Reverse Dependencies of joblib
The following projects have a declared dependency on joblib:
- wgcpy — Data analysis and PMML model framework!
- whatsappchatbot — Whatsapp chatbot
- whereabouts — Fast, accurate open source geocoding in Python
- Whitebeam — Whitebeam is a framework for creating decision tree functions.
- wikipedia2vec — A tool for learning vector representations of words and entities from Wikipedia
- wikipedia2vecsm — A tool for learning vector representations of words and entities from Wikipedia
- wikiusers — A python3 module that uses the Mediawiki History Dump Tsv to download the datasets, analyze them, uploading them to MongoDB and postprocess them. The result is a database with tons of information on every individual user of Wikipedia
- wilddrummer — Turn sound samples into drums.
- wildebeest — Bulk image processing
- wineMLXMV — ML model to predict quality of wine by XMV for PEC2 exercise
- wiseprophet — WiseProphet Platform package creation written by wiseitech
- wizata-dsapi — Wizata Data Science Toolkit
- wmbook — Templete of wmbook
- woe-scoring — Weight Of Evidence Transformer and LogisticRegression model with scikit-learn API
- workbench — Workbench: A Dashboard and Python API for creating and deploying AWS SageMaker Model Pipelines
- wp-library — WiseProphet Platform package creation written by wiseitech
- wurzel — no summary
- wxee — Earth Engine to xarray interface
- wxy121517761848 — Some lite description.
- xabier-burgos-AE-PEC2-xburgos — PEC-2 Analitica Escalable - UAH - Master DS.
- xander-ai — Xander - A package to train Classification, Regression, and Image Classification models.
- xander-cli — Xander AI CLI for training AI models
- xarray-lmfit — Fit lmfit models to xarray objects.
- xbinary-classifier — no summary
- xbx-Z1 — xbx-Z1
- xcodec2 — A library for XCodec2 model.
- xdart — A pyFAI based GUI utility to rebin and visualize X-ray Diffraction data
- xenonpy — material descriptor library
- XeroGraph — A Python implementation of Little's MCAR test, MAR vs MNAR analysis, missing value visualization and imputation
- XeroML — A data management platform
- xgb-rhomut — Next-generation non-linear and collapse prediction pre-trained XGBoost models for short to long period systems.
- xgboost-model — A small xgboost model package
- xgboost-model-jarushi — A small xgboost model package
- xgbse — Improving XGBoost survival analysis with embeddings and debiased estimators
- xgdl — Explainability Library with Geometric Deep Learning for Scientific Tasks
- XGenTS — An eXplainable framework for Generative Time Series in Python
- XGeoML — A ensemble framework for explainable geospatial machine Learning models
- XMCD-Projection — Library for simulating XMCD projection signal
- xmipp-metadata — Package to handle Xmipp Metadata and image binary data
- xmu — Reads and writes XML for Axiell EMu
- xomics — Python framework for eXplainable Omics analysis
- xomx — xomx: a python library for computational omics
- xpag — xpag: Exploring Agents
- xpcs-viewer — pyXPCSViewer: A python-based interactive tool to visualize and model XPCS dataset
- xpersist — xpersist provides custom caching utility functions in Python
- xplainable — Real-time explainable machine learning for business optimisation
- xptools — Image and video analysis tools for experimental sciences
- xsec — xsec: the cross-section evaluation code
- xshap — Package created as a wrapper for the original Shap package to simplify the learning process
- xstatix — Space and Time Algorithm for Transients In X-rays
- xtgeo — XTGeo is a Python library for 3D grids, surfaces, wells, etc
- xwire.scientific — no summary
- xyzpy — Easily generate large parameter space data
- yaml-parser-gces-italo — A biblioteca desenvolvida auxilia desenvolvedores a explorar os dados com funções essenciais para a identificação de outliers e anomalias e uma interface que auxilia a visualizar as informações de acordo com o arquivo de configuração.
- yamlu — yet another machine learning utility library
- yang-ion-pred — no summary
- yapayzeka — makine öğrenimi denemesi
- yapocl — Helper functions for yapocl
- yasim — Yet Another SIMulator for Alternative Splicing Events and Realistic Gene Expression Profile
- yEscher — Run gene knockouts and analyize S. Cerevisae, built on top of yeastGEM
- yikit — This is my own tool kit.
- ylearn — A python package for causal inference
- yolo5face — Wrapper over Yolo5Face for a more convenient inference.
- yolov5facedetector — Packaged version YOLOv5 Face Detector
- yolov7tools — no summary
- youchoose — YouChoose is an open source recommendation library built on PyTorch.
- youtube-synopsis — Generate a colored, striped "summary" of a Youtube video.
- ypricemagic — Use this tool to extract historical on-chain price data from an archive node. Shoutout to @bantg and @nymmrx for their awesome work on yearn-exporter that made this library possible.
- ytopt — Model-based search software for autotuning.
- YWP — This is a library to simplify the Python language for beginners while adding some features that are not found in other libraries
- yxquantgene — Xu Yuxing's personal quantitative genomic tools
- z-rad — Z-Rad is a radiomic feature extraction software with GUI and API.
- zarth-utils — Package used for my personal development on ML projects.
- zebrafishBlood — Zebrafish blood smear cell counter
- zein — A python library for ensuring the safety and security of visual content
- zen-knit — Zen-Knit is a formal (PDF), informal (HTML) report generator for data analyst and data scientist who wants to use python. Rmarkdown Alternative for Python, It also allow you to publish reports to Zen Reportz Enterprise or community edition
- zexture — It the number
- zfista — A globally convergent fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm with a new momentum factor for single and multi-objective convex optimization
- zftracker — Python library for tracking group of zebrafish
- ziplime — no summary
- zksnake — zkSNARKs in Python
- zoish — Zoish is a Python package that streamlines machine learning by leveraging SHAP values for feature selection and interpretability, making model development more efficient and user-friendly.
- zonal-variograms — Zonal (Polygon) variograms on a input raster
- zyh-24-06-17 — A small example package