Reverse Dependencies of kabbes-parent-class
The following projects have a declared dependency on kabbes-parent-class:
- kabbes-aws-connections — provides helper functions for connections to AWS services via Python
- kabbes-aws-credentials — system for quickly updating AWS credentials and importing them into Python scripts
- kabbes-client — Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
- kabbes-config — Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
- kabbes-cryptography — Easy implementation of professional Python cryptography packages
- kabbes-database-connections — Provides database-agnostic connection tools
- kabbes-dir-ops — Handy directory operations
- kabbes-gmail — Python connection to Gmail
- kabbes-icloud — Python connection to iCloud
- kabbes-imessage — Python tools for sending iMessages on a Mac
- kabbes-menu — Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
- kabbes-ml-pipeline — A centralized pattern for creating Machine Learning pipelines
- kabbes-nanoid — Python library for generating NanoIDs
- kabbes-pypi-builder — project for easily deploying code to Python Package Index
- kabbes-real-time-input — Python function for getting real time inputs from the user
- kabbes-repository-generator — Package for easily installing and setting up project environments
- kabbes-s3synchrony — S3 File synchronization service
- kabbes-smart-documentation — no summary
- kabbes-the-garden — Package for easily installing and setting up project environments
- kabbes-user-profile — Universal naming system and varaible stroage for better collaboration