Reverse Dependencies of jupyterlab
The following projects have a declared dependency on jupyterlab:
- nbsv — Simularium Viewer Jupyter Widget
- nbtools — Framework for creating user-friendly Jupyter notebooks, accessible to both programming and non-programming users alike.
- nbvv — Interactive volumetric voxel viewing
- ncafs — Neighborhood Component Analysis Feature Selection
- ndp — A python tool for reducing neutron depth profiling measurements
- neighborly — A narrative-focused agent-based settlement simulation framework.
- nekomata — Package to extract, visualize, convert and study interactions from database into executable activity flow based model
- neno — NeNo (Network Notebooks) is a tool that allows you manage and trigger your Jupyter notebooks remotely over the network using HTTP.
- NEOPRENE — 🌎 Scripts and information to synthetic generation of precipitation based on Point Processes.
- neopyter — A JupyterLab extension. Integrate JupyterLab and Neovim
- nerfstudio — All-in-one repository for state-of-the-art NeRFs
- neuralactivitycubic — Computation of local and signal-close-to-noise calcium activity
- neuralmag — NeuralMag is a micromagnetic GPU code implementing the nodal FD discretization
- neurobooth — Neurobooth library for landmark detection of face features, face mesh, pose, etc.
- neuromynerva — NeuroMynerva extension for FlyBrainLab
- neurotechdevkit — Neurotech Development Kit: an open-source software library designed to enhance accessibility to cutting-edge neurotechnology
- neweraai — NewEraAI - New Era Artificial Intelligence
- nick-derobertis-site — Nick DeRobertis' Personal Website
- nickscoolproject2342 — Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam!
- NikeCA — Standardize and Automate processes
- nixtla — Python SDK for Nixtla API (TimeGPT)
- nixtlats — Python SDK for Nixtla API (TimeGPT)
- nldi-el-serv — NLDI Elevation Services
- no3gwt — Groundwater - Nitrate Decision Support Tool software for the state of Wisconsin
- node-graph-widget — Widget for node-graph
- non-parametric-multivariate-data-generator — A small example package
- notebook — Jupyter Notebook - A web-based notebook environment for interactive computing
- notebook-to-url-ext — no summary
- notebookflow — Fearless interactivity for Jupyter notebooks.
- notebookplus — Fearless interactivity for Jupyter notebooks.
- np-workflows — Ecephys and behavior workflows for the Mindscope Neuropixels team.
- NPSAM — NP-SAM is an easy-to-use segmentation and analysis tool for nanoparticles and more.
- nrel.routee.compass — An eco-routing tool build upon RouteE-Powertrain
- nrgpy — library for handling NRG Systems data files
- nsidc-iceflow — Harmonized access to (pre)OIB/IceSAT/IceSAT2 data
- nuance — Transit signals detection among correlated noises
- numcertainties — uncertainty quantification for numerical computations
- numpyro-oop — A convenient object-oriented wrapper for working with numpyro models.
- nwb4fp — Description of my package
- nwb4fprobe — Description of my package
- nxtomo — module to create / edit NXtomo application
- nzshm_rupture_widget — Ipywidgets map widget that can display 3D GeoJSON.
- o3r-algo-utilities — Algorithm examples related to the ifm O3R product.
- oasisx — A modern implementation of Oasis
- obsidian_apo — Automated experiment design and black-box optimization
- ocean-data-gateway — Your gateway to ocean data.
- oceanai — OCEAN-AI
- odahu-flow-jupyterlab-plugin — A JupyterLab Notebook server extension for jupyter_odahuflow
- odh-elyra — Elyra provides AI Centric extensions to JupyterLab
- ogdf-python — Automagic Python Bindings for the Open Graph Drawing Framework written in C++
- oleo — Interactive netlist visualisation tools compatible with GDSFactory
- oligopoolio — no summary
- omegaml — An open source DataOps, MLOps platform for humans
- ommx — Open Mathematical prograMming eXchange (OMMX)
- onefootball-network — no summary
- openbb-agents — LLMs X OpenBB Platform
- openfl — Federated Learning for the Edge
- OpenOA — A package for collecting and assigning wind turbine metrics
- openqdc — ML ready Quantum Mechanical datasets
- opensarlab-theme-light — A light theme for OpenSARlab
- opensartoolkit — High-level functionality for the inventory, download and pre-processing of Sentinel-1 data
- opensesame-extension-jupyter — Jupyter Lab extension for OpenSesame
- opensoundscape — Open source, scalable acoustic classification for ecology and conservation
- opinf — Operator Inference for data-driven model reduction of dynamical systems.
- orbithunter — Framework for Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
- orchid-python-api — Defines and implements the Python API for Orchid*. (*Orchid is a mark of Reveal Energy Services, Inc.)
- osc-github-devops — Python project metadata to permit workflow testing.
- ot2rec-report — Generate reports for Ot2Rec
- ou-tm351-jl-extensions — no summary
- oxonfair — Toolkit for evaluating and enforcing ML model fairness
- ozcore — My core.
- pagebreaks — Scope Boundaries for Jupyter Notebooks
- paithon — Explore and share your AI Models in no time.
- pandas-render — no summary
- panel-chemistry — This project makes it super simple to do exploratory data analysis and develop high-quality Panel data apps within the domain of chemistry.
- panel-highcharts — This package makes it super simple to do exploratory data analysis and develop high-quality Panel data apps using the HighCharts plotting library.
- panel-sketch — To sketch high performing, interactive visualizations running in the browser and drawing inspiration from p5js
- panel-vegafusion — Build interactive big data apps with Altair and Vega easily using Panel + VegaFusion.
- panpipes — Panpipes - multimodal single cell pipelines
- parabellum — Parabellum environment for parallel warfare simulation
- parcel-data-collector — no summary
- parcel-data-collector2 — no summary
- particula — a simple, fast, and powerful particle simulator
- PCCanalyser — Polyhedral Cell Complex (PCC) Analysis tools
- pcg-gazebo — A Python package for rapid-prototyping and scripting of simulations for Gazebo
- pcgym — Reinforcement learning suite of process control problems.
- pdcst — pdcst is a little podcast command line utility to show
- pdm-tester — nothing yet to say
- penaltyblog — Library from for scraping and modelling football (soccer) data
- pepper-fusion — Pepper Fusion - A Comprehensive Testing Framework
- persist-ext — PersIst is a JupyterLab extension to enable persistent interactive visualizations in JupyterLab notebooks.
- perspective-python — Python bindings and JupyterLab integration for Perspective
- persyn — Personality Syndrome. Persyn for short.
- pfse_starterkit — A module to designed to perform package installations, and verification of install,
- PG-SUI — Python machine and deep learning package to impute missing SNPs
- pharedox — An image analysis pipeline to quantify redox state in the pharynx of C. elegans
- pheflux — Pheflux computational implementation
- phenocam-snow — Pipeline for building deep learning models to classify PhenoCam images.
- PHILIVE — `PHILIVE` (Python Guided Learning through Interactive Digital Education) is a python package for generating live notebooks where you can learn the content by listening to and reading from the slides at the same time you can write and execute yourown code from the slides in real time.
- phoila — A Phosphor wrapper for Voila