Reverse Dependencies of labelme
The following projects have a declared dependency on labelme:
- annolid — An annotation and instance segmentation-based multiple animal tracking and behavior analysis package.
- convertmask — a small tool for image augmentation, including mask files to json/xml files , image augmentation(flip,rotation,noise,...) and so on
- easy-augment — End to end software to capture new objects using RGBD camera and augment them to get a annotated dataset to train deep nets.
- echoss-image-utils — echoss AI Bigdata Solution - image utils[image dataset split, labelme2yolo format]
- image-augs — Image Augs supports Augmentation for Object Detection , Instance Segmentation and classification tasks.
- labelme2datasets — python scripts to convert labelme-generated-jsons to voc/coco style datasets.
- pyclay-annotation-utils — Utilities that are used for assisting with making annotated data.
- raster2ML — Convert georeferenced Geotiff or any spatial raster format to machine learning ready data.
- rectvision — A low-code tool to help create your own AI
- tekleo-common-utils-ai — no summary