Reverse Dependencies of isoweek
The following projects have a declared dependency on isoweek:
- arbeitszeit — Track your worktime.
- artd-siigo — ArtD SIIGO.
- basketix — no summary
- bigml-chronos — Utilities for parsing time strings
- contiamo — Contiamo Python client
- DataScienceHelpers — Helper modules for doing data cleaning, training, exploration, etc.
- eaxum-zou — Zou is an API to store and manage the data of your CG production.
- electrical_calendar — Electrical sector holidays and workdays using workalendar. Spain and Portugal data
- ezeeml — A high level library for Pytorch
- gtfs-segments — GTFS Segments: A fast and efficient library to generate bus stop spacings
- jzou — Zou is an API to store and manage the data of your CG production.
- neptyne-kernel — The Neptyne kernel
- pandem-source — Routinely collecting heterogeneous surveillance data into a coherent database
- partridge — Partridge is a python library for working with GTFS feeds using pandas DataFrames.
- pyganalytics — Easily get data from Google Analytics
- repl-uploader — Collection of scripts to upload Replicon expenses
- respyrar — Monitor air quality - Monitoreá la calidad del aire
- studiopulsee — It's a Python library for VFX project-based LAN deployment
- TimeConvert — Time Convert for Humans™
- todoster — A simple command line todo list.
- torchlite — A high level library on top of machine learning frameworks
- wagtail-events — Event features for Wagtail
- wagtail-references — BibTeX references for Wagtail
- zou — API to store and manage the data of your animation production