Reverse Dependencies of ipdb
The following projects have a declared dependency on ipdb:
- a2rl — Make recommendations for sequential decision problems using offline data
- aa_ui — Build Conversational AI.
- accelerometer — A package to extract meaningful health information from large accelerometer datasets e.g. how much time individuals spend in sleep, sedentary behaviour, walking and moderate intensity physical activity
- actinet — Activity detection algorithm compatible with the UK Biobank Accelerometer Dataset
- actipy — Python package to process wearable accelerometer data
- agentic-fleet — A powerful multi-agent system for adaptive AI reasoning and automation
- aideate-blade — web content aideate_scraper
- aigor — AIgor is an assistant for oldshol unix users.
- aioagi — Async agi client/server framework (asyncio)
- aioagi-ik — Async agi client/server framework (asyncio)
- AllSpeak — A pythonic internationalization and localization solution.
- alltime — A time-series predictive modeling package.
- an-em-design — Electrical Machines Design Automation by Ansys Maxwell Script
- ankit-db — tap for extracting data
- anmotordesign — Electrical Machines Design Automation by Ansys Maxwell Script
- ansys-dynamicreporting-core — Python interface to Ansys Dynamic Reporting
- ansys-pyensight-core — A python wrapper for Ansys EnSight
- apache-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apache-airflow-zack — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- ape-accounts — Plugin for Ape Ethereum Framework for working with local accounts
- ape-addressbook — ape-addressbook: Ape plugin that allows tracking addresses and contracts
- ape-alchemy — ape-alchemy: Alchemy provider plugins
- ape-arbitrum — ape-arbitrum: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Arbitrum
- ape-aurora — ape-aurora: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Aurora
- ape-avalanche — ape-avalanche: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Avalanche
- ape-aws — Ape AWS KMS: Ape plugin to make transactions through AWS KMS
- ape-base — ape-base: Base ecosystem for Ape
- ape-blast — ape-blast: Blast ecosystem for Ape
- ape-blockscout — ape-blockscout: Blockscout Explorer Plugin
- ape-boba — ape-boba: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Boba
- ape-bobabeam — ape-bobabeam: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Bobabeam
- ape-bsc — ape-bsc: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Binance Smart Chain
- ape-cairo — ape-cairo: A compiler plugin for the cairo programming language
- ape-chainstack — ape-chainstack: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Chainstack
- ape-ens — ape-ens: Ape plugin for ENS argument conversion and contracts
- ape-etherscan — ape-etherscan: Etherscan Explorer Plugin for Ethereum-based networks
- ape-fantom — ape-fantom: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Fantom
- ape-filecoin — ape-filecoin: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Filecoin
- ape-flashbots — ape-flashbots: ApeWorx implementation of web3-flashbots. Allows for bundled transactions
- ape-foundry — ape-foundry: Ape network provider for Foundry
- ape-frame — ape-frame: Frame ( account plugin for Ape
- ape-ganache — ape-ganache: Ape network provider for Ganache
- ape-gnosis — ape-gnosis: Gnosis Ecosystem Plugin for Ape
- ape-hardhat — ape-hardhat: Ape network provider for Hardhat
- ape-infura — ape-infura: Infura Provider plugins for Ethereum-based networks
- ape-keyring — ape-keyring: Store secrets for ape using Keyring.
- ape-ledger — ape-ledger: Plugin for Ledger Hardware Wallet
- ape-linea — ape-linea: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Linea
- ape-llamanodes — ape-llamanodes: LlamaNodes Provider plugins for Ethereum-based networks
- ape-mantle — ape-mantle: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Mantle
- ape-notebook — ape-notebook: Instantiate a Jupyter Notebook
- ape-openzeppelin — ape-openzeppelin: Easily use OpenZeppelin in your Ape projects
- ape-optimism — ape-optimism: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Optimism
- ape-pokt — ape-pokt: Pokt Provider plugins for Ethereum-based networks
- ape-polygon — ape-polygon: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Polygon
- ape-polygon-zkevm — ape-polygon-zkevm: Ecosystem plugin for Polygon ZkEVM
- ape-quicknode — ape-quicknode: QuickNode Provider plugin
- ape-risk — ape-risk: DeFi risk analysis as an ApeWorX plugin
- APE-Rootstock — ape-rootstock: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Rootstock
- ape-safe — ape-safe: Gnosis Safe account plugin for Ape
- ape-scroll — ape-scroll: Ape Ecosystem Plugin for Scroll
- ape-solidity — Plugin for Ape Ethereum Framework for compiling Solidity contracts
- ape-starknet — ape-starknet: An ape plugin for the StarkNet networks
- ape-template — ape-template: ape plugin for cookiecutter based templates
- ape-tenderly — ape-tenderly: Provider Plugin for
- ape-titanoboa — ape-titanoboa: Titanoboa integration
- ape-tokens — ape-tokens: tokenlists plugin for Ape
- ape-trezor — ape-trezor: Plugin for Trezor Hardware Wallets
- ape-tx — ape-tx: transact from the command line
- ape-vyper — Plugin for Ape Ethereum Framework for compiling Vyper contracts
- api-client — Separate the high level client implementation from the underlying CRUD operations.
- applyx — ApplyX
- archon-bot — Discord bot for VTES tournaments
- arcula — Arcula: A Secure Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet
- argos-monitoring — Distributed supervision tool for HTTP.
- ariadne — Ariadne is a Python library for implementing GraphQL servers.
- ariadne-auth — An Ariadne extension for authorization, allowing global permissions for all resolvers and fine-grained control over required permissions for specific resolvers in GraphQL APIs.
- as-dynamodb — tap for extracting data
- as-mongodb — tap for extracting data from MongoDB - Datazip compatible
- ashley — A self-hosted discussion forum for learning
- async-covid — An async Python package to get information regarding the novel corona virus provided by Johns Hopkins university and Based on
- atlasai-discovery-client — no summary
- atlasai-mlhub-client — no summary
- atlasai-vinz-cli — no summary
- atlasai-vinz-client — no summary
- authedwig — Hedwig Python Library
- avcv — Python package utils for computer vision
- aws-data-tools — A set of Python libraries for querying and transforming data from AWS APIs
- backgrounder — Run background tasks in asynchronous mode at all times
- backpack-checker — A tool to check the status of your "backpack", "backpack" being your local setup for a project.
- bagbag — An all in one python library
- baseutils — Base python utilities usable in any project
- bdd-coder — Gherkin language in class-based tests - test suite blueprinting
- berglas — Berglas Python Library
- bidexhands — Benchmark environments for Dexterous Hand in NVIDIA IsaacGym.
- BigchainDB — BigchainDB: The Blockchain Database
- bitbucket-cloud-cli — Atlassian Bitbucket Cloud CLI
- bits — bits is a cli tool and pure Python library for Bitcoin
- biuletyn-bip — Polish BIP (Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej) as Flask application
- blue-fusion — 🔮 2025 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest