Reverse Dependencies of jupyter-rfb
The following projects have a declared dependency on jupyter-rfb:
- differt — Differentiable Ray Tracing Toolbox for Radio Propagation Simulations
- DigitalBrainSDK — A Python SDK for Digital Brain analysis
- fastplotlib — A fast plotting library built using the pygfx render engine
- glue-vispy-viewers — Vispy-based viewers for Glue
- mymesh — Python code for generating and working with meshes.
- navis — Neuron Analysis and Visualization library
- ndv — Simple, fast-loading, n-dimensional array viewer, with minimal dependencies.
- octarine3d — WGPU-based 3d viewer
- rendercanvas — One canvas API, multiple backends
- sionna-vispy — VisPy scene previewer for Sionna
- topsy — topsy - An astrophysics simulation visualization package based on webgpu, using pynbody for reading data
- wgpu — WebGPU for Python