Reverse Dependencies of libroadrunner
The following projects have a declared dependency on libroadrunner:
- apricopt — A library for simulation-based parameter optimization
- biosimulators-masspy — BioSimulators-compliant command-line interface to the MassPY simulation program <>.
- biosimulators-tellurium — BioSimulators-compliant command-line interface to the Tellurium/roadrunner simulator <>.
- biosimulators-utils — description
- crnt4sbml — CRNT4SBML is an easily installable Python based package available on MacOS and Windows. CRNT4SBML is concentrated on providing a simple workflow for the testing of core CRNT methods directed at detecting bistability in cell signaling pathways endowed with mass action kinetics.
- libroadrunner-tr — SBML Test Suite Runner for libRoadRunner
- masspy — MASSpy is a package for dynamic modeling of biological processes.
- netplotlib — netplotlib: A simple package for visualizing reaction network models
- plotGeneratorPL — A package for processing and plotting images
- pybnf — An application for parallel fitting of BioNetGen and SBML models using metaheuristics
- pybnf1.2.1 — An application for parallel fitting of BioNetGen and SBML models using metaheuristics
- pybnfalabuda — An application for parallel fitting of BioNetGen and SBML models using metaheuristics
- pypesto — python-based Parameter EStimation TOolbox
- roadrunnerloopdetect — Find the loops presented in the Jacobin matrix of Roadrunner using LoopDetect
- rrplugins — Plugins for libroadrunner
- sbmlloopdetect — Find the loops presented in the Jacobin matrix of Roadrunner using LoopDetect
- sbmlsim — sbmlsim are utilities for simulation of SBML.
- sbmlutils — sbmlutils are utilities for working with SBML.
- sbvar — Varying parameter analysis for SBML models
- sterope — Sterope: Sensitivity analysis of kappa Rule-Based Models based on Dynamic Influence Networks
- tellurium — Tellurium: An biological modeling environment for Python
- yggdrasil-framework — A framework for combining interdependent models from multiple languages.