Reverse Dependencies of lark-parser
The following projects have a declared dependency on lark-parser:
- acumos-model-runner — Acumos model runner for Python models
- aiochsa — Clickhouse Python/asyncio library for use with SQLAlchemy core
- alogos — Grammar-guided genetic programming (G3P): Search for optimal strings in any context-free language.
- amalgam-lisp — Lisp-like interpreted language implemented in Python
- AmenablePDDL — A high-level PDDL parsing and planning interface for implementing common classical planning algorithms.
- aminer-py-asciimath — A simple converter from ASCIIMath/MathML to LaTeX/MathML
- api-schemas — Create an intermediate representation of an api schema, that can be used to generate code.
- ARPOC — An Authentication Reverse Proxy using OpenID Connect
- atdate — Simple linux at command string parser
- autoauditor — Semi-automatic scanner and vulnerability exploiter
- autokernel — A tool to autodetect and manage kernel configuration options
- awkwardql — SQL-like language for awkward arrays
- azure-script — A script language to make deployment and management of Azure resources as simple and intelligent as possibile.
- babu — A static site generator for Python
- backward — A simple programming language and inference engine powered by backward chaining.
- bcforms — Toolkit for concretely describing macromolecular complexes
- bpforms — Unambiguous representation of modified DNA, RNA, and proteins
- brewtils — Beer-garden plugin and utility library
- buildgrid — A remote execution service
- burnlight — GPIO scheduler for Raspberry Pis
- burpless — A gherkin parser that uses LALR instead of regex for parsing
- cacahuate — The process virtual machine
- calc9000 — no summary
- captool — Core library for crawling and web scraping
- captool2 — Core library for crawling and web scraping
- cel-python — Pure Python CEL Implementation
- clout — Command-line Object Utility Tool
- CubeLang — Domain-specific programming language made for solving twisting cube puzzles
- d20 — A formal grammar-based dice parser and roller for D&D and other dice systems.
- data-genie — A small genie to generate test data
- derby — A simple dice rolling library
- dframeio — Read and write dataframes anywhere.
- dicey — no summary
- django-scoped-rbac — A rich and flexible Django application for role-based access control within distinct access control scopes supporting Django Rest Framework.
- dotmotif — Find graph motifs using simple, intuitive notation.
- dragonfly — Speech recognition extension library
- dragonfly2 — Speech recognition extension library
- dxql — Data eXploration Query Language (DXQL)
- earendil — machine-readable IRC protocol specification
- ebel — e(BE:L) - validation and extension of BEL networks.
- eecalpy — collection of classes for simple to complex electrical calculations
- einindex — no summary
- elfhex — A small "assembler" for ELF executables
- elmclient — Python client for ELM with examples of OSLC Query, ReqIF import/export, Reportable REST, and more
- emora-stdm — Library for creating state-machine-based chatbots.
- entitykb — Python toolkit for rapidly developing knowledge bases
- epicteller-datum — Dice parser for Epicteller.
- eql — Event Query Language
- ettayi — Ettayi Lang
- eunomia — Simple configuration framework with custom backends, based on hydra config.
- extensible-provn — Extensible PROV-N visualizer and querier
- fabric-sdk-py — Python SDK for Hyperledger Fabric.
- fairy-doc — A lightweight toolbox to manipulate documents
- fetchai-ledger-api — Tools and utilities for interacting with the ledger on the fetch network
- flloat — A Python implementation of the FLLOAT library.
- fuckery — Python Brainfuck implementation.
- gallica-autobib — Automatically match Bibliographies against
- gavel — A toolset for prover independent premise selection. Template generated with cookiecutter-pylibrary.
- gedcomx-python — GEDCOM X Python is the Python implementation of [GEDCOM X](
- gherkan — NL to Gherkin format translation tool
- goe-framework — no summary
- gozer-engine — Browser engine for Gopher
- harmalysis — A language for harmonic analysis and roman numerals.
- herbert-python — A CLI version of the Herbert game from Imagine Cup.
- hhlpy — Prove hybrid programs correct using Hybrid Hoare Logic
- hilite-syntax — Framework for generating editor syntax files
- hoa-utils — Utilities for the HOA format.
- hypothesis-grammar — A reverse-parser as a Hypotheses strategy: generate examples from an EBNF grammar
- ivygc — Ivy's GC
- jaf — JSON Array Filter (`jaf`) is a versatile filter for JSON arrays. It is a domain-specific language (DSL) that allows you to filter JSON arrays using a simple, yet powerful syntax. Programmatically, the AST can be used to filter JSON arrays in a more flexible way.
- jsom — A fast, simple parser for terribly broken JSON
- justnow — A systemd.timer inspired event parser in pure Python.
- kclvm-py — KCLVM
- kismet — The conversational randomness generator
- krake — no summary
- kyupy — High-performance processing and analysis of non-hierarchical VLSI designs
- lark-grammars — Lark grammars for using wht Hypothesis testing library
- lark-shell — A terminal version of the online Lark IDE
- larkjs — An extension to Lark that generates a Javascript standalone
- lassi-ilakkanankal — லஸ்ஸி மென்பொருளுக்காக இலக்கணம் விவரக்குறிப்புகள்
- latticeJSON — A JSON based lattice file format
- ledes-parser — A package for parsing LEDES format files
- lib-rql — Python RQL Filtering
- liberty-parser — Liberty format parser.
- ltlf2dfa — LTLf and PLTLf to Deterministic Finite-state Automata (DFA)
- MaiConverter — Parse and convert Maimai chart formats
- massql — Mass spectrometry query language python implementation
- mat-server — mat server 代理伺服器
- mcdecoder — The generator of a machine code decoder, transforming a user-defined machine code specification into decoder codes.
- mdfl — A prototype command-line tool for creating datapacks.
- metaloaders — JSON/YAML loaders with column and line numbers.
- mif — reading and writing MIF files
- minizinc — Access MiniZinc directly from Python
- mll — A machine learning language that have a specific grammar made to simplify large and complex machine learning and deep learning tasks
- modcfg — Yes, another config lang
- momos — Test framework for protocol implementations
- mongodb-connector — no summary
- montague-nlu — Natural language understanding system
- MoonNectar — Moon Nectar Media Player
- moses-crossval — A tool to run cross-validation using moses