Reverse Dependencies of libvirt-python
The following projects have a declared dependency on libvirt-python:
- arbiterd — A collection of daemons to arbitrate power and performance
- archvyrt — libvirt provisioner for archlinux libvirt hosts
- avocado-framework-plugin-runner-vm — Avocado Runner for libvirt VM Execution
- backvm — This program performs the backup of one or several KVM domains
- cloudvirt — cloudvirt
- fabric-virt-tools — Fabric Virtual Machine Tools
- freezer-dr — OpenStack Disaster Recovery
- fvirt — A CLI frontend for libvirt.
- kcli — Provisioner/Manager for Libvirt/Vsphere/Aws/Gcp/Hcloud/Kubevirt/Ovirt/Openstack/IBM Cloud and containers
- libvirt-instance — VM provisioning and management tool
- libvirt-provider — A corc plugin for a libvirt orchestration provider
- linchpin — Ansible-based multi-cloud provisioner
- miqbox — Spin ManageIQ/CFME Appliance locally.
- monasca-agent — Monitoring agent for gathering metrics and sending them to the Monasca API.
- msbackup — Generic backup utility.
- os-tester — A Python pip package to automate testing of whole operating systems with an image recognition based approach and libvirt (qemu). Inspired by openQA.
- premiscale — A Kubernetes controller that automatically scales and administers private virtual and physical infrastructure
- pycloudstack — Python package to manage hypervisor/docker/kubernetes stacks
- pycloustack — Python package to manage hypervisor/docker/kubernetes stacks
- pyDynamicVirshService — A Python library to expose virtual machines to homeassistant over MQTT.
- pylibvirt — Python package to orchestrate libvirt API from yaml declaration file
- python-see — Sandboxed Execution Environment
- python-watcher_metering_drivers — Drivers for the Watcher Metering agent
- sema-toolchain — Python symbolic execution package
- SimEngine — Simulation platform for High-Availability systems
- spicerecord — Record SPICE session to MP4 video
- tectonic-cyberrange — A Python package for the Tectonic Cyber Range project.
- testcloud — A tool to download and boot cloud images locally, with an easy to use API.
- virsh-start-stop — Utilize the python libvirt API to start and stop qemu-kvm machines in a blocking fashion
- virt-lightning — Deploy your testing VM in a couple of seconds
- virt-linked-clone — Create a shallow clone of a qcow2-backed LibVirt virtual machine
- virt-manager-pure-cli-yen3 — virt-manager purl cli
- virt-stats — A simple and effective way to gather machine statistics (RAM, Storage, CPU, etc.) from virtual environment
- virt-up — Create virtual machines quickly with virt-builder.
- virt-wrapper — Wrapper that was developed in order to manage libvirt virtual machines
- virtbak — Backup virtual machines from LibVirt
- virtbulk — CLI to operate libvirt machines matched with globs
- virtomate — A scripting-friendly tool to manage virtual machines with libvirt.
- virttop — A top like utility for libvirt
- virtualbmc — Create virtual BMCs for controlling virtual instances via IPMI
- virtualpdu — VirtualPDU is a service for simulating virtual power distribution outlets (PDUs).
- vmbox — Manage Virtual Machines with Cloud Images
- vmman1 — Python3-based libvirt client
- vmtui — A text user interface (TUI) to control virtual machines on a per user basis