Reverse Dependencies of langchain
The following projects have a declared dependency on langchain:
- terminaider — AI assistant for your terminal
- TerminalApplication — no summary
- terrafai — Apply OpenAI gpt changes to an entire Terraform project directory
- tester-sc-pr2 — package to keep track of your GPT models training
- testing-some-package — This is a testing package description.
- testpackage12121 — This library is to search the best parameters across different steps of the RAG process.
- Text-select-captcha — 文字点选、选字、选择文字验证码识别.
- text-to-sql — A Python package which converts natural language text to PostgreSQL commands
- text2config — text to config or command
- textanalyzer — TextAnalyzer is a Python package that allows you to quickly and easily understand complex text data.
- textlong — A framework designed to produce long-texts with GPT or other large language models.
- textmancy — LLM-driven package for mapping, analyzing and expanding text works.
- textToKnowledgeGraph — A Python package to generate BEL statements and CX2 networks.
- textual-orm — SQL Generator and Query Result Retriever
- The-Distiller — Generate textual and conversational datasets with LLMs.
- therix — Therix is the SDK for langchain based applications.
- thinkgpt — ThinkGPT is a Python library aimed at implementing Chain of Thoughts for Large Language Models (LLMs), prompting the model to think, reason, and to create generative agents.
- thirdai — A faster cpu machine learning library
- thumb — A simple prompt testing library for LLMs.
- thundra-ai — Neonize Abstraction
- thundra-io — Neonize Abstraction
- tilores-langchain — This package contains tools to work with Tilores entity resolution database within Langchain.
- timescale-vector — Python library for storing vector data in Postgres
- tinyllm — Development and management infrastructure for LLM applications
- tinyvec — A learning experience in vector databases
- Titan-pro — Titan is a totally free cryptocurrency automated trading framework for traders of all skill levels. Built on top of the ccxt API library, it works out of the box with any exchange and trading pair. We believe in decentralizing trading strategies and providing everyone access to building advanced crypto portfolios. The future of algorithmic trading is here!.
- tketool — Some base methods for developing
- todomeki — Track event details from web resultse
- tolstoy-agents — Framework to create LLM agents
- tool-calling-llm — Convert any LangChain Chat Model into a Tool Calling LLM
- toolformer — Implementation of Toolformer
- toolgate — Toolgate SDK
- tootle — no summary
- tovana — Memory management library to enhance AI agents with smarter, personalized, context-aware responses
- tracing-auto-instrumentation — no summary
- transcriptanalysis — Middle LLC.
- trapile — A simple Python library
- travel-pii-anonymisation — A package for pseudonymizing travel-specific PII data
- trimodal-rag — A python package for applying TriModal Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system.
- tringlang — A Python package with a built-in web application
- truffles — Tools for data extraction from the web with AI
- trulens-apps-langchain — Library to systematically track and evaluate LLM based applications.
- trulens-instrument-langchain — Library to systematically track and evaluate LLM based applications.
- turbogpt-pro — A python based wrapper for GPT-4 & GPT-3.5 PLUS.
- turing-planet — Python Extension Framework For Turing Planet
- tweets-to-topic-network — start from a set of tweets and create a multilayer network where each layer is a topic
- twitter-api-client-pro — Implementation of X/Twitter v1, v2, and GraphQL APIs.
- twitter-langchain — Twitter Langchain Toolkit
- tybase — 修复视频合并
- uis-sprint-report — A Python package for generating sprint reports and managing sprint activities at University Information Services.
- Umi-OCR — Umi-OCR 文字识别工具
- unbound-gateway — Python client library for the Unbound API
- undetected-browser-tool — A langchain tool implementation of Undetected with Selenium and Chrome for page fetching, making it easier to bypass bot detectors
- UniLoaders — Loading everything from URLs to powerpoints
- unisi — Unified System Interface, GUI and Remote API
- unitprompt — A custom pytest matcher that helps you test prompts
- unittest-gpt — Auto generate unit test using PyTest and Gpt
- unitycatalog-langchain — Support for Unity Catalog functions as LangChain tools
- unofficial-ffm-openai — An unofficial Formosa Foundation Model API client implementation compatible with LangChain and OpenAI
- unstructured-cpu — A library that prepares raw documents for downstream ML tasks.
- UOFast — UOFast is a U2 UOPY based restful service which pools U2 UOPY connections and accepts GET/PUT type requests
- vaccbot — no summary
- vcr-langchain — Record and replay LLM interactions for langchain
- vector_cli — cli tool to ask about your files
- vectorboard — Hyperparameter optimisation for your LLM Emebddings.
- vectorlite — Lightweight vector database.
- vecx-langchain — Encrypted Vector Database for Secure and Fast ANN Searches
- versionhq — LLM orchestration frameworks for model-agnostic AI agents that handle complex outbound workflows
- vertexai — Please run pip install vertexai to use the Vertex SDK.
- vesslflow — VESSLFlow
- vis-evaluator — no summary
- vishwa-ml-sdk — Integration SDK for
- vizexpln — Seamlessly combine the power of Jupyter Notebooks and AI to visualize, and interpret your data. A low-code tool for data visualization and interpretation
- vizro-ai — Vizro-AI is a tool for generating data visualizations
- vocode — The all-in-one voice SDK
- voibot — A Python library for creating virtual assistants using OpenAI and document retrieval
- voice-stream — A streaming library for creating voice bots using LLMs. Connects LLMs to speech recognition and speech synthesis APIs.
- voichatlib — A Python library for creating virtual assistants using OpenAI and document retrieval
- VorlageLLM — Uses an LLM to determine which were plausible readings in the Vorlage of a translation of a text.
- vortex-python — Orchestrated LLM-powered Data Processing and SQL Chat Agent
- vsslite — A vector similarity search engine for humans🥳
- wayble — Official CLI for Wayble AI
- wbcore — no summary
- wdoc — A perfect AI powered RAG for document query and summary. Supports ~all LLM and ~all filetypes (url, pdf, epub, youtube (incl playlist), audio, anki, md, docx, pptx, oe any combination!)
- weather-chatbot-phi3 — An LLM Chatbot integrated with Open Weather API for Real-Time Weather Information.
- webCrawl-pro — This project is dedicated to sharing and teaching the fundamentals and techniques of web reverse engineering. Web reverse engineering involves analyzing how websites and web applications work, and cracking or modifying existing code to achieve specific objectives. This project includes a series of tutorials, practical tools, and case studies aimed at helping developers, security researchers, and enthusiasts understand how to effectively reverse engineer web technologies.
- websocietysimulator — Web Social Simulator for WWW'25 AgentSociety Challenge
- webull-options — no summary
- wechat-admin — 本地测试直接执行`python`就够了,如果想用其他的web server,可自行考虑部署方案.
- weibo-scrapy — WEIBO\_SCRAPY是一个PYTHON实现的,使用多线程抓取WEIBO信息的框架。WEIBO\_SCRAPY框架给用户提供WEIBO的模拟登录和多线程抓取微博信息的接口,让用户只需关心抓取的业务逻辑,而不用处理棘手的WEIBO模拟登录和多线程编程.
- whisperplus — WhisperPlus: A Python library for WhisperPlus API.
- wildered — no summary
- wm-topicgpt — This is a package to generate topics for the text corpus.
- wolfcode — no summary
- wonkaai — no summary
- wonkai — no summary
- woodwork-engine — An AI Agent IaC tool that aims to make developing and deploying AI Agents easier.
- wordcel — Swiss army-knife for composing LLM outputs
- wordpress-recommender — An application to recommend articles from a Wordpress blog based on user's query using semantic search
- wrapchain — no summary