Reverse Dependencies of lapx
The following projects have a declared dependency on lapx:
- ArtTracker — Efficient person tracking using YOLOv8 and ZeroMQ (Zmq)
- bluevision — Bluesignal Vision AI project
- boxmot — BoxMOT: pluggable SOTA tracking modules for segmentation, object detection and pose estimation models
- bytetracker-gml — Packaged version of the ByteTrack repository
- funmodel-mivolo — Layer MiVOLO for SOTA age and gender recognition
- funmodels-mivolo — Layer MiVOLO for SOTA age and gender recognition
- griddify — Griddify high-dimensional tabular data for easy visualization and deep learning
- juxtapose — no summary
- person-detector — A high level API for detecting and tracking people.
- pylapy — Pythonic wrapper around Linear Assignement Problem solvers
- pyppbox — Toolbox for people detecting, tracking, and re-identifying.
- solovision — State-of-the-art Real Time Object Detection & Tracking System integrated with ReID architecture
- vsensebox — VSenseBox - Python toolbox for visual sensing.