Reverse Dependencies of Keras-Preprocessing
The following projects have a declared dependency on Keras-Preprocessing:
- a2grunnerp — A2G Runner for Local Workflow
- aichatbot — Python library for building custom AI Chatbot with just one line of code.
- alphadetector — object detection using yolo, tf2 and detectron2
- altena — Feature extraction for categorical variables
- AMPLE-AIML-Model — no summary
- BackgroundVellore — Predict the Genre for each 10-second interval of the video.
- bmiptools — BioMaterial Image Processing tools (bmiptools) is a python library of functions for image processing of certain type of biological images (e.g. FIB-SEM, Back-scattering, ecc... ). The library is equipped with a minimal GUI thought for non-expert users.
- car-speed-detection — Camera-based Car Speed Detection for Autonomous Driving
- chicken-coop — An environment for reproducing dominance hierarchies in RL agents
- colorizexl — Colorize and recolorize large images
- ctextinct — Educational Cyber Security Chatbot - Working to Making Cyber Threats Extinct
- CustomIntents — no summary
- cvt-tensorflow — TensorFlow 2.X reimplementation of CvT: Introducing Convolutions to Vision Transformers, Haiping Wu, Bin Xiao, Noel Codella, Mengchen Liu, Xiyang Dai, Lu Yuan, Lei Zhang.
- cycle-prediction — A package to train and predict the end of a process from history logs
- deep-search-engine — DeepSearch image search engine
- deepapi — Deep Learning as a Cloud API Service.
- DiST-Net — keras implementation of DiSTNet & utilities for mother machine data analysis with keras
- dmae — TensorFlow implementation of the dissimilarity mixture autoencoder (DMAE)
- dmae-gpu — TensorFlow implementation of the dissimilarity mixture autoencoder (DMAE)
- easycheml — A simple tool for using artificial intelligence in chemistry
- entity-embeddings-categorical — no summary
- ertk — Tools for process emotion recognition datasets, extracting features, and running experiments.
- face-detector — State-of-the-art face detection and landmarks localization
- facilyst — Make data analysis and machine learning tools more easily accessible.
- fancy-nlp — NLP for humans
- fcmpy — Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Behavior Change Interventions and Evaluation
- fishsound-finder — Python software to automatically detect fish sounds in passive acoustic recordings
- fuxictr — A configurable, tunable, and reproducible library for CTR prediction
- gcvit-tensorflow — TensorFlow 2.X reimplementation of Global Context Vision Transformers, Ali Hatamizadeh, Hongxu (Danny) Yin, Jan Kautz Pavlo Molchanov.
- grakn-kglib — A Machine Learning Library for the Grakn knowledge graph.
- grmrcnn — This is for object detection model by combining Gradcam++ with MaskRCNN
- gumbelcodes — Neural compression for word embeddings
- imageworker — Lightweight image library
- inaccel-keras — InAccel keras-like package
- insight-extractor — Identify Insights in Full Text Documents
- inspirems — Helping to integrate Spectral Predictors and Rescoring.
- iqradre — no summary
- ivystar — python tools package of ivystar
- jarvis-akul2010 — A library built to make it extremely easy to build a simple voice assistant.
- keras-mxnet — Deep Learning for humans. Keras with highly scalable, high performance Apache MXNet backend support.
- kidx-core — Machine learning based dialogue engine for conversational software.
- kidx-nlu — Kidx NLU a natural language parser for bots
- lib-ml-remla-12 — no summary
- livermask — A package for automatic segmentation of liver from CT data
- mapyllary — Unofficial Mapillary API
- mdml — Application of Deep learning on molecular dymanamics trajectories
- MiScan — MiScan: mutation-inferred screening model of cancer
- mlcvzoo-tf-classification — MLCVZoo TF Classifcation Package
- model-vis — An easy and interactive graph visualization tool for ML models!!!
- Multimodal-Keras-Wrapper — Wrapper for Keras with support to easy multimodal data and models loading and handling.
- musicalrobot — A package for high-throughput measurement of deep eutectic solvents’ melting point using IR bolometry
- NehorayRapid — Rapid base tools package
- NehorayRapid1 — Rapid base tools package
- neurocat — Interface Design for Neurocat's Research Engineer Test
- nevergrad — A Python toolbox for performing gradient-free optimization
- NLP-LIB — Python library for Language Model / Finetune using Transformer based models.
- NLP-LIB-cpu — Python library for Language Model / Finetune using Transformer based models.
- nolanm-portfolio-package — no summary
- o4 — Pipeline for detecting vehicles and pedestrians and extract features.
- ocrd-anybaseocr — no summary
- odcommonapp — Object detection common framework application
- omdenalore — AI for Good library
- openfxy — Security-Scenes-Feature-Engineering-Toolkit, Continuous Integration.
- PaMoveIt — A movement recognition library
- pangsitpy — Pangsit(py) is my starter pack framework represented in Python to deal with learning computing such as Machine/Deep Learning, Data Science, etc.
- pitchr — A Python library and framework for composing and playing music.
- ProQuo — ProQuo is a tool for the detection of short quotations (<= 4 words) between two texts, a source text and a target text. The target text is the text quoting the source text. Quotations in the target text need to be clearly marked with quotations marks.
- pyplatypus — Set of tools for Computer Vision handling the object detection and image
- quartic-sdk — QuarticSDK is the SDK package which exposes the APIs to the user
- quartic-sdk-gsk — QuarticSDK is the SDK package which exposes the APIs to the user
- ReiL — no summary
- rtf — Remote Tensorflow Execution (rtf): gRPC server and clients generators
- singularitytechnologies.easymodelskeras — Easy to use Keras Machine Learning Model
- skroute — Compute Routes easy and fast
- skynapp-fcmpy — Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Behavior Change Interventions and Evaluation
- smenan — Developed for Sade Tech. Corp.
- sparx-lib — Sparx Implementation
- StockerMake — Modular Neural Network Protyping for Stock Market Prediction
- stos — Converting the American sign language into speech or text, and vice versa.
- stuned — Utility code from STAI (
- subaligner — Automatically synchronize and translate subtitles, or create new ones by transcribing, using pre-trained DNNs, Forced Alignments and Transformers.
- TDY-PKG — its an implimentation of TF-2 , Detectron and yolov5
- TDY-PKG-saquibquddus — its an implimentation of TF-2 , Detectron and yolov5
- tensorio-bundler — Bundle models for use with TensorIO
- TFF-data-converter — Tensorflow Federated data converter library
- TFFconverter — Tensorflow Federated data converter library
- TFFdata — Tensorflow Federated data converter library
- TFFdatasetconverter — Tensorflow Federated data converter library
- TFOD-Automatic — Automated Object detection for Beginner using python and Tensorflow
- tily — Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes prediction based on Whole Slide Imaging.
- topicmodels — A package for topic modelling in python.
- usa-csc-526-by-spc — USA CSC 526 Final Project
- van-classification-tensorflow — TensorFlow 2.X reimplementation of Visual Attention Network, Meng-Hao Guo, Cheng-Ze Lu, Zheng-Ning Liu, Ming-Ming Cheng, Shi-Min Hu.
- virtual-scanner — Virtual Scanner educational tool for MRI
- visualdata — library to manage image data
- vitamin-b — A user-friendly machine learning Bayesian inference library
- vs-tabletop — Virtual Scanner Tabletop Games
- xraydawgz — XRayDawgz XRD image pattern classifier
- ytd — object detection using yolo, tf2 and detectron2