Reverse Dependencies of jsonschema
The following projects have a declared dependency on jsonschema:
- babbage — A light-weight analytical engine for OLAP processing
- backtest-reg — no summary
- badgecheck — A python module that performs verification for Open Badges.
- bagit-create — Create BagIt packages harvesting data from upstream sources
- BaldrApp — Simulating Baldr - the Zernike Wavefront Sensor for Asgard
- baler_operator — A Kubernetes operator for managing NLP framework deplotments.
- bamboo-pipeline — runtime for bamboo-engine base on Django and Celery
- banksy-py — Spatial Domain analysis using Banksy.
- bansoko — Bansoko is a reimagined, space-themed clone of MS-DOS Soko-Ban from 1984 created in Python using Pyxel
- barbican — OpenStack Secure Key Management
- barectf — Generator of ANSI C tracers which output CTF data streams
- barmoury — The super Backend Toolkit 🔨 🔧 🚀
- barrage — A supervised deep learning tool.
- bartbroere-eland — [Development fork!] Python Client and Toolkit for DataFrames, Big Data, Machine Learning and ETL in Elasticsearch
- bas-metadata-library — Python library for generating metadata records
- bas-web-map-inventory — Inventory of geospatial layers and web maps provided by the BAS Mapping and Geographic Information Centre (MAGIC), visualised in Airtable.
- basd — Implements the command line interface to the Battery System Designer tool.
- base-automation — base-automation
- bashckup — Defines your backup strategy based on bash commands
- basilsweepercrawler — no summary
- basyx-python-sdk — The Eclipse BaSyx Python SDK, an implementation of the Asset Administration Shell for Industry 4.0 systems
- bayeslite — BQL database built on SQLite3
- bbp-atlas-pipeline-validator — A pipeline validator for Blue Brain Project
- bcts-telliotfeeds — Tools for interacting with Tellor Protocol smart contracts.
- bctsag-telliotfeeds — Tools for interacting with Tellor Protocol smart contracts.
- beacon2-import — Seamlessly import and query all of the beacon protocol collections
- beancount-import — Semi-automatic importing of external data into beancount.
- beatmachine — A library for procedurally remixing songs
- bedrock-swarm — A framework for building multi-agent systems using AWS Bedrock
- beeai-cli — BeeAI CLI
- beegen — BeeGen is an intelligent command-line tool designed to assist developers with everyday tasks, leveraging the power of generative AI.
- behave-restful — Implements Gherking language for REST services.
- behave-testrail-reporter — Behave library to integrate with Testrail API
- beit-qubo-solver — Client package for the exact qubo solver by BEIT available at AWS Marketplace.
- bel — BEL related functionality
- bel-commons — A web application exposing core PyBEL functionalities
- benchmark-templates — Workflow Templates for Reproducible Data Analysis Benchmarks
- bento-lib — A set of common utilities and helpers for Bento platform services.
- bento-mdf — Python driver/validator for Bento Model Description Format
- bento-sts — Bento Simple Terminology Server
- berapi — An API client for simplifying API testing with Python + PyTest
- bermuda-ledger — A module for manipulating insurance loss triangles
- berni — Database of interaction models for molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations
- bettercheck — A CLI tool that helps evaluate Python packages for security concerns
- betty — Betty helps you visualize and publish your family history by building interactive genealogy websites out of your Gramps and GEDCOM family trees
- bf-nlu — no summary
- bf-nlu-banki — no summary
- bidscoin — Converts and organises raw MRI data-sets according to the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS)
- bidsschematools — Python tools for working with the BIDS schema.
- big-graph-dataset — A collection of graph datasets in torch_geometric format.
- big-pdf-into-images — A tool to convert PDF files into images, page by page.
- big-thing-py — JOI Smart Device SDK
- bigbang-py — BigBang is a toolkit for studying communications data from collaborative projects. It currently supports analyzing mailing lists from Sourceforge, Mailman, ListServ, or .mbox files.
- BigchainDB — BigchainDB: The Blockchain Database
- bigmler — A command-line tool for, the public BigML API
- binaexperts — Binaexperts SDK, a comprehensive computer vision toolkit
- binalyzer-rest — Binary Data Analyzer
- biobb-common — Biobb_common is the base package required to use the biobb packages.
- bioimageio.spec — Parser and validator library for specifications
- bioinfo-toolset — Python Rules Evaluator
- biolinkml — Biolink Modeling Language
- biomap-core — BioMap core interfaces
- biomap-miriam — BioMap MIRIAM ( mapper
- bionic-falcon — Automate CRUD actions with a Falcon API
- biothings — a toolkit for building high-performance data APIs in biology
- biotorch — BioTorch is a PyTorch framework specializing in biologically plausible learning algorithms.
- birbtalk — Modular Python library for working with LLM-based chat bots.
- bird-ospf-link-db-parser — Parse the text output from the BIRD Routing Daemon's OSPF link database into machine readable JSON
- bitfount — Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library.
- bizzflow-toolkit — Bizzflow is ETL (extract - transform - load) template based on standard native cloud services. Supporting the three main cloud providers (Google Cloud Platform / Amazon AWS / MS Azure), it takes all the advantages. You pay only for services you really use. Perfect for teams who want to have direct relationship with their cloud provider. No matter if it is because of security or because you already have existing contract.
- bizztreat-base — Set of helpers to help you build Bizzflow components easily
- bk-plugin-framework — bk plugin python framework
- BlacklistReport — Bad Reputation (Blacklisted IP) Incident Reporting.
- blam-sdk — Blam
- blazingapi — A growing framework for building web applications.
- blockdoc — A simple, powerful standard for structured content that works beautifully with LLMs, humans, and modern editors
- blocklib — A library for blocking in record linkage
- blowtorch-py — A framework for creating Rust machine learning models that are trained in Python.
- blueblack — Automatic light/dark mode transitions based on location
- blueetl — Multiple simulations analysis tool
- bluesky-browser — Library of Qt widgets for searching, viewing document streams
- bluesky-queueserver — Server for queueing plans
- bmtk — Brain Modeling Toolkit
- bobocep — A fault-tolerant Complex Event Processing engine designed for edge computing in Internet of Things systems.
- bogrod — Manage SBOM, VEX records and release notes in a single tool
- bookied — A daemon to manage synchronization with the blockchain
- bookiesports — Sports module for bookied
- booq — Python implementation of booq - a tool calculating binary year to date metrics with monthly cumulative slices.
- borgmatic — Simple, configuration-driven backup software for servers and workstations
- bos-auto — A daemon to manage synchronization with the blockchain
- bos-incidents — Private module for BOS incident storage
- boss-ingest — Ingest client for the Boss
- bossman — Automation framework
- botc-tokens — A collection of command line utilities for creating, updating, and grouping tokens for Blood on the Clocktower.
- bottle-swagger-2 — Swagger Integration for Bottle
- boundary-layer — Builds Airflow DAGs from configuration files
- boutiques — Schema for describing bash command-line tools
- bowtie-json-schema — A meta-validator for the JSON Schema specification.
- box-cmd — A command-line tool to easily create backups of selected folders or files.
- brainsets — A package for processing neural datasets