Reverse Dependencies of ligo-segments
The following projects have a declared dependency on ligo-segments:
- dqsegdb — Client library for DQSegDB
- gwcelery — Low-latency pipeline for annotating IGWN events
- gwcosmo — A package to estimate cosmological parameters using gravitational-wave observations
- gwdatafind — The GWDataFind data discovery client
- gwdatafind-server — The server library for the GWDataFind service
- gwdetchar — A python package for gravitational-wave detector characterisation
- gwemopt — A python package for GW-EM Followup Optimization
- gwsumm — A python toolbox used by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration for detector characterisation
- gwtrigfind — Utility to find files archived by GW event trigger generators
- ligo-raven — Low-latency coincidence search between external triggers and GW candidates
- ligo.skymap — Tools for reading, writing, manipulating, and making LIGO and Virgo sky maps
- lscsoft-glue — no summary
- mixdiff — Mixture of Diffusers for scene composition and high resolution image generation .
- omicron-gap — Utilities to analyze and fill gaps in omicron triggers
- ppdiffusers — PPDiffusers: Diffusers toolbox implemented based on PaddlePaddle
- PyCBC — Core library to analyze gravitational-wave data, find signals, and study their parameters.
- pyDischarge — A python package for gravitational-wave astrophysics
- pyomicron — Python utilities and wrappers for GW Omicron
- vitamin-b — A user-friendly machine learning Bayesian inference library