Reverse Dependencies of langid
The following projects have a declared dependency on langid:
- abilian-sbe — Social Business platform (entreprise collaboration and information management)
- acdh-spacytei — A package to ease processing (not only) TEI documents with spaCy
- achatbot — An open source chat bot for voice (and multimodal) assistants
- aipalette-nlp — Ai Palette NLP toolkit
- auralis — This is a faster implementation for TTS models, to be used in highly async environment
- autogluon-contrib-nlp — MXNet GluonNLP Toolkit (DeepNumpy Version)
- bagbag — An all in one python library
- bbw — Library for semantic annotation of tabular data with the Wikidata knowledge graph
- bilibili-utils — Bilibili Utilities
- cf-nlp — ClowdFlows natural language processing module
- chatgpt-tool-hub — An open-source chatgpt tool ecosystem where you can combine tools with chatgpt and use natural language to do anything.
- chrc — It is a tool to learn Chinese.
- citation-extractor — no summary
- constituent-treelib — A lightweight Python library for constructing, processing, and visualizing constituent trees.
- contexto — Librería para el procesamiento y análisis de texto con Python
- DadmaTools — DadmaTools is a Persian NLP toolkit
- dingo-client — A Comprehensive Data Quality Evaluation Tool for Large Models
- dingo-python — A Comprehensive Data Quality Evaluation Tool for Large Models
- dsp-metadata-gui — Python GUI tool to collect metadata for DSP projects.
- etk — extraction toolkit
- europarser — no summary
- evalu — Language quality evaluation tool.
- extracteur-de-fou-malade-pour-charles-le-charlo — PDF data parser
- famie — FAMIE: A Fast Active Learning Framework for Multilingual Information Extraction
- flask-validators — Flask request validation
- gps-babel-tower — Babel Tower NLP Library
- great-expectations-semantic-types-expectations — A collection of Expectations to validate Semantically Typed Data with Great Expectations.
- greynirseq — Natural language processing for Icelandic
- h2ogpt — no summary
- ipodshuffle — modules and tools for iPod shuffle 4th generation
- jc-cipher — Preserving History Through Code- Caesar Cipher
- Kahi-impactu-utils — Utils for Kahi Impactu project.
- Kahi-scienti-sources — Kahi plugin to insert or update sources from scienti
- Kahi-works — Kahi plugin to insert and update works from all databases available
- kaldi-helpers — Scripts for preparing language data for use with Kaldi ASR
- langs-vall — Paquete de vall-e-x para proyecto de traduccion de lenguajes
- libervia-backend — Libervia multipurpose and multi frontend XMPP client
- lidtk — Language identification Toolkit
- light-aligner — a light-weight aligner.
- lily — Lily MicroService Framework for Humans
- melottsIcanwang — no summary
- nlprov — A Python package for common Natural Language Processing tasks
- nonebot-plugin-mockingbird — 利用MockingBird生成语音并发送
- owocr — Japanese OCR
- pedropedropedro — no summary
- pyconversations — A package for representing conversations as DAGs for visualization, analysis, and pre-processing.
- pyfilmdb — My first module
- pymathics-natlang — no summary
- pyorange — PyOrange - An open source, low-code machine learning library in Python.
- pyquantify — Advanced Feature-Rich CLI-based Tool for Semantic Analysis
- Quackoubert — no summary
- Quoicoubert — no summary
- qurator-sbb-tools — Qurator
- Resiliparse — A collection of robust and fast processing tools for parsing and analyzing (not only) web archive data.
- richkit — Domain enrichment kit
- robotoff — Real-time and batch prediction service for Open Food Facts.
- sat — Salut à Toi multipurpose and multi frontend XMPP client
- social-net-img-classifier — no summary
- sogou-tr — sogou translate no frills
- songsync — Convert YouTube playlists to Spotify playlists
- sphinxnotes-snippet — Sphinx documentation snippets manager
- trankit — Trankit: A Light-Weight Transformer-based Toolkit for Multilingual Natural Language Processing
- trinity-neo — Trinity-Neo is An open source, low-code machine learning library in Python.
- TweetsAnalysis — Real Time Tweets Analysis.
- twitter-profile-predictor — A python module that extract information (language, profession...) from X[ex-Twitter] profile bios
- uphill — make data preparation more friendly
- vall-e-x — An open source implementation of Microsoft's VALL-E X zero-shot TTS
- vizseq — Visual Analysis Toolkit for Text Generation Tasks
- whatlangid — Lightning Fast Language Prediction powered by FastText and langid.
- xgne — no summary
- xtranslator — A package for translating text and detecting languages
- zas-rep-tools — This Tool-set helps to make a repetitions analysis in social media corpora much comfortable
- zwnlp — Personal NLP task utils.
- zyl-utils — optimizer