Reverse Dependencies of isort
The following projects have a declared dependency on isort:
- whisper-ctranslate2 — Whisper command line client that uses CTranslate2 and faster-whisper
- whisper2subs — Transcribes audio using Whisper and translates it using DeepL.
- whispers — Identify secrets in static structured text
- whois21 — A simple and easy to use Python package that lets you query whois/RDAP information of a domain/IP.
- whyhow — Whyhow automated KG SDK
- wibor-simulation — Simulates the loan installments at different interest rates.
- wicafe — Automatic login utility of free Wi-Fi captive portals
- wikidot — Wikidot Utility Library
- wikimedia-spicerack — Automation framework for the WMF production infrastructure
- wincam — A Python high-performance screenshot library for Windows 10+ using Direct3D11CaptureFramePool.
- winterapi — no summary
- winternitz — Python Winternitz One-Time-Signature(+) implementation
- winternlc — no summary
- winterrb — no summary
- wiremind-kubernetes — Helper for Kubernetes.
- wisdomweaver — Wisdom indexer and generator
- witch-ver — git tag based versioning
- with-time — Measuring and managing of time through context-managers and decorators.
- wiutils — Exploration utilities for Wildlife Insights projects.
- woffl — Water Optimization For Fluid Lift. Numerical solver for liquid powered jet pumps with multiphase flow
- woke — Woke is a Python-based development and testing framework for Solidity.
- wombat — Windfarm operations and maintenance cost-benefit analysis tool
- woodchips — The cutest little logger you've ever seen.
- word-search-generator — Make awesome Word Search puzzles
- workflow — Simple workflows for Python
- workflow-nodes — Collection of tools for use in workflows
- workshop-faas — A faas platform for homelab or workshop setups
- wp-engine-api-python — WP Engine API SDK for Python
- wpiformat — Linters and formatters for ensuring WPILib's source code conforms to its style guide
- wpp-bavapi — Python consumer for the WPPBAV Fount API.
- wreck — Manage and fix requirements files for Python package authors
- writefreely-py — A Python package wrapping the WriteFreely / API
- ws-barcode-scanner — Unofficial Python interface to the Waveshare Barcode Scanner Module
- wsgi-aws-unproxy — Simple wsgi middleware to unproxy AWS
- wsgi-basic-auth — Simple wsgi middleware to provide basic http auth
- wsgi-basic-auth-isl — Simple wsgi middleware to provide basic http auth
- wsgi-django-media — WSGI middleware to serve media for faster Django development
- wsinfer-zoo — A client for model zoo for WSInfer-compatible models.
- wspyserial — Access any serial device in your lan
- wswebcam — Access any serial device in your lan
- WTForms-JSON — Adds smart json support for WTForms. Useful for when using WTForms with RESTful APIs.
- wtpython — A TUI that interactively helps you solve errors that might arise in your code.
- wtss — Python Client Library for WTSS.
- wwarhead38-coala-bears — Bears for coala (Code Analysis Application)
- wxflow — Tools for Weather Workflows
- wxy121517761848 — Some lite description.
- x-magical — X-MAGICAL is a benchmark suite for cross-embodiment visual imitation.
- x-segment-anything — Segment Anything Model (SAM) modules combined in the same API (to make life easier).
- xain-aggregators — XAIN is an open source framework for federated learning.
- xain-fl — XAIN is an open source framework for federated learning.
- xain-proto — XAIN Protocol Buffers
- xain-sdk — XAIN is an open source framework for federated learning.
- xarray-spatial — xarray-based spatial analysis tools
- xattrs — An eXtensible serializing and deserializing toolkit for Python strucuted classes
- xbox-webapi — A library to authenticate with Windows Live/Xbox Live and use their API
- xclim — Climate indices computation package based on Xarray.
- xdantic — A lightweight Python config library on top of Pydantic.
- xdas — no summary
- xdatasets — Easy access to Earth observation datasets with xarray.
- XGI — XGI is a Python package for higher-order networks.
- xhydro — Hydrological analysis library built with xarray.
- xhydro-temp — Hydrological analysis library built with xarray.
- xibs — Prototype Intra-Beam Scattering implementation for Xsuite.
- xinterp — no summary
- xiplot — Interactive data visualization tool
- xiwa-modules — xiwa modules for tool creator
- xkey — Novation SysEx utilities.
- xklb — xk library
- xls-updater — Convert legacy xls data to newer xlsx format.
- xlsx2sqlite — Generate a Sqlite3 database from a Office Open XML file.
- xlwings — Make Excel fly: Interact with Excel from Python and vice versa.
- xmlhelpy — CLI wrapper supporting the xmlhelp interface.
- xmlsig — Python based XML signature
- xnlbd — Nonlinear beam dynamics tools for Xsuite
- xplogger — Logging Utility for ML Experiments
- xport — SAS XPORT file reader
- xposer — Xpose your functions as microservices over arbitrary channels using standardized logging and configuration
- xradar — Xradar includes all the tools to get your weather radar into the xarray data model.
- xraygpt — Generate kindle-like x-ray for e-books with LLM
- xretrieval — Retrieve and Evaluate with X(any) models
- xscen — A climate change scenario-building analysis framework, built with xclim/xarray.
- xsdba — Statistical correction and bias adjustment tools for xarray.
- xtlsapi — Awesome xtlsapi created by hiddify
- XulbuX — A library which includes a lot of really helpful functions.
- xxy — A financial statement analysis tool
- xyzspaces — Manage your XYZ Hub server or HERE Data Hub from Python
- y2m — Grab m3u from YouTube live
- yadage — yadage - YAML based adage
- yagni — You are probably gonna need it: a collection of useful Python utilities aggregated over many years of development.
- yahp — Yet Another HyperParameter framework
- yala — Yet Another Linter Aggregator
- yambs — Yet another meta build-system.
- yaml-models — Generate torch models from yaml config files.
- yaml2dot — Python Yaml to Dot Converter
- yaml2pyclass — Code generator that produces a Python class from a YAML input file. Can be used to facilitate code completion for config objects.
- yamlsql — Awesome yamlsql created by kristw
- yamux — yamux implementation written in python
- yandex-b2b-go — Yandex GO for Business SDK
- yapconf — Yet Another Python Configuration
- yapss — A Python package for solving optimal control problems using pseudospectral methods.