Reverse Dependencies of imgkit
The following projects have a declared dependency on imgkit:
- a2grunnerp — A2G Runner for Local Workflow
- course-certification — Generate course certificates from Google Spreadsheets
- d2-png — simple crontab implemented on thread executor pool
- digitalmodel — engineering asset digital model(s) for life cycle analysis
- eml2png — Paint the EML to a single PNG image.
- exporter — exporter helps to export Jupyter notebooks as a Python script.
- exportvisuals — Proteus exportvisuals File
- faker-file — Generate files with fake data.
- from-jupyter — Blogging from Jupyter notebooks
- guolei-py3-images — 郭磊 Images API
- hotviz — A visulizations lib for python
- jupyter-analysis-extension — A Jupyter Extension for Data Analysis
- kpireport-static — no summary
- markdown-to-png — A Python package designed to convert Markdown files into beautifully styled PNG images.
- mdsimseval — Collective analysis on a set of Molecular Dynamics simulations.
- newick-visualizer — A tool for visualizing Newick format phylogenetic trees
- nonebot-plugin-al — Azuer L plugin for NoneBot2
- nonebot-plugin-npu — 翱翔门户成绩监控插件,能获取成绩、排名、绩点,当出现新成绩时推送给使用者
- py-research — Collection of utilities for R&D coding in Python 🐍
- py3-images — The Python3 Images Library Developed By Guolei
- pyhtmlconv — pyhtmlconv: html converter (image / pdf)
- test-sf-etl-py3 — surfin test
- thumbnailfromzipfile — Proteus zipcapture File
- WeTest — Toolkit For Automated Testing
- zipcapture — Proteus zipcapture File