Reverse Dependencies of joserfc
The following projects have a declared dependency on joserfc:
- beaker-session-jwt — no summary
- bob3client — Lightweight bob3 client utilities
- did-sdk-python — This SDK is used not only to create and manage ICON DID, but also to issue and verify credentials and presentations.
- django-ninja-aio-crud — Django Ninja AIO CRUD - Rest Framework
- fastapi-cognito — AWS Cognito JWT authentication library for FastAPI
- fds.sdk.utils — Utilities for interacting with FactSet APIs.
- flask-app-security — Provides utilities for securing passwords and handling user sessions.
- flask-entra-auth — Flask extension for authenticating and authorising requests using Entra identity platform.
- flask-includes-captcha — A simple, limited (basic) wrap of the popular Captcha library for Flask projects.
- goosebit — no summary
- h-vialib — Library functions for use with Via.
- joserfc-wrapper — joserfc-wrapper is a library for easy use of JWT and automatic management of signature keys.
- moto — A library that allows you to easily mock out tests based on AWS infrastructure
- moto-ext — no summary
- qrkey — Swarm robotics deployments made easy.
- rp_python_sdk — Python SDK for Relying Parties to enable simple integration with the Digital Identity ecosystem