Reverse Dependencies of jarvis-tools
The following projects have a declared dependency on jarvis-tools:
- alignn — alignn
- atombench — atombench
- atomgpt — atomgpt
- atomqc — atomqc
- atomvision — atomvision
- chemnlp — chemnlp
- chipsff — CHIPSFF: A force field analysis toolkit
- defectmat — defctmat
- diffractgpt — diffractgpt
- express-py — EXcellent PRoperty Extractor and Serializer.
- ifea — ifea
- intermat — intermat
- jarvis-leaderboard — jarvis_leaderboard
- matbench-discovery — A benchmark for machine learning energy models on inorganic crystal stability prediction from unrelaxed structures
- mpdd-alignn — A version of the NIST-JARVIS ALIGNN optimized in terms of model performance and to some extent reliability, for large-scale deployments over the MPDD infrastructure by Phases Research Lab.
- nfflr — neural force field learning toolkit
- optimade — Tools for implementing and consuming OPTIMADE APIs.
- pymatgen — Python Materials Genomics is a robust materials analysis code that defines core object representations for structures
- scigpt — scigpt
- tb3py — tb3: an open-source software package for accurate and efficient electronic structure calculations using tight-binding (TB), including three-body interactions.