Reverse Dependencies of libsonata
The following projects have a declared dependency on libsonata:
- AstroVascPy — Simulating blood flow in vasculature
- blueetl — Multiple simulations analysis tool
- brain-indexer — A spatial index implementation for spheres, morphologies and synapses
- Connectome-Utilities — Complex network representation and analysis layer
- functionalizer — A PySpark implementation of the Blue Brain Project Functionalizer
- multiscale-run — MultiscaleRun is a Python package to run brain cells simulation at different scales. It orchestrates the coupling between several brain simulators like Neuron and STEPS but also solvers like AstroVascPy for the cerebral blood flow. The package also embeds a Julia solver to simulate the astrocytes activity.
- neurodamus — A BBP Simulation Control application for NEURON
- vascpy — Vasculature API