Reverse Dependencies of jwcrypto
The following projects have a declared dependency on jwcrypto:
- acmen — An ACME(RFC8555) client implementation in Python.
- aduneoclientfedid — Identity Federation Test Client
- aiodxf — Package for accessing a Docker v2 registry
- alastria-identity — no summary
- aleph-sdk-python — Lightweight Python Client library for the network
- arrowhead-client — Arrowhead client library
- aup-manager — app for management of acceptable use policies with API for approving them
- aurorastack-core — MSA framework with kubernetes
- auth0rization — A package to perform actions related to auth0 JWT tokens.
- axioms-drf-py — Django REST Framework (DRF) SDK for Axioms
- axioms-flask-py — Flask SDK for Axioms
- benchling-sdk — SDK for interacting with the Benchling Platform.
- bitsmiths-fura — The Bitsmiths Function-User-Role-Authenticator Package
- blueapi — Lightweight bluesky-as-a-service wrapper application. Also usable as a library.
- buildgrid — A remote execution service
- car-connector-framework — CAR service connector framework
- cas-client-integration-django — Python CAS Client
- ceramic-python — This Ceramic client implements the payload building, encoding, and signing needed to interact with the Ceramic Network. It currently supports ModelInstanceDocument.
- ceramicsdk — This Ceramic client implements the payload building, encoding, and signing needed to interact with the Ceramic Network. It currently supports ModelInstanceDocument and OrbisDB.
- clear-skies — A framework for building backends in the cloud
- clear-skies-auth-server — clearskies bindings for managing an authentication server that issues JWTs
- client-test-oidc-theo-aduneo — test package Client OIDC Aduneo
- Clique-blockchain — Python API for Clique block chains; ID chains and auth chains included.
- cloudforet-core — SpaceONE core library
- code-challenge — Coding interview CLI that directs the user to answer timed coding interview questions in Python, JS, or C++
- concil — container manager
- confidant — DEPRECATED: A secret management system and client.
- Cryptorix — A Python package that provides robust encryption and decryption mechanisms, utilizing JSON Web Encryption (JWE), Hybrid Encryption, AWS KMS, and AWS Secrets Manager. Ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data, with secure management of encryption keys.
- custodia — A service to manage, retrieve and store secrets.
- daml-dit-if — Daml Hub Integration Framework
- dane-jwe-jws — A library for using DANE for identity-secured JWE and JWS.
- data-ecosystem-python — Program Agnostic Data Ecosystem (PADE) - Python Services
- data-ecosystem-services — Program Agnostic Data Ecosystem (PADE) - Python Services
- datapunt-authorization-django — Datapunt authorization check for Django
- dds-cli — A command line tool to manage data and projects in the SciLifeLab Data Delivery System.
- didself — A did:self implementation
- django-blti — A Django Application on which to build IMS BLTI Tool Providers
- django-fido — Django application for FIDO protocol
- django-jwt-oidc — Django library that implements the authentification for OpenId SSO with JWT from oauth2.
- django-labs-accounts — Reusable Django app for Penn Labs accounts
- django-oauth-toolkit — OAuth2 Provider for Django
- django-rest-framework-jwk — Easy JSON Web Keys (JWK) for your Django project
- django-rest-xauth — A custom user-model based package with features ranging from JWT and Basic authentication to REST API end-points for signup, signin, email verification, password resetting and account activation.
- ebsi-wallet — EBSI Python SDK
- eligibility-api — Data exchange to verify eligibility for transit benefits.
- eoapi-auth-utils — Authentication & authorization helpers for eoAPI
- eudi-wallet — EUDI Wallet SDK
- fastapi-jwt-auth3 — JWT authentication in FastAPI with ease
- fauna-auth — Helper library
- fief-client — Fief Client for Python
- fief-server — Users and authentication management SaaS
- fitconnect — no summary
- fitconnect_client — A python SDK to interact with the German Fitconnect system
- flask-oidc-ex — OpenID Connect extension for Flask - Extended
- flask-oidc-keycloak — OpenID Connect extension for Flask - Keycloak
- flask-signature-auth — no summary
- genjwtkey — "This package is a generator of assertion key pair for LINE Bot."
- geonode-oauth-toolkit — OAuth2 Provider for Django/GeoNode
- ghga-service-commons — A library that contains common functionality used in services of GHGA
- gqlmod-github — GitHub provider for gqlmod
- healthcards — Python parser for
- httptest — Add unit tests to your http client
- hyperwallet-sdk — A Python wrapper around the Hyperwallet API
- id4me-rp-client — Python client library for ID4me protocol - Relying Party side. See:
- innovation-serviceauth — This package is an Indico Innovation IAM gRPC client to be imported by Indico Innovation API clients.
- ipahcc — IPA enrollment agent for Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console
- jaaql-middleware-python — The jaaql package, allowing for rapid development and deployment of RESTful HTTP applications
- jwe-encryptify — A Python package to facilitate JSON Web Encryption (JWE) with enhanced security, leveraging AWS Key Management Service (KMS) and Secrets Manager for secure input and output handling.
- jwtjwkhelper — JWTJWKHelper
- jwtpie — Easily encode and decode JWT tokens
- kaiju-auth — Authentication services.
- kal-middleware — Kaleidoo middleware package
- kbve — ATLAS
- keephq — Alerting. for developers, by developers.
- koap — no summary
- kt-ds-core — kt-ds core library
- kt-ds-core-dev — SpaceONE core library
- langchain-permit — Access control tools and retrievers for LangChain.
- — Python wrapper for the GitHub API(
- lti1p3platform — LTI 1.3 Platform implementation
- mdr-python-api — no summary
- microacme — no summary
- mosip-auth-sdk — Simplified SDK for MOSIP Authentication
- mykeepin-sdk — MyKeepin SDK for python
- nameko-keycloak — Helpers to integrate Single Sign-On in nameko-based applications using Keycloak.
- ntcore — Python client for interfacing with NTCore
- nucleus-sdk — The building block for decentralized media
- nucliadb — NucliaDB
- oath-ldap-tool — OATH-LDAP command-line tool
- okta — Python SDK for the Okta Management API
- opthub_client — Library for Opthub CLI tools.
- opthub_runner_admin — Library for running OptHub problems and indicators.
- pas.plugins.imio — Pas plugin use to connect to
- perun.proxygui — Module with gui for perun proxy
- planga — Wrapper for interacting with the Planga chat server.
- platformics — Codegen Python GraphQL Entity Framework
- py-it-crypto — E2EE for the inverse transparency toolchain
- py-logingov-client — Python Implementation of Client
- PyLTI1p3 — LTI 1.3 Advantage Tool implementation in Python
- pySafetyNet-Attestation — Verify JWS-attestations from Google's SafetyNet.