Reverse Dependencies of impacket
The following projects have a declared dependency on impacket:
- abuseACL — List vulnerable ACL.
- aclpwn — Active Directory ACL exploitation using BloodHound
- acltoolkit-ad — no summary
- ActiveDirectoryEnum — Enumerate Active Directory with standard vectors
- adidnsdump — Active Directory Integrated DNS dumping by any authenticated user
- awdflag — Test setup
- bloodhound — Python based ingestor for BloodHound
- bloodhound-ce — Python based ingestor for BloodHound Community Edition
- bofhound — Parse output from common sources and transform it into BloodHound-ingestible data
- certipy-ad — Active Directory Certificate Services enumeration and abuse
- coercer — A python script to automatically coerce a Windows server to authenticate on an arbitrary machine through 15 methods.
- conpass — Continuous password spraying tool
- cornershot — Library to test network connectivity
- DCSync — Dump domain secrets.
- — This module ties all other Dissect modules together, it provides a programming API and command line tools which allow easy access to various data sources inside disk images or file collections (a.k.a. targets)
- donpapi — Dumping revelant information on compromised targets without AV detection
- dploot — DPAPI looting remotely in Python
- e4l — enum4linux-ng but pip installable
- EroSmb — EroSmb is a fast smb network scanner
- fiberfox — High-performance (D)DoS vulnerability testing toolkit. Various L4/7 attack vectors. Async networking.
- HEKATOMB — Python library to extract and decrypt all credentials from all domain computers
- honeypots — 30 different honeypots in one package! (dhcp, dns, elastic, ftp, http proxy, https proxy, http, https, imap, ipp, irc, ldap, memcache, mssql, mysql, ntp, oracle, pjl, pop3, postgres, rdp, redis, sip, smb, smtp, snmp, socks5, ssh, telnet, vnc)
- honeypotshttps — 30 different honeypots in one package! (dhcp, dns, elastic, ftp, http proxy, https proxy, http, https, imap, ipp, irc, ldap, memcache, mssql, mysql, ntp, oracle, pjl, pop3, postgres, rdp, redis, sip, smb, smtp, snmp, socks5, ssh, telnet, vnc)
- honeypotsjkdb — 30 different honeypots in one package! (dhcp, dns, elastic, ftp, http proxy, https proxy, http, https, imap, ipp, irc, ldap, memcache, mssql, mysql, ntp, oracle, pjl, pop3, postgres, rdp, redis, sip, smb, smtp, snmp, socks5, ssh, telnet, vnc)
- kerbrute — Kerberos bruteforce utility
- krbjack — Kerberos AP-REQ hijacking tool with DNS unsecure updates abuse.
- linksiren — Generation, targeted deployment, and scalable cleanup for files that coerce Windows authentication.
- lsassy — Python library to extract credentials from lsass remotely
- man-spider — Full-featured SMB spider capable of searching file content
- masky — Python library with CLI allowing to remotely dump domain user credentials via an ADCS
- MasterKeyBrute — Bruteforce DPAPI encrypted MasterKey File from Windows Credentials Manager
- ntdsdotsqlite — A small utility to get an SQLite database from an NTDS.DIT file.
- ntlm-info — Get system info from NTLM
- patator — Multi-purpose brute-forcer
- pdcd — Tool that orchestrates executing Docker containers to build payloads
- powerview — Python based PowerView script
- ptdos — Application ptdos is used for creation of DoS attacks. It is part of complex system Penterep Tools.
- PyExfil — A Python package for data exfiltration.
- pyicacls — A package to show and set windows files permissions
- pyldapsearch — Tool for issuing manual LDAP queries which offers bofhound compatible output
- pysqlrecon — Offensive MSSQL Python toolkit
- pywhisker — Unofficial Package for PyWhisker Pentesting Tool
- seamlesspass — Leveraging Kerberos tickets to get cloud access tokens using Seamless SSO
- smbclientng — smbclient-ng, a fast and user friendly way to interact with SMB shares.
- smbcrawler — Search SMB shares for interesting files
- smbls — list SMB shares
- smbmap — SMBMap is a handy SMB enumeration tool
- spraycharles — Low and slow password spraying tool, designed to spray on an interval over a long period of time.
- sprayer — no summary
- test-honeypotsBrn — no summary
- test-honeypotsBrn1 — no summary
- wig-ng — WIG-ng is a free and open source utility for WiFi device fingerprinting.
- wsuks — A Tool for automating the MITM attack on the WSUS connection
- yanimt — Yet another impacket tool