Reverse Dependencies of imbalanced-learn
The following projects have a declared dependency on imbalanced-learn:
- accelerometer — A package to extract meaningful health information from large accelerometer datasets e.g. how much time individuals spend in sleep, sedentary behaviour, walking and moderate intensity physical activity
- actinet — Activity detection algorithm compatible with the UK Biobank Accelerometer Dataset
- adaptivepca — An advanced PCA implementation with adaptive feature scaling and preprocessing
- advanced-data-processing — An advanced data processing pipeline for machine learning workflows
- advdpp — An advanced data processing pipeline
- adversarial-labeller — Sklearn compatiable model instance labelling tool to help validate models in situations involving data drift.
- aequilibrium — Python package for classification of imbalanced data.
- aideml — Autonomous AI for Data Science and Machine Learning
- Aitomatic-Contrib — Aitomatic Contrib
- ale-uy — Tool to perform data cleaning, modeling and visualization in a simple way.
- alphaml — Build a CLETE Binary Classification Model
- alphapy — AlphaPy: A Machine Learning Pipeline for Speculators
- anai-opensource — Automated ML
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- anoapycore — Anoa Python Core Package
- ASAPPpy — Semantic Textual Similarity and Dialogue System package for Python
- AstroSubtractor — Machine learning classifier
- atom-ml — A Python package for fast exploration of machine learning pipelines
- AutoDataPreprocess — A high-level library for automatic preprocessing of tabular data
- autolr — A simple package for automatic logistic regression
- AutomatedCleaning — Automated Data Cleaning Library
- AutoMLBench — A Python package for automated ML model benchmarking and comparison
- automlkiller — Auto machine learning, deep learning library in Python.
- autoneuro-pypi — Template python package
- autoqtl — Automated Quantitative Trait Locus Analysis Tool
- autorad — Radiomics-related modules for extraction and experimenting
- autotonne — Auto machine learning, deep learning library in Python.
- autoviml — Automatically Build Variant Interpretable ML models fast - now with CatBoost!
- azureml-designer-classic-modules — A variety of modules for data processing, model training, inferencing and evaluation.
- bambu-qsar — bambu (bioassays model builder) is CLI tool to build QSAR models based on PubChem BioAssays datasets
- behavysis_classifier — Behaviour classifier for the behavysis suite
- behavysis_pipeline — An animal behaviour processing and analysis package
- bfscan — bfscan is designed to detect foodborne pathogens using bloom filter and machine learning
- biobb-ml — Biobb_ml is the Biobb module collection to perform machine learning predictions.
- biofit — BioFit: Bioinformatics Machine Learning Framework
- bipartite-learn — Machine learning estimators for bipartite data.
- blobcity — Python based framework for Automatic AI for Regression and Classification over numerical data. Performs model search, hyper-parameter tuning, and high-quality Jupyter Notebook code generation.
- bugbug — ML tools for Mozilla projects
- buildml — Let's make building machine learning models the complex way, easy.
- bytetrade-recommend-model-sdk — no summary
- cafe — Classifying Antibodies for Expression
- capfinder — A package for decoding RNA cap types
- carom-sblab — An awesome package that does something
- cellphe — CellPhe: Toolkit for cell phenotyping from time-lapse videos
- chady — A package for ML libraries
- churn_prediction — Pacote para previsão de churn
- churn-prediction-dani — no summary
- civetqc — CivetQC is a command-line tool for automated quality control of CIVET outputs
- classification-analysis — This library is to monitor your model during the training process and track the metrics to find the best model
- climaticai — climaticai is a library that builds, optimizes, and evaluates machine learning pipelines
- clust-learn — A Python package for explainable cluster analysis
- cotkg-ids — A network intrusion detection system using Chain of Thought, knowledge graphs and GraphSAGE
- cratonml — Python application for W-Seis
- CS-MINI-2024Z-AutoML — An AutoML project with various machine learning capabilities.
- cumulative-cost-boosting — Parameter free cost-sensitive adaptive boosting
- cytopy — Data centric algorithm agnostic cytometry analysis framework
- datafit — This is a Python package that automates the data preprocessing
- datascienv — Data Science package for setup data science environment in single line
- datawaza — Datawaza is a collection of tools for data exploration, visualization, data cleaning, pipeline creation, model iteration, and evaluation.
- decision-rules — Package implementing decision rules. Includes tools for calculations of various measures and indicators, as well as algorithms for filtering rulesets.
- deep-kolibri — Deep Learning and more NLP toolkit
- DeFi-Assessment — A prototype project to perfrom risk assessment for DeFi lending platforms.
- delta-nlp — DELTA is a deep learning based natural language and speech processing platform.
- DigCNV — DigCNV: Discriminating True CNVs from artifacts from genotyping without further visualisation
- diversampling — An unsupervised methodology to implement a diversified under-sampling process to deal with the extremely imbalanced binary classification problem
- Djaizz — Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Django Applications
- dl-cliche — dl-cliche: Packaging cliche utilities
- DMWT — no summary
- dnneasyensemble — a package for easyensemble whose basemodel is dnn
- dorkylever-lama-phenotype-detection — Phenotype detection pipeline for finding abnormalities in mouse embryos
- dpks — Data processing package for the analysis of omics data
- dsbundle — Streamline your data science setup with dsbundle in one effortless install.
- dummyML — Automated data analysis pipelines on tabular data for data analyst
- e2eml — An end-to-end solution for automl
- easypreprocessing — An easy to use pre-processing utility for machine learning.
- edgaro — Explainable imbalanceD learninG compARatOr
- ehrapy — Electronic Health Record Analysis with Python.
- eis_toolkit — EIS Toolkit is a comprehensive collection of tools suitable for mineral prospectivity mapping. This toolkit has been developed as part of the Exploration Information System project which has been funded by European Union.
- empulse — Value-driven and cost-sensitive tools for scikit-learn
- end2endML — Automated data analysis pipelines on tabular data for data analyst
- enigmx — enigmx package
- ensemble-integration — Ensemble Integration: a customizable pipeline for generating multi-modal, heterogeneous ensembles
- eslearn — This project is designed for machine learning in resting-state fMRI field
- EtaML — An automated machine learning platform with a focus on explainability
- evalml — an AutoML library that builds, optimizes, and evaluates machine learning pipelines using domain-specific objective functions
- evoml.framework — An Open-Source Classification-Based Nature-Inspired Optimization Clustering Framework in Python
- EvoPreprocess — Data Preprocessing with Evolutionary and Nature Inspired Algorithms.
- fact-checker — A fact checker with justification
- falcon-ml — AutoML library for fast experementations.
- FeatureFlex — An AutoML project with various machine learning capabilities.
- fold-core — A Time Series Cross-Validation library that lets you build, deploy and update composite models easily. An order of magnitude speed-up, combined with flexibility and rigour.
- forgetnet — A package for applying differential privacy to model training using gradient shuffling and membership inference attack detection.
- funmap — generate gene co-function networks using omics data
- Galaxy-ML — Galaxy Machine Learning Library
- gargaml — A personal ML lib
- Gedi — Generating Event Data with Intentional Features for Benchmarking Process Mining
- GeeseTools — Modular and extensible data preprocessing library
- genmrmr — Algorithm that uses genetic and MRMR for feature selection
- gentab — A synthetic tabular data generation library.
- gitlabds — Gitlab Data Science and Modeling Tools