Reverse Dependencies of junit-xml
The following projects have a declared dependency on junit-xml:
- ai-python — Microsoft AI Python Package
- aitestflow — aitestflow is a Python package used for creating automated test scripts for all types of applications.
- APIFuzzer — Fuzz test your application using Swagger or OpenAPI definition without coding
- awx-junit — A Ansible Tower or AWX utility to generate a JUnit XML report from a job.
- balderplugin-junit — balderplugin-junit: plugin to generate junit file reports for the balder test framework
- black-junit — Tool for generation JUnit's report from black/blue output
- byteblower-test-framework — Test Framework for the ByteBlower Traffic Generator.
- cfn-guard-test — cfn-guard-test is a wrapper for cfn-guard that allows you to run unit tests for your cfn-guard rules.
- cfn-lint — Checks CloudFormation templates for practices and behaviour that could potentially be improved
- checkov — Infrastructure as code static analysis
- checkov2 — Infrastructure as code static analysis
- checkpatch-junit — Provide JUnit output to Linux script
- cloudrail — Cloudrail CLI tool
- cmake-checker — cmake-checker is a tool to search for violations to 'modern' cmake rules.
- cmem-cmemc — Command line client for eccenca Corporate Memory
- config-files-validator — A validator for json, yaml, and jinja2 files
- coveo-stew — Opinionated python packaging and development utilities
- cwltest — Common Workflow Language testing framework
- dbt-junit-report — Convert `dbt` run results into a JUnit report format
- dbt-junitxml — no summary
- destral — OpenERP testing framework
- devpi-builder — Devpi-builder takes a requirements.txt and incrementally fills a devpi index with wheels of the listed python packages.
- drheader — DrHEADer helps with the audit of security headers received in response to a single request or a list of requests.
- findbugs2junit — Convert findbugs xml report to junit report
- flake8-formatter-junit-xml — JUnit XML Formatter for flake8
- guerrilla_aaron — demo
- gunit — App for unit testing with GDB
- hammr — Command-line tool for building conistent and repeatable machine images for multiple cloud platforms
- hammr-3.6 — Command-line tool for building conistent and repeatable machine images for multiple cloud platforms
- junit-report — Export your test suites and cases to JUnit report using decorators
- kicad2junit — Convert KiCad ERC/DRC report to Junit reports
- lemur — Certificate management and orchestration service
- mazikeen — Test enviroment for CLI application
- mbed-os-tools — The tools to build, test, and work with Mbed OS
- Microsoft-AI-Azure-Utility-Samples — Utility Samples for AI Solutions
- mutmut — mutation testing for Python 3
- neoload — A command-line native utility for launching and observing NeoLoad performance tests
- neoload-compose — A command-line native utility for creating NeoLoad performance tests
- nutter — A databricks notebook testing library
- onec-checkgrammar — Проверка орфографии элементов формы для 1с
- onekey-client — ONEKEY API client
- pingsafe-cli — [Deprecated] PingSafe CLI is an extension of our vision to shift-left security with PingSafe.
- pitester — Automation test framework
- pordego — Command line tool for running configurable static analysis plugins on Python code
- psgraph — Infrastructure as code static analysis
- pyats.aereport — pyATS AEreport: Result Collection and Reporting
- pyetta — Tooling for automated testing on embedded bare metal platforms.
- questions-three — Toolkit for building automated integration checks
- refery — Functional testing tool
- report2junit — `report2junit` is a tool that converts various reports into the JUnit format.
- reqman — Create your http(s)-tests in simple yaml files, and run them with command line, against various environments
- s1-cns-cli — SentinelOne CNS CLI is an extension of our vision to shift-left security with SentinelOne CNS.
- s1-shift-left-cli — SentinelOne CNS CLI is an extension of our vision to shift-left security with SentinelOne CNS.
- schemathesis — Property-based testing framework for Open API and GraphQL based apps
- secscanner2junit — Convert Security Scanner Output to JUnit Format
- sh-junit-xml — A tool for generating junit output from a shell
- tap2junit — A utility that converts TAP version 12 and 13 to JUnit. That's it.
- terraform-compliance — BDD test framework for terraform
- unity-test-parser — Parse the output of the Unity Test Framework for C
- VHDLTest — VHDL Testbench Runner