Reverse Dependencies of jupyter_book
The following projects have a declared dependency on jupyter_book:
- abTEM — no summary
- adios4dolfinx — Checkpointing functionality for DOLFINx meshes/functions with ADIOS2
- agjax — A jax wrapper for autograd-differentiable functions.
- allcools — Toolkit for single-cell DNA methylome and multiomic data analysis.
- altair_tiles — altair_tiles
- ap-features — Package to compute features of traces from action potential models
- autosweep — automated testing
- blackmarblepy — Georeferenced Rasters of Nighttime Lights from NASA Black Marble data
- bolero-process — Data preprocessing for bolero package
- cardiac-geometries — A python library for cardiac geometries
- cardiac-geometries-core — Gmsh files for cardiac geometries
- cardiac-geometriesx — A python library for cardiac geometries
- cardiac-mps — Tools for working with caridac mps files
- castep-outputs — A package for extracting information from castep outputs
- ccic — Chalmers Cloud Ice Climatology
- circulation — Closed loop blood circulation model in FEniCS
- cobots2024 — Collaborative Robot Applications
- code_data — Transform Python code objects into data, and vice versa.
- cola-plum-dispatch — Multiple dispatch in Python (with additional features for the CoLA library)
- colored-noise-sc — An implementation of the sparse convolution algorithm (Lewis, 1989) for generating solid time-series of colored noise.
- compas_surrogate.acquisition_plotting — Plotting utils
- compas_surrogate.lnl_computer — COMPAS detection Likelihood computer
- compas_surrogate.lnl_surrogate — Build a surrogate for your LnL(d|θ)± ΔLnL(d|θ)
- compas_surrogate.ogc4_interface — Interface to OGC-4 (
- conflux-web3 — Python SDK for Conflux network
- cryosparc-tools — Toolkit for interfacing with CryoSPARC
- cryotypes — Generalized python types and validators for cryoEM data.
- cspdk — CornerStone PDK
- datacula — a python package for atmospheric particle-gas data analysis and visualization
- dbt-ibis — no summary
- diffaaable — JAX-differentiable AAA algorithm
- django-jupyter — A app for using Jupyter notebooks in Django.
- dmol-book — Style and Imports for dmol Book
- dodata — Software Development Kit - SDK for DoData
- drug-database — Tool for getting scaling factors from different drugs
- echodataflow — Sonar conversion pipeline tool with echopype
- echoshader — Open Source Python package for building ocean sonar data visualizations.
- emd-falsify — Original implementation of the EMD (empirical model discrepancy) model comparison criterion
- ENGR131-2024 — ENGR131_2024 package
- eulerangles — deal with large sets of Euler angles in Python
- fairchem-core — Machine learning models for use in catalysis as part of the Open Catalyst Project
- fdm — Estimate derivatives with finite differences
- fenbux-plum-dispatch — Multiple dispatch in Python
- fenics-beat — Library to run cardiac EP simulations
- fenics-plotly — A package for plotting FEniCS objects using plotly
- fenics-pulse — A python library based on FEniCS that aims to solve problems in continuum mechanics, in particular cardiac mechanics
- fenics-pulse2 — Cardiac Mechanics simulator
- fenics-smart — Spatial Modeling Algorithms for Reactions and Transport (SMART) is a high-performance finite-element-based simulation package for model specification and numerical simulation of spatially-varying reaction-transport processes in biological cells.
- fenicsx-beat — Library to run cardiac EP simulations
- fenicsx-ldrb — Laplace-Dirichlet Rule-based algorithm for assigning myocardial fiber orientations.
- fenicsx-plotly — Lightweight library for plotting FEniCS x objects using plotly
- fenicsx-pulse — Next generation cardiac mechanics solver based on FEniCSx
- fiscalsim-us — FiscalSim federal and state individual tax and benefit system for the US
- flasc — FLASC provides a rich suite of analysis tools for SCADA data filtering & analysis, wind farm model validation, field experiment design, and field experiment monitoring.
- flatspin — Artificial Spin Ice simulator
- flipnslide — A concise Python package to preprocess large scientific images for use with GPUs.
- fmmax — Fourier modal method with Jax
- fractal-tree — Create a fractal tree over a surface discretized by triangles
- gaohn-dsa — DSA package.
- gcoreutils — A versatile python utility library.
- gdsfactory — python library to generate GDS layouts
- gdsfactoryplus — GDSFactory+: adds powerful features such as foundry PDKs, simulations, and verification tools like DRC and LVS.
- gf180 — GlobalFoundries 180nm MCU
- gnatss — Community Seafloor Global Navigation Satellite Systems - Acoustic (GNSS-A) Transponder Surveying Software
- GOSTnets — Networkx wrapper to simplify network analysis using geospatial data
- GOSTRocks — Miscellaneous geospatial functions concerning vector, raster, and network analysis
- GOSTurban — Multiple functions, tools, and tutorials for calculating urbanization based on gridded population data
- gotran — A declarative language describing ordinary differential equations.
- gotranx — A declarative language describing ordinary differential equations
- gplugins — gdsfactory plugins
- GreenHEART — Green Hydrogen Energy and Renewable Technologies
- gvtt — gdsfactory VTT PDK
- h3 — Uber's hierarchical hexagonal geospatial indexing system
- hep-tables — Tables for structured data
- hypersolver — hyper(bolic partial differential equations)solver
- icreports — Utilities for generating technical reports.
- imageruler — Measure minimum sollid/void lengthscales in binary images.
- improv — Platform for adaptive neuroscience experiments
- inc — install new computer
- inefficient-networks — Helper functions for Inefficient Networks collection.
- invrs-gym — A collection of inverse design challenges
- jaxwell — Jaxwell is JAX + Maxwell: an iterative solver for solving the finite-difference frequency-domain Maxwell equations on NVIDIA GPUs
- jouissance — jouissance
- jupyterbook-latex — Latex specific features for jupyter book
- jupyterlab-omnisci — Omnisci integration with JupyterLab
- kgeneric — KLayout generic PDK
- konrad — 'Implementation of a radiative-convective equilibrium model.
- kplugins — KFactory extras such as PCells and plugins
- ldrb — Laplace-Dirichlet Rule-based algorithm for assigning myocardial fiber orientations.
- LoadsKernel — The Loads Kernel Software allows for the calculation of quasi-steady and dynamic maneuver loads,
- m3-learning — Tutorials, Projects, and datasets from the M3-learning research group
- mappymatch — Pure python package for map-matching.
- marray — Masked versions of array API compatible arrays
- mdocspoofer — spoof SerialEM mdoc files from images collected in Tomography v5 from ThermoFisher
- meerkat-ml — Meerkat is building new data abstractions to make machine learning easier.
- meow-sim — Modeling of Eigenmodes and Overlaps in Waveguide Structures
- meshwell — GMSH wrapper, with integrated photonics focus
- mess-jax — MESS: Modern Electronic Structure Simulations
- microsoft-aurora — Implementation of the Aurora model
- mlops2024 — Machine Learning Systems Design