Reverse Dependencies of jenkspy
The following projects have a declared dependency on jenkspy:
- arabica — Python package for text mining of time-series data
- gtfs-functions — Package to easily wrangle GTFS files geospatially.
- halla — HAllA: Hierarchical All-against All Association Testing
- ibm-wos-utils — IBM Watson OpenScale API client utility module
- intercartomap — A tool for interactive bivariate cartographic mapping.
- lfmaptools — Mapping tools for LaharFlow data
- map-uk — Quickly create maps of the UK in Python
- objective-thresholds — Objective threshold level calculation based on a flow duration curve (FDC)
- polylx — A Python package to visualize and analyze microstructures
- pydre — Driving simulation data processing engine
- pyoats — Quick and Easy Time Series Outlier Detection
- pysld — Package for SLD generator
- querysource — QuerySource is a Library for Querying Databases. QuerySource Query parser and generator.Supports SQL, NoSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, Elasticsearch, etc.
- rankpy — Package which creates a single, ranked order of charges from multiple lists of rankings.
- splito — Machine Learning dataset splitting for life sciences.
- ssb-sgis — GIS functions used at Statistics Norway.
- trialtracker — Methods to extract and transform clinical trial data
- unpast — A novel method for unsupervised patient stratification.