Reverse Dependencies of jsbeautifier
The following projects have a declared dependency on jsbeautifier:
- admin_scripts — Administration Scripts
- alpinejsstate — no summary
- alpinejswidget — no summary
- anime-downloader — Download your favourite anime
- appyratus — Not your momma's Python toolkit
- ArconaiAudio — Downloads and unzips chromedriver to curent directory
- audata — A python package for reading and writing data for in the audata file spec.
- auviewer — A general-purpose time series exploration & annotation tool.
- azdev — Microsoft Azure CLI Developer Tools
- binary-refinery — A toolkit to transform and refine (mostly) binary data.
- ccnpy — A pure python implementation of the CCNx client.
- cfgopt — You only configure your deep learning experiment once with cfgopt.
- Chocolate-App — no summary
- CLaF — CLaF: Clova Language Framework
- convnet-morpho — convnet-morpho is a cell morphology analysis library
- cssbeautifier — CSS unobfuscator and beautifier.
- dash-extensions — Extensions for Plotly Dash.
- decoder-plus-plus — An extensible application for penetration testers and software developers to decode/encode data into various formats.
- deen — Generic data DEcoding/ENcoding application built with PyQt5
- dffml — Data Flow Facilitator for Machine Learning
- djlint — HTML Template Linter and Formatter
- dreem — DREEM solves RNA structure ensembles using chemical probing data
- earth2studio — Open-source deep-learning framework for exploring, building and deploying AI weather/climate workflows.
- eodc — Python SDK for interacting with EODC services.
- file-scraper — Scrape files for sensitive information, and generate an interactive HTML report.
- geeadd — Google Earth Engine Batch Assets Manager with Addons
- getjswords — get JS Words
- giotto-viewer — giotto-viewer is a web-based locally hosted visualization tool for spatial transcriptomic data
- grizzly-framework — A framework for developing and running browser fuzzers
- htmf-format — Format HTML in Python f-strings
- jsonschema2popo2 — Converts a JSON Schema to a Plain Old Python Object class
- JSRope — You don't want to write JavaScript? Me, too. But, Let me handle it with Python.
- labpython — Collection of modules for controlling experimental setups.
- litestar — Litestar - A production-ready, highly performant, extensible ASGI API Framework
- mdformat-web — Mdformat plugin to format JS, CSS, HTML and XML code blocks
- mkdocs-mermaid2-plugin — A MkDocs plugin for including mermaid graphs in markdown sources
- mlshell — Ml framework.
- module-qc-database-tools — Python wrapper to interface with LocalDB and Production DB for common tasks for pixel modules.
- navinibs — Software for neuronavigated non-invasive brain stimulation
- nodejsscan — Static security code scanner (SAST) for Node.js applications
- onecomic — onecomic
- openwpm-utils — Tools for parsing crawl data generated by OpenWPM
- parsuite — A framework to parse common things.
- peepdf-3 — A Python 3 tool to explore, analyse, and disassemble PDF files
- peepdf-fork — no summary
- pye3dc — E3/DC client for python
- pyUAMMD — UAMMD python
- pyVLMP — Virtual Lab Modeling Platform
- ravel — Python's first meta-framework
- scrapy-scraper — Web crawler and scraper based on Scrapy and Playwright's headless browser.
- shulker — A minecraft interface using RCON
- smalig — Smali ByteCode info (grammar) fetch tool written in Python
- starlite — Performant, light and flexible ASGI API Framework
- StreamingCommunity — no summary
- style50 — This is style50, with which code can be checked against the CS50 style guide
- synthpops — Synthetic contact network generation
- tactile-map — Generates designs of tactile maps recognisable by touch. For small scale production using laser cutters. For people who are blind or with a poor eyesight.
- tactile-patterns — Generates patterns recognisable by touch, for use in laser-cut materials (for people who are blind or with a poor eyesight, in dark)
- TopCompiler — Compiler for Top programming language
- webchanges — Check web (or command output) for changes since last run and notify. Anonymously alerts you of web changes, with
- z-format — A CLI formatter for JavaScript and CSS (beautify or minimize).
- zabbix-multisender — Zabbix MiltiSender
- zformat — An opinionated CLI format checker, formatter and minimizer for JavaScript and CSS.