Reverse Dependencies of langchain-community
The following projects have a declared dependency on langchain-community:
- rag-retriever — A tool for crawling, indexing, and semantically searching web content with RAG capabilities
- rag-skeleton — Add a short description here!
- rag-toolkit — A library for building Retrieval-Augmented Generation pipelines.
- rag_webquery — A command line utility to query websites using a local LLM
- raga-llm-eval — Package for LLM Evaluation
- raga-testing-platform — Short description or overview of the raga package.
- ragas — no summary
- ragas-wj — ragas for my project
- ragasas — A package that can be used to create RAGs with a single line of code.
- ragbuilder — RagBuilder SDK - Create optimal Production-ready RAG pipelines
- ragcore — A library to build Retrieval-Augmented Generation applications with only a few lines of code.
- RAGFast — its a python llm framework to build the rag apps
- ragindex — no summary
- raglight — RAGLight is a lightweight and modular Python library for implementing Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). It enhances the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) by combining document retrieval with natural language inference.
- RAGLink — RAGLink是一个开源的Retrieval-Augmented Generation框架,旨在通过结合检索和大模型生成技术,提升自然语言处理任务的性能和效率。为用户提供了一个强大、灵活且易于扩展的开发环境。
- ragloader — A tool for uploading and embedding documents for RAG systems
- ragnosis — LLM-retrieval based knowledge grounding
- rago — Rago is a lightweight framework for RAG
- ragpy-new — no summary
- ragstack-ai-knowledge-graph — DataStax RAGStack Knowledge Graph
- ragstack-ai-langchain — DataStax RAGStack Langchain
- ragutils — A package that abstracts most of the utilities used in RAG applications
- rasa-pro — State-of-the-art open-core Conversational AI framework for Enterprises that natively leverages generative AI for effortless assistant development.
- rchatgpt-on-wecom — 基于ChatGPT的企业微信聊天应用,通过 [OpenAI]( 接口生成对话内容,使用 [wechatpy]( 实现企业微信应用号消息的接收和回复.
- rdagent — Research & Development Agent
- readet — This patch includes several improvement to RAGs, summarizers, downloders and retrievers; plus compatibility for windows installation
- real-trader — 本地化的tick实盘交易解决方案 [历史行情数据 + 实时tick数据 + 实盘下单] 后续增加历史tick接口 目前支持的券商 中泰证券支持聚宽策略代码直接使用.
- recall-space-agents — Agents of recall space.
- recommender-agent — En el presente proyecto muestro la construcción de una sistema de recomendación, el sistema permite recomendar recursos a través del uso de mecanismos de Procesamiento de lenguaje natura como agentes langchain, IA generatica y embeddings.
- redash-x — Prior to **_re:dash_**, we tried to use traditional BI suites and discovered a set of bloated, technically challenged and slow tools/flows. What we were looking for was a more hacker'ish way to look at data, so we built one..
- redcoast-orator — no summary
- redmine-loader — Document Loader for bitnami Redmine. Crawl Redmine Issues using WebAPI and gather issue subject, description, comments, attachments. Attachments are parsed with .
- repo2vec — A library to index a code repository and chat with it via LLMs.
- res-sum — A Python package Leveraging LLMs for Research Synthesis
- researchchain — Add your description here
- researcher — Llama Researcher is an autonomous agent designed for comprehensive online research on a variety of tasks.
- researchgraph — Add your description here
- ResumeGPT — Tailor your resume to match any job posting effortlessly
- reverse-engineering-assistant — An AI assistant for reverse engineering tasks
- reverse-life — This project is dedicated to sharing and teaching the fundamentals and techniques of web reverse engineering. Web reverse engineering involves analyzing how websites and web applications work, and cracking or modifying existing code to achieve specific objectives. This project includes a series of tutorials, practical tools, and case studies aimed at helping developers, security researchers, and enthusiasts understand how to effectively reverse engineer web technologies.
- rexia-ai — ReXia.AI: An advanced AI framework for agentic processes
- robot-monitoring-tools — no summary
- rofehcloud — AI-powered CLI tool for automatic troubleshooting of complex systems based on Kubernetes, public and private clouds like AWS, Google Cloud (GCP), Azure, OpenStack, etc
- rqalpha-minsec-trade-realtime — 基于开源rqalpha4.0版本,支持分钟和tick级别的回测.
- rqle-ai-langchain-util — Library facilitating the integration of different LLM providers in LangChain (e.g. `ollama`, `Google Gemini`, etc).
