Reverse Dependencies of itk
The following projects have a declared dependency on itk:
- aicssegmentation — Part 1 of Allen Cell and Structure Segmenter
- cardio — A simple web-based viewer for 4D ('cine') medical imaging data.
- chunky3d — A 3D array-like NumPy-based data structure for large sparsely-populated volumes
- ciclope — Computed Tomography to Finite Elements
- csc-mlops — An MLOps framework for development of clinical applications
- dcm-classifier — This is a consolidation of work from NAMIC efforts primarily at the University of Iowa.
- dicom-exporter — Program to export dicom files to .vti or .vtkjs
- disptools — Generate displacement fields with known volume changes
- eyepie — A python package to read, analyse and visualize OCT and fundus data form various sources.
- eyepy — A python package to read, analyse and visualize OCT and fundus data form various sources.
- foundation-cancer-image-biomarker — Official repo for Foundation Models for Quantitative Biomarker Discovery in Cancer Imaging [INSERT DOI]
- fredtools — FRED tools is a collection of python functions for image manipulation and analysis. See more on
- gam-gate — Simulation for Medical Physics
- garf — Utility tools for GATE ARF simulations
- gatetools — Python tools for GATE, see
- histomics_stream — Whole-slide image streamer for machine learning frameworks.
- icon-registration — A package for image registration regularized by inverse consistency
- ifree — i love freedom, free my hand.
- imageio — Library for reading and writing a wide range of image, video, scientific, and volumetric data formats.
- imvdb — volumetric image in openvdb format
- itk-adaptivedenoising — Denoise an image using a spatially adaptive filter.
- itk-anisotropicdiffusionlbr — Smooth images while preserving edges or coherent structures.
- itk-ants — Advanced Normalization Tools in WebAssembly
- itk-binarythinning3d — An ITK module to compute 3D image skeleton
- itk-boneenhancement — Various filters for enhancing cortical bones in quantitative computed tomography.
- itk-bonemorphometry — An ITK module to compute bone morphometry features and feature maps
- itk-bsplinegradient — Approximate an image's gradient from a B-spline fit to its intensity.
- itk-cleaver — An ITK interface to the Cleaver multi-material tetrahedral meshing library
- itk-clesperanto — ITK filters accelerated with OpenCL.
- itk_cucim — ITK Python filters accelerated with cuCIM.
- itk-cudacommon-cuda116 — Framework for processing images with Cuda
- itk-cudacommon-cuda121 — Framework for processing images with Cuda
- itk-cudacommon-cuda124 — Framework for processing images with Cuda
- itk-dissolve — This is a module for the Insight Toolkit (ITK) that provides filters to replace regions within a masked region with the surrounding labels.
- itk-dreg — ITK-DREG Distributed registration framework.
- itk-fastbilateral — Faster implementation of the itkBilateralImageFilter. From the insight journal submission:
- itk-fixedpointinversedisplacementfield — Takes a displacement field as input and computes the displacement field that is its inverse.
- itk-fpfh — The feature points could be used obtain salient points while performing registration using RANSAC remote module. The class PointFeature is the main driver that takes a PointSet as argument. Please refer to the documentation for a detailed description and sample usage:
- itk-genericlabelinterpolator — ITK classes for generic interpolation of label images.
- itk-gpucommon — Core classes for ITK filters accelerated with OpenCL.
- itk-gpufinitedifference — Base classes for ITK finite difference filters accelerated with OpenCL.
- itk-gpuimagefilterbase — Base classes for ITK image filters accelerated with OpenCL.
- itk-gpusmoothing — Common smoothing filters accelerated with OpenCL.
- itk-growcut — Segments a 3D image from foreground and background seeds.
- itk-hasi — High-throughput Applications for Skeletal Imaging
- itk-higherorderaccurategradient — itk-higherorderaccurategradient provides higher order
- itk-iofdf — ITK `ImageIO` class to read or write the FDF image format
- itk-iomeshmz3 — ITK Mesh IO for the MZ3 format, a simple, small, fast triangle mesh file format.
- itk-iomgh — An ITK module to support input and output of the MGH file format.
- itk-isotropicwavelets — Steerable Wavelet Pyramid with Isotropic Wavelets and Riesz Functions
- itk-krcahsheetness — ITK filters to generate a sheetness feature image useful for segmenting bone in CT images and similar applications.
