Reverse Dependencies of jsii
The following projects have a declared dependency on jsii:
- mvc-projen — Base projen module for MV Consulting projects
- neulabs-cdk-constructs — neulabs-cdk-constructs
- newtgw — newtgw
- nija-test — no summary
- node-ec2-instance — CDK construct library for creating an EC2 instance with Node.js installed
- oblcc-amazon-inspector-v2 — This construct can be used to automate provisioning of Amazon Inspector 2
- occ.ecr-pattern — OCC Pattern to create an AWS ECR based on OCC way
- open-constructs-aws-cdk — @open-constructs/aws-cdk
- opensearch-rest-resources — Manage OpenSearch REST resources from AWS CDK.
- opinionated-ci-pipeline — CI/CD on AWS with feature-branch builds, developer-environment deployments, and build status notifications.
- p6-barrier — p6-barrier
- p6-cdk-gha-role — AWS CDK: An IAM Role for Github Actions to Assume
- p6-cdk-github-oidc-provider — A AWS CDK Github OIDC Provider
- p6-cdk-name — DESC
- p6-cdk-website-plus — R53 -> CF -> S3
- p6-namer — p6-namer
- p6-projen-project-awesome-list — Projen External Project for awesome-lists
- packyak-aws-cdk — AWS CDK Constructs for the PackYak Lakehouse Platform
- pahud-cdk-github-oidc — CDK construct library for Github OpenID Connect Identity Provider
- pahud-cdktf-aws-ecs — CDKTF construct library for Amazon ECS
- pahud-cdktf-aws-eks — CDKTF construct library for Amazon EKS
- paws.lambda-time-trigger — Implements sub-minute time trigger support to trigger AWS Lambda functions
- pepperize.cdk-apigateway-swagger-ui — Add SwaggerUI to your AWS Apigateway RestApi
- pepperize.cdk-autoscaling-gitlab-runner — AWS CDK GitLab Runner autoscaling on EC2 instances using docker+machine executor.
- pepperize.cdk-dynamodb-backup — Backup and restore AWS DynamoDB Table to AWS S3 Bucket with AWS Data Pipeline.
- pepperize.cdk-github — Manage GitHub resources like repositories, teams, members, integrations and workflows with the AWS CDK as Custom Resources in CloudFormation with [cdk-github](
- pepperize.cdk-lambda-deno — AWS CDK custom AWS Lambda runtime with Deno
- pepperize.cdk-organizations — Manage AWS organizations, organizational units (OU), accounts and service control policies (SCP).
- pepperize.cdk-private-bucket — This project provides a CDK construct for creating private S3 bucket.
- pepperize.cdk-route53-health-check — Create Route53 HealthChecks to monitor TCP, HTTP, HTTPS endpoints, CloudWatch Alarms and other Route53 HealthChecks.
- pepperize.cdk-security-group — This project provides a CDK construct to create an EC2 SecurityGroup, which property `securityGroupName` returns the GroupName.
- pepperize.cdk-serverless-cluster-from-snapshot — Deprecated: Use
- pepperize.cdk-ses-smtp-credentials — Generate SES smtp credentials for a given user and store the credentials in a SecretsManager Secret.
- pepperize.cdk-ssm-parameters-cross-region — Store, read and lookup AWS SSM Parameters cross-region
- pepperize.cdk-terraform-state-backend — This project provides a CDK construct bootstrapping an AWS account with a S3 Bucket and a DynamoDB table as terraform state backend.
- pepperize.cdk-vpc — Utility constructs for tagging subnets or creating a cheaper vpc.
- pepperize.projen-awscdk-app-ts — This project provides a projen project type providing presets for an AWS CDK construct library project
- pepperize.projen-awscdk-construct — This project provides a projen project type providing presets for an AWS CDK construct library project
- pharindoko.cdk-internal-gateway — CDK construct to create to create internal serverless applications.
- pinecone-db-construct — A CDK construct for Pinecone Indexes
- polycons — polycons
- projen — CDK for software projects
- projen-jsii — projen-jsii
- projen-modules — A collection of projen modules
- projen-practical-constructs — Constructs and utilities for managing projects (Python, NodeJS etc) with Projen enforcing solid build, test and linting structures
- projen-publishing-tester — projen-publishing-tester
- projen-study — projen-study
- projen-test — @seeebiii/projen-test
- projen-types — My custom projen project types
- projentest — compliantdynamodb
- ps-constructs — psconstructs
- psconstructs — test cnxc constructs for cdk
- pwed-cdk — A library of AWS CDK constructs that I have created
- pwrdrvr.microapps.cdk — MicroApps framework, by PwrDrvr LLC, delivered as an AWS CDK construct that provides the DynamoDB, Router service, Deploy service, API Gateway, and CloudFront distribution.
- pwrdrvr.microapps.nextjsdemoappcdk — Release app for the MicroApps framework, by PwrDrvr LLC. Provides the ability to control which version of an app is launched.
