Reverse Dependencies of jproperties
The following projects have a declared dependency on jproperties:
- analogic-framework — no summary
- cheutils — A set of basic reusable utilities and tools to facilitate quickly getting up and going on any machine learning project.
- configops — A devops config tool
- Cowpox — Deploy Android apps written in Python
- DiskWrangler — Cenbe's Commodore 64 Disk Image Explorer
- epct — Evolutionary approach to constructing PCT hierarchies
- excel-generator — An excel generator that takes as input a JSON file. The format of the file is list of dictionaries.
- fluentd-logger — Simple fluentd logger library
- h2o-featurestore — Feature Store Client for Python
- HangoutCore — A modular bot for teaching new developers
- hatch-gradle-version — no summary
- hats — Hierarchical Adaptive Tiling Scheme Catalog
- howard-ann — HOWARD - Highly Open Workflow for Annotation & Ranking toward genomic variant Discovery
- kupy — Awesome kupy created by ryanzhang
- liquisource — A liquibase datasource client for python
- littlehorse-client — LittleHorse is a high-performance microservice orchestration engine that allows developers to build scalable, maintainable, and observable applications
- manamodeller — no summary
- mw_pyhelper — A set of python helper classes / utilities from MicWan
- mypackage-himansc123 — converting a properties file into a desired format .
- mypackage-himansc321 — converting a properties file into a desired format .
- mypackage-himansc828 — converting a properties file into a desired format .
- netx-studio-sbom-extender — An SBOM extender package that modifies an input SBOM with copyright and license information harvested by scanning a netX Studio 2.0 distribution.
- paig-common — PAIG Shield Common Library
- paig-server — PAIG Server
- pc-initializer — A small example package
- pct — Perceptual Control Theory with Python
- privacera-shield-common — Privacera AI Governance (PAIG) Shield Common Library
- PyConfigLoader — Application config loader helper with multiple config file format supported
- pynanomapper — eNanoMapper API client
- pythonSeleniumInfraByVerisoft — A package of Selenium Python Framework
- robotframework-localization — Robot Framework Internationalization
- RobotFramework-PropertyFile — An utility package for exposing Java-style properties from property-files as variables in Robot Framework
- robotLocalization — Robot Framework Internationalization
- strimzi-kafka-cli — Command Line Interface for Strimzi Kafka Operator
- veriSoft-python-selenium-framework — A package of Selenium Python Framework
- vevestaX — Stupidly simple library to track machine learning experiments as well as features
- whispers — Identify secrets in static structured text
- williamtoolbox — williamtoolbox: William Toolbox
- xpath-localizer — XPATH internationalization and localization helper