- itk-labelerodedilate — An ITK module for erode and dilate operations on label images
- itk-labelpointset — ITK Module to extract a PointSet from a labeled image
- itk-meshnoise — Classes to perturb mesh objects with Gaussian noise
- itk-minimalpathextraction — A minimal path extraction framework based on Fast Marching arrival functions.
- itk-morphologicalcontourinterpolation — A morphology-based approach for interslice interpolation of anatomical slices from volumetric images.
- itk-ndreg — This is the Neurodata open-source Python package that performs affine and deformable (LDDMM) image registration.
- itk-nornir — Nornir's takes large sets of overlapping images in 2D and produces registered (a.k.a. aligned) 2D and 3D volumes of any size and scale.
- itk-parabolicmorphology — itk-parabolicmorphology provides mathematical morphological erosion and dilation filters using parabolic structuring functions.
- itk-phasesymmetry — itk-phasesymmetry provides multi-scale steerable filters
- itk-pocus — ITKPOCUS - an open source library for image processing and AI of point-of-care ultrasound, based on ITK (
- itk-principalcomponentsanalysis — ITK classes for the analysis of the principal components of data sets, optionally point data associated with the vertices of a mesh.
- itk-ransac — It supports feature based registration and can be used along with the FPFH remote module. The class itkRANSAC is the main driver that takes an object of class itkLandmarkRegistrationEstimator as argument. Please refer to the documentation for a detailed description and sample usage:
- itk-ringartifact — ITK filters to reduce stripe artifacts or ring artifacts common in X-ray computed tomography, focused ion beam images, etc.
- itk-rleimage — ITKRLEImage provides run-length encoded storage for ITK images
- itk-shape — A C++ implementation of Procrustes alignment for 3D meshes.
- itk-simpleitkfilters — This module contains a collension of ITK Filters used by SimpleITK. These filter are usefull to SimpleITK in that they may wrap existing ITK filters with an interface expected by SimpleITK, or may add important basic filters needed for completeness.
- itk-skullstripping — Automatic skull-stripping for neuroimage analysis
- itk-smoothingrecursiveyvvgaussianfilter — Young & Van Vliet recursive Gaussian smoothing filter for GPU (OpenCL) and CPU
- itk-spcn — This performs structure preserving color normalization on an image using a reference image.
- itk-splitcomponents — ITK filters to split a multi-component pixel image into component-wise scalar images
- itk-strain — ITK filters to estimate a strain tensor field from a displacement field or a spatial transformation
- itk-subdivisionquadedgemeshfilter — ITK classes for triangle mesh subdivision
- itk-texturefeatures — An ITK module to compute N-dimension grayscale texture feature images
- itk-thickness3d — An ITK module to compute 3D thickness
- itk-thinshelldemons — Thin Shell Demons for Surface to Surface Registration
- itk-totalvariation — TotalVariation algorithms, providing a wrap for the external project:
- itk-twoprojectionregistration — ITK classes for two-projection 2D/3D registration
- itk-ultrasound — Filters for use with the Insight Toolkit (ITK) that may be particularly useful for the reconstruction and analysis of ultrasound images.
- itk-vkfft — VkFFT backends for ITK FFT classes.
- itk-vtkglue — This module contains classes that bridge and ITK and VTK image processing and visualization pipeline.
- itk-webassemblyinterface — IO with the itk-wasm file formats
- jvol — no summary
- lung-sarg — no summary
- mdatpy — A pypi release of the MDAT
- medio — Medical images I/O Python package
- mermaid — Image registration toolbox based on pyTorch
- mirp — A package for standardised processing of medical imaging and computation of quantitative features.
- MMV-playground — Napari plugin for 2D microscopy segmentation
- monai — AI Toolkit for Healthcare Imaging
- monai-weekly — AI Toolkit for Healthcare Imaging
- multireg — Registration of 3D multiplex images with one common chanel
- napari-3dtimereg — Registration of 3D movies applied to all channels
- napari-cellseg3d — Plugin for cell segmentation in 3D
- napari-medical-image-formats — A Plugin in order to read medical image formats such as DICOM and NIfTI
- nitrain-image — no summary
- oai-analysis — Image analysis for the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) knee magnetic resonance image (MRI) dataset.
- opengate — Simulation for Medical Physics
- ormir_xct — Scripts HR-pQCT for joint space and bone microarchitecture analysis
- pyluna-pathology — Transformation functions and services for multi-modal oncology data