Reverse Dependencies of ipykernel
The following projects have a declared dependency on ipykernel:
- a2 — Package for predicting information about the weather from social media data as application 2 for maelstrom project
- a2rl — Make recommendations for sequential decision problems using offline data
- aastex — A Python wrapper around the AASTeX Latex packages
- ab-lab — no summary
- abracadabra — Making hypothesis and AB testing magically simple!
- AbsBox — an analytical library for cashflow modeling on ABS/MBS products
- ac_solver — no summary
- accphys — Analyze non-linear single-particle storage ring dynamics
- acl2-kernel — Jupyter Kernel for ACL2
- acore — A Python package with statistical functions to analyse multimodal molecular data
- active-vision — Active learning for computer vision.
- adaptive — Parallel active learning of mathematical functions
- adcorr — Area detector corrections as pure python functions.
- adhs — Adaptive Hierarchical Shrinkage
- adlmagics — Azure Data Lake management magics for Jupyter Notebook
- adopy — Adaptive Design Optimization on Experimental Tasks
- adsg-core — Design Space Graph (ADSG Core)
- aerosim-cfdmod — Tools for analysis of CFD cases
- aerospace-chatbot — Aerospace engineering chatbot and AI tools.
- agent-cloud — no summary
- agent-cloud-os — no summary
- agent-context — no summary
- agent-management-system — no summary
- — no summary
- agent-starter-pack — CLI tool to create GCP-based AI agent projects from templates
- agent-system — no summary
- agent0 — Agent interface for on-chain protocols.
- agentbox — no summary
- agentDB — no summary
- agentic-fleet — A powerful multi-agent system for adaptive AI reasoning and automation
- agentscript — A programming language for AI agents
- agentvm — no summary
- aggregate — Tools for creating and working with aggregate probability distributions.
- ahgregate — Command line and other utilties for aggregate.
- ai-economist — Foundation: An Economics Simulation Framework
- ai-python — Microsoft AI Python Package
- aiagents4pharma — AI Agents for drug discovery, drug development, and other pharmaceutical R&D.
- aics-bead-alignment-core — Core algorithms for aligning CZI images
- aidapy — AI package for heliophysics
- aideml — Autonomous AI for Data Science and Machine Learning
- aidriver — AIDriver
- aiida-aimall — A plugin to interface AIMAll with AiiDA
- aim2dat — Automated Ab-Initio Materials Modeling and Data Analysis Toolkit: Python library for pre-, post-processing and data management of ab-initio high-throughput workflows for computational materials science.
- aims-immune — A software for the analysis of immune repertoires
- aioworkers — Easy configurable workers based on asyncio
- airosentris — A sentiment analysis platform with AI runner and trainer components
- aisuiteplus — Uniform access layer for LLMs
- aixd — AI-eXtended Design (AIXD)
- ak_file — File Parsing function
- ak_requests — Requests package with QOL improvements and anti-bot detection measures
- ak_safe — Python wrapper for SAFE API
- ak_selenium — Selenium package with requests integration and anti-bot detection measures
- ak_transcribe — Transcribe Media Files
- akimous — An intelligent Python IDE
- aku-utils — Utils for data processing
- al360-trustworthyai — SDK API to explain models, generate counterfactual examples, analyze causal effects and analyze errors in Machine Learning models.
- algorin-cli — Acceso a GPT-3 y procesamiento de documentos desde la línea de comandos.
- algviz — An algorithm visualization tool for jupyter notebook to show animation for vector, table, linked list, tree and graph data structures.
- allthekernels — Multiplexing kernel for Jupyter
- alphabase — An infrastructure Python package of the AlphaX ecosystem
- AlphaClops1 — A framework for creating, editing, and invoking Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) circuits.
- alphaDIA — A novel proteomics search engine for DIA data based on end-to-end transfer learning.
- alphafold3-pytorch-lightning-hydra — AlphaFold 3 - Pytorch
- alphainspect — factor performance visualization
- alphaquant — An open-source Python package of the AlphaPept ecosystem
- alpharaw — An open-source Python package to unify raw MS data access and storage.
- alphaviz — A interactive Dashboard to explore mass spectrometry data.
- altair_tiles — altair_tiles
- altrios — Tool for modeling and optimization of advanced locomotive powertrains for freight rail decarbonization.
- altrustworthyai-core — The AffectLog’s Trustworthy AI (ALT-AI) provides a suite of tools for the explanation, visualization, and understanding of complex machine learning models.
- am2eda — no summary
- amcess2024 — Atomic and Molecular Cluster Energy Surface Sampler
- amplitude-data-wrapper — python wrapper for using the amplitude analytics and taxonomy APIs
- ams-core — no summary
- ams-python — no summary
- angr-management — The official GUI for angr
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- anjl — A neighbour-joining library for Python.
- anndash — no summary
- anndata-fcs — Converting FCS files to AnnData objects.
- AnnoMate — A general tool to create dashboards for manual review
- annsel — A Narwhals powered DataFrame-style selection, filtering and indexing operations on AnnData Objects.
- anoexpress — A package to access insecticide resistance gene expression meta analyse in Anopheles mosquitoes
- anomalib — anomalib - Anomaly Detection Library
- anprx — Create, visualise and leverage networks of ANPR cameras on the road network.
- apache-airflow-providers-papermill — Provider package apache-airflow-providers-papermill for Apache Airflow
- apache-beam — Apache Beam SDK for Python
- apache-beam-ai2 — A FORK! for testing with different dill version
- apax — Atomistic Learned Potential Package in JAX
- appears-api-client — Python client for interacting with NASA Earthdata's AppEEARS API
- appeears-api-client — Python client for interacting with NASA Earthdata's AppEEARS API
- appnext — no summary
- aprofiles — Analysis of atmospheric profilers measurements
- apsbits — Model of a Bluesky Data Acquisition Instrument in console, notebook, & queueserver.
- apsbss — Get information from APS Beamline Scheduling System.
- apsg — APSG - The package for structural geologists
- aqora-cli — The aqora command line interface
- archai — Platform for Neural Architecture Search
- arfs — All Relevant Feature Selection and Maximal Relevant minimal redundancy FS
- arm-jupyter-kernel — Jupyter kernel for ARM Assemble language.