Reverse Dependencies of latex
The following projects have a declared dependency on latex:
- autrainer — A Modular and Extensible Deep Learning Toolkit for Computer Audition Tasks.
- CaTeX — Concatenates LateX documents.
- civilpy — Civil Engineering Tools in Python
- Dero — Nick DeRobertis Personal Library
- dsbundle — Streamline your data science setup with dsbundle in one effortless install.
- easycheml — A simple tool for using artificial intelligence in chemistry
- experimentkit — A toolkit for easily running research experiments
- GMXvg — A tool to plot GROMACS .xvg files.
- latex-somethingsomething — no summary
- latex-todo-gen — Generate TODO from LaTeX files
- nbcourse — Build a small website to host Jupyter notebooks as course chapters
- pistacker — Analyzes Pi-Stacking in Molecular Dynamics Trajectories
- pyexlatex — Python Extends LaTeX - A High-Level Python API for Creating Latex Documents
- python-latex — Convenience wrappers around latex compilation with python
- rsnl — Package for RSNL algorithm for simulation-based inference
- snowav — Snow and Water Model Analysis and Visualization
- wahlfang — Wahlfang - a simple, feature complete online voting platform.