- pwrdrvr.microapps.releaseappcdk — Release app for the MicroApps framework, by PwrDrvr LLC. Provides the ability to control which version of an app is launched.
- py-relative-time-ago — jsii-time-ago
- rafalkrol-xyz.cdk-fsx-ontap — CDK construct for Amazon FSx for Netapp ONTAP
- raindancers-network.raindancers-cdk — Extensions to the ec2.Vpc Constructs
- rantoniuk.cloudwatch-retention-setter — Based on EventBridge rule, automatically set the logGroup retention policy when new AWS CloudWatch logGroup is created.
- rayou.cdk-url-shortener — Deploy a URL shortener with custom domain support in just a few lines of code.
- rds-scheduler — Automatic Start and Stop Scheduler for AWS RDS
- — This construct returns the currently active SES receipt RuleSet, or creates one. This enables you to add rules to it.
- reapit-cdk.cloudfront-invalidation — CloudFront invalidations are [very error prone](, making it hard to invalidate distributions reliably. This construct aims to solve this problem by using a step function which is triggered on stack update, and uses exponential backoff to retry the invalidation. Inspired by
- reapit-cdk.cross-region-stack-export — Allows you to share values between stack across regions and accounts.
- reapit-cdk.edge-api-swapper — Add a swagger endpoint to your EdgeAPI
- — This construct sets up everything necessary to receive email. The emails get stored in a dynamodb table, queryable by recipient. This is designed to be used in end-to-end tests, with the [@reapit-cdk/email-receiver-client](../../libs/email-receiver-client) helper library.
- reapit-cdk.entra-id-application — This construct creates and manages a Microsoft Entra ID Application
- reapit-cdk.reapit-product — Creates a product in the organisations service
- reapit-cdk.replicated-key — Creates a KMS key and replicates it to the desired regions. Useful when replicating secrets across regions.
- reapit-cdk.replicated-secret — Creates a Secret and replicates it across the given regions. Requires a [ReplicatedKey](../replicated-key/ be passed in.
- reapit-cdk.service-quotas — This construct allows you to IaC your service quotas
- reapit-cdk.userpool-domain — This construct returns the given Cognito UserPool's UserPoolDomain, or creates one. This resolves an issue with [AWS::Cognito::UserPoolDomain](, since that will fail if one already exists.
- reapit-cdk.wildcard-certificate — This construct returns a wildcard certificate valid for subdomains of the given domain names, creating and validating on if it doesn't exist. It supports cross-account DNS validation, you can pass in arns of roles from other accounts and it'll assume them whilst doing the Route53 updates.
- — A library of CDK aspects applying to security groups.
- — AWS CDK Construct Library to manage AWS Code Artifact resources
- — AWS CDK Construct Library to manage AWS VPC IP Address Manager resources
- — AWS CDK Construct Library to manage specific AWS Organization resources
- — AWS CDK Construct Library for AWS SSO
- — AWS CDK Construct Library to manage Lets Encrypt certificate renewals with Certbot
- — AWS CDK Construct Library to automatically create CloudWatch Alarms for resources in a CDK app based on resource type.
- — An AWS CDK library that provides event patterns that match common Control Tower lifecycle events.
- — AWS CDK Construct Library to create an instance role for instances managed by SSM and capable of joining an AWS managed domain.
- — AWS CDK Construct Library to map zone-ids to zone-names to support multi-account zonal consistency for VPCs
- — AWS CDK Construct Library to create one time event schedules.
- — CDK Construct Library to create instance based services utilizing default configurations for Renovo Solutions.
- — AWS CDK Construct Library to manage micro apis for Renovo Solutions
- — An AWS CDK construct library for creating S3 buckets with desirable defaults.
- — An AWS CDK library that adds functionality for targetting additional resources in Route53
- — AWS CDK Construct Library for generating AWS access keys and storing them in Secrets Manager
- — AWS CDK Construct Library for generating SMTP credentials for SES and storing them in Secrets Manager
- retbrown-cdk-ecr-deployment — CDK construct to deploy docker image to Amazon ECR
- — CDK Construct for AWS Lambda in Golang
- schadem-cdk-construct-csv-to-aurora — schadem-cdk-construct-csv-to-aurora
- schadem-cdk-construct-sfn-comprehend-classifier — schadem-cdk-construct-sfn-comprehend-classifier
- schadem-cdk-construct-sfn-generate-csv — schadem-cdk-construct-sfn-generate-csv
- schadem-cdk-construct-sfn-idp-decider — schadem-cdk-construct-sfn-idp-decider
- schadem-cdk-construct-sfn-test — some description
- schadem-cdk-construct-sfn-textract-classifiction-configurator — schadem-cdk-construct-sfn-textract-classifiction-configurator
- schadem-cdk-construct-sfn-textract-output-config-to-json — schadem-cdk-construct-sfn-textract-output-config-to-json