Reverse Dependencies of Lightning
The following projects have a declared dependency on Lightning:
- molflux — A foundational package for molecular predictive modelling
- molpipeline — Integration of rdkit functionality into sklearn pipelines.
- molsetrep — A library for molecular representation learning.
- morpheus-spatial — no summary
- mqtts-lightning — Add a short description here
- multicom-ligand — Comprehensive ensembling of protein-ligand structure and affinity prediction methods
- multilearn — Multi-task learning with Pytorch.
- naifu — naifu is designed for training generative models with various configurations and features.
- namable-classify — no summary
- napari-brainways — Brainways
- napatrackmater — Import Trackmate XML files for Track Visualization and analysis in Napari.
- nemo-aligner — NeMo-Aligner - a toolkit for model alignment
- nemo-toolkit — NeMo - a toolkit for Conversational AI
- NeuralTSNE — Implementation of neural t-SNE in PyTorch with CUDA support
- neuromancer — Neural Modules with Adaptive Nonlinear Constraints and Efficient Regularization
- neurosis — A neural network trainer (for weebs)
- NeuroVisKit — NeuroVisKit
- nf2 — Neural Network Force Free magnetic field extrapolation
- nlhappy — 自然语言处理(NLP)
- nlu-trainer — 普强信息语言理解模型训练框架
- nn-template-core — Utility library for nn-template.
- nn-zoo — A collection of PyTorch utilities
- nougat-ocr — Nougat: Neural Optical Understanding for Academic Documents
- novae — Graph-based foundation model for spatial transcriptomics data
- nshtrainer — no summary
- oh-my-bloom — 中文BLOOM语言模型
- ohara — A collection of implementations of LLM, papers, and other models.
- ontime — Your library to work with time series
- open-magvit2 — Packaging of Open-source replication of Google's MAGVIT-v2 tokenizer
- openbb-chat — Deep learning package to add chat capabilities to OpenBB
- openelm-pytorch — openelm-pytorch
- opengeokube-mlkit — MLKit - A quick way to start with machine and deep learning
- openretina — Open source retina model architectures and training setups
- opensoundscape — Open source, scalable acoustic classification for ecology and conservation
- optima-ml — Distributed hyperparameter optimization and input variable selection for artificial neural networks.
- optuna-integration — Integration libraries of Optuna.
- osc-llm — 轻量级大模型推理工具,专注于模型推理延迟,注重框架易用性和可拓展性。
- otx — OpenVINO™ Training Extensions: Train, Evaluate, Optimize, Deploy Computer Vision Models via OpenVINO™
- p2pfl — A p2p federated learning framework
- PACBB — PAC Bayes Bound toolset
- packmetric — PackMetric
- pansharpening — Deep learning for pansharpening in remote sensing
- personalitylinmult — PersonalityLinMulT: Transformer-based Big Five Automatic Personality Perception.
- perturbers — Perturber models for neural data augmentation.
- physioex — A python package for explainable sleep staging via deep learning
- pina-mathlab — Physic Informed Neural networks for Advance modeling.
- pl-crossvalidate — Cross validation made easy in Lightning
- pl-extension — extension for pytorch-lightning
- plants-sm — PlantsSM
- posebench — Comprehensive benchmarking of protein-ligand structure prediction methods
- propulate — Massively parallel genetic optimization through asynchronous propagation of populations
- proteinworkshop — no summary
- prototorch-models — Pre-packaged prototype-based machine learning models using ProtoTorch and PyTorch-Lightning.
- provision-ai — AI experiment provisioner
- ptlflow — PyTorch Lightning Optical Flow
- ptn-set-transformer — Training and inference on protein sets (genomes)
- PVNet — PVNet
- PVNet-summation — PVNet_summation
- — Neural building blocks for speaker diarization
- pykoopman — Python package for data-driven approximations to the Koopman operator.
- pymetalearning — A python package for metalearning.
- pyniche — An AI Library for Niche Squad
- pyoneai — OneAIOps SDK
- pyoneai-ops — OneAIOps Services
- pyrelational — Python tool box for quickly implementing active learning strategies
- pyrfd — no summary
- pyro-ppl — A Python library for probabilistic modeling and inference
- pyrovelocity — A multivariate RNA Velocity model to estimate future cell states with uncertainty using probabilistic modeling with pyro.
- pytorch-bsf — PyTorch implementation of Bezier simplex fitting
- pytorch-cortex — A modular architecture for deep learning systems.
- pytorch-eo — Deep Learning for Earth Observation
- pytorch-forecasting — Forecasting timeseries with PyTorch - dataloaders, normalizers, metrics and models
- pytorchcocotools — Unofficial APIs for the MS-COCO dataset using PyTorch
- PyTorchLab — Realize code in AI field with PyTorch and Lightning.
- quanda — Toolkit for quantitative evaluation of data attribution methods in PyTorch.
- reax — REAX: A simple training framework for JAX-based projects
- relik — Fast and Accurate Entity Linking and Relation Extraction on an Academic Budget
- replay-rec — RecSys Library
- retrvtme — retrvTME: Bulk RNA-seq Deconvolution with Tumor MicroEnvironment Retrieval retrvTME is a deep learning-powered tool designed to decode bulk RNA-seq data using large-scale single-cell atlases. The tool precisely reconstructs cell-type proportions and cell-type-specific gene expression profiles, with specialized capabilities for resolving intricate tumor microenvironment (TME) biology from bulk transcriptomes.
- rewards — Start learning about RL and make model and envs in minutes in just few lines of code
- rhizonet — Segmentation pipeline for EcoFAB images
- rl4co — RL4CO: an Extensive Reinforcement Learning for Combinatorial Optimization Benchmark
- rldurham — Python package for the Reinforcement Learning course at Durham University
- rlsvision — no summary
- rslearn — A library for developing remote sensing datasets and models
- salt-ml — Multimodal and Multiclass Machine Learning for High Energy Physics
- scclip — no summary
- scdiffeq — scDiffEq: modeling single-cell dynamics using neural differential equations.
- scMIDAS — A torch-based integration method for single-cell multi-omic data.
- scprint — scPRINT is a Large Cell Model for Gene Network Inference, Denoising and more from scRNAseq data
- scsims — Scalable, Interpretable Deep Learning for Single-Cell RNA-seq Classification
- scUNAGI — A Python package for UNAGI
- scvi-tools — Deep probabilistic analysis of single-cell omics data.
- seq2squiggle — End-to-end simulation of nanopore sequencing signals with feed-forward transformers
- shapeaxi — Shape Analysis Exploration and Interpretability
- sheeprl — High-quality, single file and distributed implementation of Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms with production-friendly features
- sihl — Simple Image Heads and Layers
- sispca — Supervised independent subspace principal component analysis
- slg-nimrod — minimal deep learning framework
- snp-transformer — SNP Transformer