Reverse Dependencies of kafka-python
The following projects have a declared dependency on kafka-python:
- rasafou — Open source machine learning framework to automate text- and voice-based conversations: NLU, dialogue management, connect to Slack, Facebook, and more - Create chatbots and voice assistants
- redis-queue-tool — 高并发reids队列,分布式爬虫利器(High concurrency RedisQueue,Distributed crawler weapon)
- robinhood-aiokafka — Kafka integration with asyncio.
- robot-kafka-library — robotframework exetension lib for test kafka
- robotframework-kafkalibrary — Kafka library for Robot Framework
- robotframework-kafkalibrary-py3 — Kafka library for Robot Framework
- robotframework-schemaregistrylibrary — Schema Registry for Robot Framework
- robusta-api — no summary
- rosetta-service-monitor — service monitor data collect client
- runeascend — Runescape Trading Platform
- sc-stream — no summary
- scdf-processor — no summary
- scrahub-sdk — Python SDK for Scrahub
- scrapingsubsystem — scraping subsystem library for airflow
- Scrapy-Distributed — A series distributed components for Scrapy framework
- scrapy-kafka-export — Export Scrapy items to Kafka
- shaman — Multiprocessing application to download and analyze a content of an html pages.
- sharemyai_utils — Reusable utils for sharemyai plugins
- simpletimer-kafka — no summary
- sipc-xethhung12 — A simple tools to log the server ip address
- slac-alarm-manager — Python interface for managing alarms
- slerp-py — Support library for slerp project
- sparkly — Helpers & syntax sugar for PySpark.
- sparticleinc-skywalking — The Python Agent for Apache SkyWalking, which provides the native tracing/metrics/logging/profiling abilities for Python projects.
- statefun-tasks — Tasks API for Stateful Functions on Flink
- storey — Async flows
- strefi — Stream each new rows of a file and write in kafka
- swh.archiver — Software Heritage archiver
- swissbib-kafka-event-hub — Swissbib Kafka Event Hub
- synch — Sync data from other DB to ClickHouse, current support postgres and mysql, and support full and increment ETL.
- taskiq-aio-kafka — Kafka broker for taskiq
- test-crawlab-sdk — Python SDK for Crawlab
- testcontainers-kafka — Kafka component of testcontainers-python.
- tethys — A flexible open-source platform for data streams management
- tiny-blocks — Tiny Block Operations for Data Pipelines
- titanfe — titan Data Flow Engine for Python
- tivendor — vendor request of taiqiyun [private]
- tn-observer — library for data observerability in our company THiNKNET via opentelemetry
- tonga — Tonga is a toolkit for building fault-tolerant, distributed, highly concurrent, event-driven applications
- trevi — no summary
- Tweetoscope-2020-06 — Tweetoscope
- TweetsAnalysis — Real Time Tweets Analysis.
- TwitterHandler — A simple Twitter handler for the Twitter API.
- twm-aiokafka — Kafka integration with asyncio.
- typhoon-orchestrator — Create asynchronous data pipelines and deploy to cloud or airflow
- ubirch-python-utils — A python util for ubirch anchoring services.
- udata-analysis-service — no summary
- udata_event_service — udata event service package containing kafka utils
- unipipeline — simple way to build the declarative and distributed data pipelines with python. it supports rabbitmq or kafka as a broker
- unskript-cloudnative-observability — Opensource unSkript Python Package repository
- unskript-custom — Opensource unSkript Python Package repository
- vlab-ipam-api — A RESTful API for automated IPAM of a personal lab in vLab
- vox-kafka — Sinple kafka abstraction
- wait-for-dep — Waits for dependencies before running the app
- wait-for-service — no summary
- warriorframework — Warrior Framework is an open source Automation Framework
- warriorkafka — Warrior Framework is an open source Automation Framework
- watchmen-pipeline-surface — no summary
- watchmen-rest-doll — no summary
- web-monitor-aiven — A scalable web monitor application for Aiven Kafka
- WebsitesAvailability — A production-ready Website Availability tracking system
- wikimedia-spicerack — Automation framework for the WMF production infrastructure
- wiselib — WISE Library
- wkafka — Pipeline con API
- wm — no summary
- Workerpy — Libreria para crear Workers que responden a eventos desde kafka/Nats
- xdbx — no summary
- xdcetl — Tools for exporting XDC blockchain data to CSV or JSON
- yellowbox — no summary
- yellowbox-kraft — no summary
- yuan-tool — some common components for personal use
- zz-spider — python使用MQ的场景