music recognition tool that allows users to identify songs from audio input.
- fightchurn — Code from the book Fighting Churn With Data
- final-code-203 — no summary
- FinancePy — A Finance Securities Valuation Library
- firecode — Computational chemistry general purpose ensemble optimizer and transition state builder
- fishsound-finder — Python software to automatically detect fish sounds in passive acoustic recordings
- flexsolve — Flexible function solvers
- flowdapt — A generalized framework for robust modular deployments of large-scale, real-time adaptive modeling on chaotic data.
- FSM-Challenge — no summary
- funcnodes-hplc — no summary
- gdp-time-series — no summary
- GeoFuns — A package for geo tools used to map card score
- gg_daigua — 方便的工具
- gogadget — gogadget is a toolkit for producing immersion and priming materials for language learning. It is capable of downloading audio and video files, automatically transcribing subtitles from videos and podcasts, and automatically producing filtered Anki decks with sentence audio / translations / screenshots / definitions.
- gwlf-e — A Python port of Generalized Watersheds Loading Functions - Enhanced (MapShed)
- hades-nlp — Homologous Automated Document Exploration and Summarization - A powerful tool for comparing similarly structured documents
- hbac-bias-detection — no summary