Reverse Dependencies of jira
The following projects have a declared dependency on jira:
- jiraA — Lib created based on documentaion
- JiraChLog — Creates a basic changelog using git and Jira
- jiradls — A JIRA command line interface for the DLS instance
- jiradumper — no summary
- jiraextendedlib — no summary
- jirafrog — Extremely basic curses-based Jira UI
- jirafs — Edit Jira issues as text files locally.
- jiragen — RAG-based JIRA ticket generator using vector similarity search
- jirajumper — Yet another JIRA issue manager CLI with emphasis on task chains.
- JiraLogin — A Jira login assistant that saves credentials for individual servers locally for future use.
- jirap — A small example package
- jirarelease — This is a example for jira release
- jirareport — Commands to allow command line jira reports.
- jirate — no summary
- jiratimehook — no summary
- jiratools — Simple helpers to interface to JIRA from an API or command line.
- jirator — Fetch your assigned JIRA issues and checkout new branches with their ID
- jiraworklog — Command-line application to synchronize local worklog records with a Jira server
- jiraX — Lib created based on documentaion
- jiraya — Simple Jira Command Line Interface.
- jirit — Jirit is for getting stuff from Jira and Github.
- joca — Sync project lead with ical (for on call assignees)
- joft — CLI tool for automation of user actions on a JIRA instance
- jolly-brancher — CLI tool that creates git branches from JIRA tickets
- jotion — 2-way, live Notion<>Jira integration.
- jsd-job-bot — Jira Service Desk job tracker.
- kiwitcms — Test Case Management System
- lancet — Command line utility used by Divio.
- ldap2jira — Set of utilities for finding jira accounts with LDAP check and optional file map
- leona — CLI for DevOps Integration
- lint4jira — lint4jira is a calculator for Jira tasks or sprints health. It calculates the health of the tasks in a sprint or a single task in Jira.
- llama-index-readers-jira — llama-index readers jira integration
- llama-index-tools-jira — no summary
- log-time-to-tempo — Log your work time to tempo from the command line.
- ltpylib — Common Python helper functions
- md2workflow — Create a JIRA or other Workflow from markdown files.
- metacase — MetaCase is test case exporter tool based on FMF (Flexible Metadata Format) .
- mlx.jira_juggler — A Python script for extracting data from Jira, and converting to TaskJuggler (tj3) output
- mlx.jira-traceability — Sphinx plugin to create Jira tickets based on traceable items
- moic — My Own Issue CLI (Jira, Gitlab etc...)
- monasca-notification — Reads alarms from Kafka and then notifies the customer using their configured notification method.
- n0s1 — Secret Scanner for Slack, Jira, Confluence, Asana, Wrike, Linear and Zendesk. Prevent credential leaks with n0s1.
- neurohive-devops-tools — Neurohive devops tools
- nodeconductor-jira — Plugin for interaction and management of Atlassian JIRA
- oc_sprint_datetime — The library with a few useful sprint date and time methods.
- odoo-addon-connector-jira — JIRA Connector
- odoo11-addon-connector-jira — JIRA Connector
- odoo12-addon-connector-jira — JIRA Connector
- odoo13-addon-connector-jira — JIRA Connector
- omigo-ext — Extensions for omigo_core package
- pano-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- planning-poker-jira — A jira extension for the planning poker app
- powerjira — A succinct, minimal local jira control plane that can live in your text editor. Interface with tickets fast!
- pycis-cli — Python Continuous Integration System (PyCIS) - CLI Tools
- pytest-jira-xfail — Plugin skips (xfail) tests if unresolved Jira issue(s) linked
- python-common-lib — no summary
- python-kacl — Python module and CLI tool for validating and modifying Changelogs in "keep-a-changelog" format"
- pytoolbox — Toolbox for Python scripts
- qontract-reconcile — Collection of tools to reconcile services with their desired state as defined in the app-interface DB.
- qrunner — Api/Web/App端自动化测试框架
- querent — The Asynchronous Data Dynamo and Graph Neural Network Catalyst
- rd-webhooks — (deprecated, unmaintained)
- RegScale-CLI — Command Line Interface (CLI) for bulk processing/loading data into RegScale
- rh-elliott — CLI tool for managing and automating Red Hat software releases
- rocket-releaser — Script for release notes and labeling upon deploys
- scdna-replication-tools — Code for analyzing single-cell replication dynamics
- sitreps-client — A client help to collect different metrics.
- skip-developers-chamber — A small plugin which help with development, deployment, git
- slackbot-atlassian — Slackbot plugins for the Atlassian suite
- sle-prjmgr-tools — SLE Project management tools to release SLE based products
- smart-pr-generator — A short description of your package
- superagentx-handlers — no summary
- synct — Transform data from source to Google or Excel spreadsheet
- task-jogger-jogseq — A plugin for jogger that provides an interactive synchronisation tool for Logseq and Jira
- taskimporter — Tool to import tasks from a variety of sources into a task manager
- tasklog — CLI to submit tasklogs to Jira
- tasks-collector — A small project for collecting tasks
- tempo-commit — A cli tool to add a worklog to Tempo on commit
- tibian — Ticket birthday announcer: A package to announce all creation birthdays of your tickets that live (too) long enough
- timesheet-tool — This is intended to be used every week to compile your time in Jira and Clockify.
- tkcommon — tkcommon is a collection of small Python functions and classes for building scripts and internal tools.
- tmt — Test Management Tool
- TMTool — python tool for Microsoft Threat modeling tool
- tool-for-time-tracking-just-proof-of-concept — no summary
- ttool — Tugys utils tools
- unskript-cicd — Opensource unSkript Python Package repository
- vedro-jira-failed-reporter — plugin for reporting about flaky tests into jira (with plugin enabled in flaky check runs)
- volvo-jira — Volvo JIRA (VIRA) package and helper scripts. Contains scripts for deep copy, change parent and more
- waldur-mastermind — Waldur MasterMind is a hybrid cloud orchestrator.
- watson-jira — Format and upload Watson time logs to Jira as Tempo worklogs
- watson-jira-next — Format and upload Watson time logs to Jira as Tempo worklogs
- WeTest — Toolkit For Automated Testing
- xiaobaisaf — simple_automation_framework(简称:SAF)使用最简单的模式就可以实现需要功能和测试效果,也是xiaobaiauto2的简化版SAF继承了selenium、requests/httpx、appium、loguru、xiaobaiauto2、飞书机器人、钉钉机器人、企业微信机器人(暂时不支持)、禅道提单API
- yarn-dev-tools — no summary
- ybt-jira — TODO: add description
- ywh2bt — ywh2bt - YesWeHack to Bug Tracker
- zabbix2jira — Creates or updates a ticket on JIRA from Zabbix alarms
- zabel-elements — The Zabel default clients and images
- zazu — A development workflow management CLI for GitHub, JIRA, and TeamCity
- zeit.deploynotify — no summary