- rtdip-sdk — no summary
- rule-based-retrieval — Python package for Rule-based Retrieval using RAG
- safa — A command line tool for running SAFA in the command line.
- saga-llm-evaluation — Versatile Python library designed for evaluating the performance of large language models in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. Developed by Sagacify
- sax4bpm — Open source Python library for deriving explanations about business processes based on process,causal and XAI perspectives
- scalexi — The scalexi package is a versatile open-source Python library that focuses on facilitating low-code development and fine-tuning of diverse Large Language Models (LLMs). It extends beyond its initial OpenAI models integration, offering a scalable framework for various LLMs.
- schema-agents — A schema-based LLM framework for building multi-agent collaborative systems.
- SchoginiAI — A sample AI toolkit by Schogini Systems with Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG).
- scrapegraphai — A web scraping library based on LangChain which uses LLM and direct graph logic to create scraping pipelines.
- scrapegraphaisub — A first semantic versioned Scrapegraph fork by subzero team
- scraperai — ScraperAI is an open-source, AI-powered tool designed to simplify web scraping for users of all skill levels.
- scrapy-jingdong — 用于爬取JD和github的代码,数据存储于mongodb。.
- scrapy-taobao — scrapy模拟淘宝登陆,未加代理ip的处理。希望有好的代理处理方法分享出来。.
- scrapy-zhihu-github — 用于爬取zhihu和github的代码,数据存储于mongodb。.
- ScrapyJD — a web crawler based on scrapy that crawl the product items of a certain category and comments to the product。
- sdeul — Structural Data Extractor using LLMs
- sdufeQuant — RQAlpha 从数据获取、算法交易、回测引擎,实盘模拟,实盘交易到数据分析,为程序化交易者提供了全套解决方案。
- searchflow — An assistant helping you to index webpages into structured datasets.
- searching-docxx — no summary
- seed-autogen — A programming framework for agentic AI
- semantic-search-nollms — no summary
- semanticbot — no summary
- semanticli — Semantic Text Search.
- semterm — The Semantic Terminal
- senior-swe-ai — SeniorSWE-AI is a command-line interface for in-context embedding that leverages the semantic comprehension capabilities of large language models to analyze the intended codebase and engage in a conversation with it, mimicking the behavior of a seasoned software engineer.
- sentrev — SenTrEv - Simple customizable evaluation for dense and sparse retrieval performance on your text documents
- serpent-lang — Helpful tools for querying and managing data in a natural language format.
- shadowProxy-pro — 幽灵模式下动态评估代理质量,并进行优化选择
- sher — Add your description here
- sherpa-ai — Sherpa: AI-augmented thinking companion
- sigmaiq — Wrapper and tools for pySigma and Sigma rules
- simba-core — Knowledge Management System that connects to your RAG system
- simple-file-splitters — A small package to quickly read, process and recursively split multiple different, text-based filetypes (like .txt, .pdf, .docx) into overlapping chunks of predefined sizes.
- simple-ollama-rag — A simple interface for using Ollama with LangChain's RAGChain
- sinalv2 — 该软件需要自行购买新浪的level2标准版.
- sl-ai-models — Code for Society Library AI Models
- smart-llm-loader — A powerful PDF processing toolkit that seamlessly integrates with LLMs for intelligent document chunking and RAG applications. Features smart context-aware segmentation, multi-LLM support, and optimized content extraction for enhanced RAG performance.
- smart-pr-generator — A short description of your package
- smartdataai — SmartDataAI: Intelligent Data Cleaning, Transformation, Charting, and Analysis with LLM
- smartdataai-test — A package for SmartData management and operations.
- SmartProxyPool — 高质量, 高灵活的开放代理池服务 可能是`全球第一个`带有`智能动态代理`的代理池服务..
- smithers-llm — An LLM-powered CLI that simulates job interviews based on your resume.
- socra — The official Python library of socra AI
- sogaQuant — 沪深A股量化.
- sonika-langchain-bot — Agente langchain con LLM
- span-explain — no summary
- spatialagent — no summary
- sphinx-quant — This project is sphinx-quant web technologies.
- spider-js — 本项目主要是js逆向相关,详细破解流程.
- sprite_ai — Sprite AI is an AI companion for your desktop
- sqlrag — An open-source Generative AI (GenAI) application designed to provide users
- srai-langchain — A library for easier langchain usage
- srai-telegrambot — A library that makes it easier to build ai powered telegram bots.
- sshcracker — ssh弱密码破解。支持自定义目标ip和弱口令。每个ip都使用一个单独的线程破解。
- startgarlic — A RAG-based company information retrieval system