Reverse Dependencies of langchain-google-community
The following projects have a declared dependency on langchain-google-community:
- aipatt — AIPATT: AI Powered Assistant Tool for Terminals
- botrun-flow-lang — A flow language for botrun
- epam-ai-run-codemie-tools — Package with EPAM AI/Run CodeMie tools for AI Agents
- genericsuite-ai — The GenericSuite AI for Python (backend version)
- hspylib-askai — HomeSetup - AskAI
- kube-copilot — Kubernetes Copilot
- langflow — A Python package with a built-in web application
- langflow-nightly — A Python package with a built-in web application
- langinfra — A Python package with a built-in web application
- libem — Libem python library
- lv-vectordb-gcp — A package for GCP, LangChain, and BigQuery Vector store integration
- parllama — Terminal UI for Ollama
- ragstack-ai-langflow — RAGStack Langflow
- rexia-ai — ReXia.AI: An advanced AI framework for agentic processes
- rs-docs-loader — RS Docs Loader will help you to integrate different data sources