Reverse Dependencies of importlib_resources
The following projects have a declared dependency on importlib_resources:
- catmaid-publish — Scripts for publishing data from CATMAID
- cbig-network-correspondence — A toolbox for exploring network correspondence across atlases
- ccAFv2 — Classify scRNA-seq profiling with highly resolved cell cycle phases.
- cdascorer — Cell Death Area Data Collection
- cdhit-reader — CD-HIT cluster parser
- cdk-gw-tools — Conduktor Proxy API Client
- ce-detector — A program used to detect Cryptic Exon.
- CeMaIm — Program for import certificates to email client
- cenclave — Command Line Interface for Cosmian Enclave
- censaurus — A comprehensive, feature-rich, and user-oriented Python package that wraps the U.S. Census Bureau's Data and Geographic APIs
- certbot — ACME client
- certbot-apache — Apache plugin for Certbot
- certbot-nginx — Nginx plugin for Certbot
- cfn-kafka-admin — AWS CloudFormation Resources to manage Kafka
- cfn-lsp-extra — Cfn Lsp Extra
- cfw-fido — Format Identification for Digital Objects (FIDO).
- cgap-higlass-data — Data file generation for CGAP's Higlass browsers
- chaco — interactive 2-dimensional plotting
- challtools — A tool for managing CTF challenges and challenge repositories using the OpenChallSpec
- changeguard — CLI to check if any of the original files in a repository/directory change over the course of a precommit script.
- chanjo — Coverage analysis tool for clinical sequencing
- chanjo-report — Automatically render coverage reports from Chanjo ouput
- chartfactor — Integrates ChartFactor with Jupyter Notebooks
- check-jsonschema — A jsonschema CLI and pre-commit hook
- check-sdist — Check the contents of an SDist vs. git
- checkmatelib — Tools for interacting with the Checkmate URL checking service.
- chia-blockchain — Chia blockchain full node, farmer, timelord, and wallet.
- chiklisp-loader — Provides `load_puzzle` which dynamic rebuilds if `chiklisp_builder` is available.
- chiklisp-stdlib — Chiklisp `.clib` standard library files
- chipmunkdb-python-client — Read and Write Dataframes and Data to a chipmunkdb
- chipshot — Set up game-winning headers!
- chopro-epub — Tool to build EPUB songbooks from lists of ChordPro files
- chromadb — Chroma.
- chromadb-pysqlite3 — Chroma.
- chromo-map — A Python package for manipulating color maps.
- chucknorris — Chuck Norris quips
- ci-environment — This library detects the CI environment based on environment variables defined by CI servers.
- ciborg — Generate CI configuration for various services
- cimren-wkmeans-geo — Weighted KMeans Clustering for Geolocational Problem
- cinderlib — Direct usage of Cinder Block Storage drivers without the services
- citros — A cli entrypoint for the citros system.
- citros-test — A cli entrypoint for the citros system.
- civ4save — Extract data from a .CivBeyondSwordSave file
- civrealm — CivRealm is an interactive environment for AI agents for the open-source strategy game Freeciv with the Freeciv-web client.
- CIxTools — Cheminformatics Tools
- cjkradlib — Generate compositions, supercompositions and variants for a given Hanzi / Kanji
- cjnfuncs — A collection of core functions for tool script writing
- ckan-harvester — Harvester Next Generation Core for CKAN
- ckan-harvesters — Harvester Next Generation Core for CKAN
- ckanext-nhm — A CKAN extension for the Natural History Museum's Data Portal.
- ckanext-statistics — A CKAN extension for accessing instance statistics.
- ckanext-versioned-datastore — A CKAN extension providing a versioned datastore using MongoDB and Elasticsearch
- classifier-pipeline — Classifier Pipeline
- click-odoo-contrib — click-odoo scripts collection
- climdex-kit — Tool for multi-scenario calculation, publishing, and analysis of indices from 3D time-series of climate projections.
- climkern — no summary
- clinterfacer — This framework aims to simplify the creation of Command-Line Interfaces (CLIs) using python.
- clldappconfig — Remote control for DLCE apps
- closer-web3 — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- clout — Command-line Object Utility Tool
- cmaclp — Corneal meta-atlas command line predictor
- cmdix — Unix commands in Pure Python
- cml-pam — The Population activity Modeller (PAM) is a python API for activity sequence modelling.
- cmudict — A versioned python wrapper package for The CMU Pronouncing Dictionary data files.
- cobra — COBRApy is a package for constraint-based modeling of metabolic networks.
- Cobra2D — A package for building time- and space-resolved metabolic models.
- — A zero-config Python project build backend
- colormap — Commn utilities to ease development of Python packages
- colornamer — Given a color, return a hierarchy of names.
- comet-toolbox — Dynamic functional connectivity toolbox for multiverse analysis
- cometai-core — A simple example package
- comfy-catapult — Programmatically schedule ComfyUI workflows.
- comfyui — An installable version of ComfyUI
- commons-codec — Data decoding, encoding, conversion, and translation utilities.
- compact-json — A JSON formatter that produces compact but human-readable
- company-package — A Python package for modeling companies across various sectors.
- compare-meshes-wasi — Compare meshes and polydata for regression testing.
- compbiolab-CLI — CLI tool to compare and search protein families
- competitionassay — Software for the analysis of competition assay data.
- compliance-checker — Checks Datasets and SOS endpoints for standards compliance
- compliance-trestle — Tools to manage & autogenerate python objects representing the OSCAL layers/models
- compose-x-render — Library & Tool to compile/merge compose files with top level extension fields
- computenest-cli — A command line interface for running the compute nest project
- conda-pypi — Better PyPI interoperability for the conda ecosystem.
- config2py — Simplified reading and writing configurations from various sources and formats
- constellate — A bunch of utilities aggregated over time
- ContextQA — Chat with your data by leveraging the power of LLMs and vector databases
- control-tmux — A wrapper around tmux allowing quick switching and session saving.
- cookieman — Browser-aware multi-cookie flask session
- corek — One line expression evaluator
- cosmoplotian — cosmoplotian is for plotting
- coveo-stew — Opinionated python packaging and development utilities
- cPredictor — Cell command line predictor
- cpymad — Cython binding to MAD-X
- cratedb-toolkit — CrateDB Toolkit
- crc-bonfire — A CLI tool used to deploy ephemeral environments for testing applications
- create-wheel — Package to create wheel file
- credsmash — A utility for managing secrets in the cloud using AWS KMS and DynamoDB
- crestdsl — A Continuous REactive SysTems DSL
- crfm-helm — Benchmark for language models