Reverse Dependencies of internetarchive
The following projects have a declared dependency on internetarchive:
- anchorage — Anchor your little piece of internet.
- audio-curation — Some scripts for checking and curating audio file contributions to the Mahabharata audio project.
- biliarchiver — Archiving tool for Bilibili based on bilix
- cdxsummary — Summarize web archive capture index (CDX) files
- clidow — Climate Downscaling Benchmarks
- curation-utils — Miscellaneous curation scripts.
- data-portal-archiver — no summary
- datoso-plugin-internetarchive — Python command line tool to download and organize your Rom Dat files.
- django-internetarchive-storage — A custom Django storage system for Internet Archive collections
- dokuwikidumper — A tool for archiving DokuWiki
- generativepoetry — A library primarily for procedurally generating visual poems
- gharbala — Remove music from videos and publish it to wordpress as posts
- ia-markov — A Markov model trained on Internet Archive text files.
- iacopilot — Summarize and ask questions about items in the Internet Archive
- iagitup — Tool to archive a git repository form GitHub to the Internet Archive.
- instaup — An auto downloader and uploader for Instagram profiles.
- internet-archive-uploader — A wrapper around the internetarchive package for uploading files and directorys
- internetarchive-youtube — Archives YouTube channels by automatically uploading their videos to
- kdap — KDAP is a package to analyze knowledge data
- libquery — no summary
- Miraheze_PyUtils — Python Utilities for Miraheze
- obgp — Open Book Genome Project
- oc-meta — OpenCitations Meta contains bibliographic metadata associated with the documents involved in the citations stored in the OpenCitations infrastructure. The OpenCitations Meta Software performs two main actions: a data curation of the provided CSV files and the generation of new RDF files compliant with the OpenCitations Data Model.
- olipy — Library for artistic text generation
- opcit — A plugin for Crossref's Labs API that handles digital preservation on Crossref deposits.
- openlibrary-client — A python client for Open Library
- openlibrary-client-mek — A python client for Open Library
- osf-pigeon — A utility for archiving osf storage projects at
- preservethosepod — Preserve those podcasts!
- prosedecomposer — Decompose, transform, and recombine prose into mutated forms.
- PukiWikiDumper — A tool for archiving PukiWiki
- pv-surrogate-data — This repository allows for easy data access for fair-weather photovoltaic module output.
- satnogs-network — SatNOGS Network
- scrapy-feed-storage-internetarchive — Scrapy Item Feed Storage Backend for
- tikup — An auto downloader and uploader for TikTok videos.
- tikuppp — An auto downloader and uploader for TikTok videos.
- tikuppppp — An auto downloader and uploader for TikTok videos.
- tocky — Extract structured table of contents data from digitized books.
- tubein — a VOD service to uploader based on tubeup
- tubeupac — altCensored fork of tubeup, a VOD service to uploader
- video-curation — A package for curating video file collections, with ability to sync with youtube and video items.
- wikiteam3 — Tools for downloading and preserving MediaWikis. We archive MediaWikis, from Wikipedia to tiniest wikis.
- yayaroot — An auto downloader and uploader for TikTok videos.