Reverse Dependencies of Inject
The following projects have a declared dependency on Inject:
- ahbicht — Python Library to parse AHB expressions.
- clean-python — Clean architecture in Python
- daprgen — TODO
- db-contrib-tool — The `db-contrib-tool` - MongoDB's tool for contributors.
- dddpy — A framework to support ddd python projects
- dependencies-injection — A module to implement easily dependencies injection in python project.
- dnevnik-mos-ru — This package is kind of wrapper for API service
- dslmodel — Pydantic + DSPy instances from prompts and Jinja.
- dspygen — A Ruby on Rails style framework for the DSPy (Demonstrate, Search, Predict) project for Language Models like GPT, BERT, and LLama.
- evg-module-manager — Manage Evergreen modules locally.
- git-co-evg-base — Find a good commit to base your work on
- gordo-dataset — Gordo datasets and data providers
- hypothesis-grammar — A reverse-parser as a Hypotheses strategy: generate examples from an EBNF grammar
- mful-dev — Masterful AutoML Platform.
- mycloud-cli — myCloud Command Line Interface
- nextx — Basic structure for fastapi microservices with specific support for blueprint project solution.
- nostromo — pipeline builder, runner, process manager, background jobs, job scheduling
- pyskybitz — Python client to work with SkyBitz API
- pyspring-inject — Springboot-like Dependency Injection Framework for Python
- qr-server — console app builder
- renku — Python SDK and CLI for the Renku platform.
- renku-lock — Python SDK and CLI for the Renku platform. lock package
- robotframework-corerpahive — CoreRPAHive is a Robotic Process Automation library that allow the developer create RPA script easier and reduce complexity under robot script layer.
- robotframework-exceldatadriver — ExcelDataDriver is a Excel Data-Driven Testing library for Robot Framework.
- sungen — TODO
- superlinked-server — Superlinked server enables fast and scalable vector search and storage
- ton-http-api — HTTP API for TON (The Open Network)
- waterloo — Tool to convert 'typed docstrings' (i.e. Sphinx 'Napoleon' format) to PEP-484 Py2 type comments.
- ytrssil — Subscribe to YouTube RSS feeds and keep track of watched videos