Reverse Dependencies of jaeger-client
The following projects have a declared dependency on jaeger-client:
- big-bull — Web framework for writing asynchronous microservices
- biz-monitor — no summary
- chariot-base — Chariot base micro-service
- cloudcix — Python3 bindings and utils for CloudCIX API.
- connexion-plus — Connexion with benefits for microservices
- demo-fastapi — Demonstration Rest API built using fastapi
- devops-auth-service-project-2022-tim1 — no summary
- devops-event-service-project-2022-tim1 — no summary
- devops-message-service-project-2022 — no summary
- devops-offer-service-project-2022 — no summary
- devops-post-service-project-2022 — no summary
- devops-profile-service-project-2022 — no summary
- django-jaeger-middleware — python(django) tracing middleware tool: django-jaeger-middleware
- fastapi-contrib — Opinionated set of utilities on top of FastAPI
- flask-jaeger — flask jaeger
- hkube-python-wrapper — Hkube Python Wrapper
- ibis-vega-transform — Evaluate Vega transforms using Ibis expressions.
- jaeger_browser — Python HTTP server to record traces from the browser.
- jaeger-django — service tracing using jaeger in django project
- jaeger-logger-reporter — Jaeger Logger Reporter
- janusmskit — Library of utils to create REST Python Microservices
- jnt-django-toolbox — no summary
- kozmo-core — Kozmo Core client and microservice wrapper
- local-workflow-engine — A workflow engine based on the Amazon States Language (ASL).
- log-anomaly-detector — Log anomaly detector for streaming logs
- matrix-synapse — Homeserver for the Matrix decentralised comms protocol
- matrix-synapse-jitsi — Reference homeserver for the Matrix decentralised comms protocol
- matrix-synapse-ray — Reference homeserver for the Matrix decentralised comms protocol
- MsCoppel — Libreria para microservicios basados en mensajes
- MsFCoppel — Libreria para microservicios REST
- noclouddotnet — NoCloudNet Datasource/Metadata server for cloud-init
- openfaas-workflow-engine — A workflow engine based on the ASL and Openfaas.
- opentracing-prometheus — OpenTracing Jaeger and Prometheus integration
- osiris-sdk — Python SDK for Osiris (Energinet DataPlatform).
- osprofiler — OpenStack Profiler Library
- py-jaeger-tracing — Ultimate Python Package for Distribution Tracing
- py-ms — Library of utils to create REST Python Microservices
- python-qpid-proton — An AMQP based messaging library.
- python-qpid-proton-wheel — An AMQP based messaging library.
- raiden — no summary
- raiden-services — Raiden Services contain additional tools for the Raiden Network.
- rap — rap(par[::-1]) is advanced and fast python async rpc
- seldon-core — Seldon Core client and microservice wrapper
- shein-django-jaeger-middleware — python(django) tracing middleware tool: django-jaeger-middleware
- sparrowcloud — 基础Django和drf的微服务框架扩展
- tenantpy — Tenant Management For Web Application
- tgbot-py — Python SDK for telegram bot microservice